Chapter 444: Blackbird

The prisoner moved backwards subconsciously, and the check knife fluttered gently, his palms gripping the other's soft throat. The other prisoner tried to pull out the knife, and was checked by a small knife to break the skull, and he immediately drew.
"Oh ~"
The jaw pinched in his throat was horrified by such a brutal killing method. Zha Xiaodao didn't use much strength in his hands, but his face was swollen and purple, and he wanted to scare him to death.
Zha's knife was in the charcoal brazier, and the hand raised a blood-red charcoal block, and the white smoke overflowed from his fingers, exuding people.
Facing his jail, he asked grimly, "Who greeted you?"
"Ke, the head of the Ke family, Xiao Jinya, the uncle of the tiger, uncle, I'm a errand, I take money to do things, I don't know anything."
Cha Xiaodao laughed out two rows of white teeth: "Where is he?"
"Qingzao Hutong Hongbaofang! There are thugs from the Ke family captive. Uncle, this is the first time, I will never dare, you will kill me. Ah ah ah ah ~"
The prisoner shed tears, and the investigation knife didn't say a word. He directly inserted the burning charcoal block into the mouth of the prisoner. The miserable wailing sound in the cell gradually deformed, but he could not see through the dungeon at all.
The jailed shrimp in the jaws curled up, squinting around the neck, bursts of black smoke from the mouth, eyes protruding, and the blood in the mouth was terrible.
Cha Xiaodao walked out of the prison door silently, and his body was full of anger. In the cells on both sides, the faces of the horrible death rowers made his face even more shocking.
Tell the crew on Fengzhou to see and Cao Yongchang to see, they will never believe it. The shy man who usually only cooks some good dishes for others to eat, is quiet, always smokes in the corner, can do such a cruel thing with a bland look.
This kind of thing is more like what Li Zhenfu can do.
actually not.
In the eyes of Cha Xiaodao, Li Yan always had great distrust of justice and order. When he encounters misery and difficulties, he trusts only his hands.
Alcohol swallowed in the stomach, and walked alone in the storm, but that was the case. This tough character is sometimes close to cold.
Li Yan can only be such a person, can only have that kind of origin and character. He despise the weak, but how can there be no weak and fearful person in the world? Most people are oppressed by murder and arson, and they are always cowardly, cowardly, and angerless, but they can't blame them.
Li Yan occasionally appears jealous and hateful, but he cannot empathize.
He couldn't appreciate the pain and fear of the weak, so he couldn't appreciate how violent and distorted the evildoers in the world ...
But unlike Cha Dao, he has always felt the same.
The sound of footsteps from the dungeon, and an ignition star revealed in the darkness, was a burning cigarette, followed by the face of Cha Xiaodao.
He walked out of the cell in those messy aqua blue shirts, only looking up at the thunder light in the sky for a while. So quietly submerged into the torrential rain.
Qingzao Hutong Red Treasure Square is a small, three-story building.
The rain was anxious, and the chief executive of Ke Zhai, known as the tiger's too old, Xiao Jinya, roasted the fire with his brothers and played a game of cards.
"Uncle made silver, that surnamed Cha could not live in jail! He interrupted his two legs first, closed the window in the jail, and did not let him accept his bedpan. The wound was rotten with maggots and hurt. Bone. Ask him to enjoy it before beheading. Ah, ha ha ha. "
Cha Dao opened the door of Hongbaofang, and the planks flew across the street.
He didn't look at a few Baxian tables, screaming and yelling, entered the door and asked, "Who is Xiao Jinya?"
Xiao Jinya has been mixed for a long time, one turned over to the counter, pulled out a long bird owl from the splint, and pulled the lead at the door. It was just that the muzzle swayed from right to left, but the small knife at the door was not found.
What about people?
Xiao Jin's eyes flew, and the bird owl was pulled away by Cha Xiaodao. Then he watched the other side split on his head like a burning stick, and then he was unconscious.
Many thugs shouted that these people were actually wrapped in purple rune paper around their waists. After being torn, their shape expanded to two meters. The blue face had fangs and fierce ghosts. They took out steel knives from the table and rushed violently. In the eyes of the knife, there was actually a faint red light.
[Iron Corpse Talisman]: The external spell, the body strength after the tear is infinite, the skin is as hard as steel, lasts for an hour, and consumes the blood of the boy and the half-life of the broken charm.
An iron corpse slashed in front of him, and Cha Xiaodao jumped onto the Eight Immortals table to avoid the knife light. A sharp iron pipe in his hand poked sharply into the opponent's throat. Split, two heads flew into the sky. These iron corpses did not fear death. From the four bread clips, Zha Xiaodao was about to turn around. The headless corpse behind him actually hugged himself, his arms locked together, and the copper cast iron was generally strong.
When Cha Xiaodao turned his head back, at least seven or eight steel knives were split from his head and neck.
The fire flickered in the torrential rain.
The black ashes were lifted by the wind and rain, and the iron corpses in the entire lobby turned into a coke, and could no longer stand up.
Faint weeping and screaming uploaded from the floor. A few people wore jewelry, and rouge powdered head saw the scene on the stairs, scared to the ground and wanted to run, but the legs did not listen.
Zha Xiaodao only looked up and retracted his gaze. He pulled out the comatose Xiao Jinya from the overturned table and chair, and threw it to the door to catch him in the wind and rain, awakening him.
"Hello guy, my surname is Xiao, and the peacock room upstairs has 50,000 ..."
"I'm checking the knife."
Cha Xiaodao found a stool to sit on.
Xiao Jinya first froze, and then yelled frantically: "Hello guy! Hey guy! I have something to say, I have something to say, forgive me!"
"My uncle sent an anti-knife pirate to Hong Kong to borrow Hong Sheng tonight, and by the way touch the door of the Hao couple who gave you witnesses. Just because of heavy rain, the thief should have arrived!"
Cha Xiaodao jumped when he heard the noise, picked up the steel knife and split Xiao Jinya from head to toe, and saw the flesh and bones flowing across the ground. In the heavy rain, only a few screams of powder heads screamed.
On the uninhabited street, Cha Xiaodao ran fast. He stepped on the water to find the alley with his memory. He turned in but saw only a place where blood and water flowed out from the steps.
Cha Xiaodao opened the store, and a strong smell came.
In Zha Xiaodao's eyes, the evil beast with a horned horn was intertwined with the bright stars, and eventually the stars disappeared, and a black puppet almost flew out of his eyes.
In the status bar of Cha Xiaodao, all the words of the bonus gradually became obscure, including the sergeant who got the injection before, and replaced it with the black word "饕餮".
Maybe he and Li Yan are already familiar enough, but just as Li Yan also has something to tell Cha Xiaodao, there is nothing wrong with Cha Xiaodao acting alone in the last incident.
Cha Xiaodao blinked his eyelids hard, trying to drive the four stiff feet in front of himself from his brain. He took out a few salted Coptis from his personal mark and stuffed them into his mouth. One clear.
[Salted Coptis chinensis]: The things that are bitter and cold can calm the fire.
"Hmm! Hmm!"
Cha Xiaodao spit out two times, with an unpleasant expression and astringent expression, followed closely, and he bent down a little in the water on the ground.
[Blessings of Heavenly Officials · Taixue Xunmei]
A series of footprints surfaced in front of Cha Xiaodao, and the rain could not wash away, leading to the deep street.

The anti-sky knife is a very strong pirate on the sea. Since Wang Zhi, Xu Hai and other big pirates have been killed decades ago, there are no great pirate forces on the sea, but there are hundreds of robbers scattered and scattered. Many are anti-sky knives, so he has five boats, more than 300 brothers, and several cannons. The track was cunning, and the government's siege did not succeed a few times. This time the flood, the official defense was empty, and the anti-knife wanted to get a vote, and by the way, he asked Ke Da to seek personal favor.
"it is done?"
Asked coldly, his face covered with black mud, wearing a white envelope.
"Okay, that little girl looks really good. No wonder the second Chen family made a romantic ghost."
The talking man was a bald man in a yellow jacket, followed by four or five people, wearing straw sandals, shoulders, and blood on the blade.
He held a wine goblet and drew in front of the anti-knife: "Look at it?"
Anti-knife saw a thick blood in the wine bark, frowning: "What a ghost."
The blood on the bald man's fingers had not been wiped clean, and muttered, "Purple river car. It turned out that the girl was pregnant for two months, and Ke called for it."
"What a fuck, even worse than Lao Tzu!" Anti Tiandao cursed: "Hurry up and take it away!"
The bald man shrank his neck, and the pirate rushing over the ship shouted, "Who takes the hand?"
"give it to me."
Talking was beside them, a man squatting on the ground and chewing food, and a man in a blood-stained blue shirt.
The bald man bowed his head when he heard the words, suddenly his face changed, and he jumped away, but the jar in his hand was gone.
Cha Xiaodao pressed the jar with one hand and the coarse bread from the boat with one hand. He squatted on the ground, tearing the bread with his teeth, and chewing and swallowing.
The anti-knife suddenly shuddered. The man's swallowing of bread in front of him reminded him of the beast tearing the flesh of his prey.
"Where is Ke's house? Are the Ke's and his wife in the house?"
The bald man drew a knife: "You ..."
A black flame rose into the air, and the bald man turned to ashes in no time. There was no bone dregs left. He was turned to ashes with him, and there were several pirate pirates behind him who had pulled out weapons.
The anti-knife must be god, and said, "Ke Nuoran should be in the dyeing workshop of the Chen family at this time, and Chen Tianfang invited him to go. The Ke Chen family should also be here. Fairy family, the brothers are just ..."
Cha Xiaodao's eyes were guilty, the towering black flames swept through the ship, one ship after another was ignited by the fire, and a black flame storm blew across the sea, the rain was never extinguished, and hundreds of black skulls fled to cry in the fire. Shouting, black smoke billowing, these fire skeletons struggled for a while, the bones were crisp and crumbled, and the whole person turned into fly ash.
Cha Xiaodao got out of the port, carrying the black fire of Manchuan and heading to the land. He frantically took out various food supplements from his personal mark, no matter whether it was sweet, salty, bitter or hot, he put his brain in his mouth, and he clearly ate. Extremely fast and irritable, the attitude of eating is full of a carnivore's ferocious rhythm, making everyone cold.

Rocks in the sea were cracked, fish and shrimp died of injuries and surfaced on the water. They were drawn into the water by several large whirlpools, and they started again and again.
A scarlet dozen-meter-long scar was marked on the scarlet pig-poisoned dragon king, and Qilian's tiger's mouth shattered and he was panting again and again. He waved his trident and ate another big tiger-headed rifle, his emotions grew fierce and he could scream, and he could hear it for dozens of miles.
Li Yan is also not good. The dragon spit mist of Zhi Qilian is similar to his own misfortune, but the power is indeed above himself. If Li Yan only used the unsupported Qi to fight against it, he was afraid to lose early. From time to time, it is a pity to say that most of his strength still relies on the Awakening Bird, which has been awakened up to 99%, and has basically been developed!
The current situation seems to be advantageous to Li Yan, the same as the eight poles. He is one enemy and two, but he can gain the upper hand, and the wolverines beaten by Qi Qilian and the King of Pig Po Dragon, but they have been fighting for more than a few hours, and were affected Fish and shrimp are calculated in tons. Li Yan gradually realized that something was wrong.
No matter how badly Qi Zhilian is injured, even if he smashed his head, as long as the water passed. This unsupported Qi must be wounded without death!
At the beginning of the war, more than a dozen rounds, Li Yan almost made Zhi Qilian look like this, but it is almost three hours now, but Qi Qilian still looks like this hard support, but Li Yan has used up the blue sky. Fu, the toxin in the body of the dragon spit mist has accumulated, the surgical elements have begun to stimulate spontaneous hematopoiesis, and actively opened the wound for Li Yan to eliminate the venomous blood.
The information of Jinghong's glance has always been that the greater the difference in strength, the longer the fighting time, the more detailed. At this moment, Jinghong's glance finally gave the mystery that Zhiqilian is so resistant.
[Bad Yuan monster body]: One of the destiny supernatural powers without Qi blood, the heavier the injury, the lower the injury, and after taking the injury, recover a certain injury. Even if the head is broken, it can be recast, but there is still the possibility of being killed in one shot.
Li Yan can conclude that this should be the next time that Qi Qi inherits the next, or the next awakening skill, but he did not expect to run into him now.
To this day, either, Li Yan was at a critical moment to ignite another destiny Jacques map, and never invaded, or Li Yan had to ponder the issue of running away.
Zhi Qilian also discovered the mystery and smiled at Li Yanzhang: "It looks like you are okay."
Li Yan fisted his fist. His most powerful killing move today is actually the blood dip burst from the accumulation of damage. However, when he encountered the evil demon body, the blood dip was restrained this time. Now, Li Yan's injury is more serious than that of the last operation element awakening. He took two poisons before and after, and did not ignite the Jacques map, so he doesn't need to think about it.
However, Li Yan still has a trick to suppress the bottom of the box, but ... is it worth it?
Zhi Qilian got a cheap price and urged both the pig woman and the dragon king to step forward.
The blood of Wu Zhiqi and the dragon, the uniqueness of Yan Fu fruit tree, is highly compatible with the blood of Qi Wu, the secret of Yan Fu, and most importantly, I said no water, but the water ...
The shadow of the aunt and emperor emerged from behind Li Yan, and the young girl looked pained. She took a purple lotus flower beside her and pulled out the bleeding.
The King of Pigs Pooh suddenly howled, and turned to run. Zhi Qilian also wanted to run, but Li Yan's fist arrived.
Ghost car, detonate!
The purple halo exploded with Li Yan as the center, spreading in all directions, and the countless miserable ghosts and shadows in the halo were swinging, as if making people fall to hell.
Taiping Yinshu · Hundred Ghosts at Night!
Countless Venus is falling in the sky, Haitao is angry, golden flames are wafting from the sky, and the Dragon King of Pigs Pooh is wailing and drilling towards the bottom of the sea, but he can't help but be hit by Venus in the tail.
Taiping Yinshu · Earth to Heaven!
It's not over yet, a huge blood-red grimace emerged from behind Li Yan, biting towards the sea.
Taiping Yinshu Liuliu Blood Crying Curse!
You can sing all kinds of lights and shadows on the stage. The sea water evaporates into steam, and the bare sea is exposed to the sea dozens of meters deep, just like Tianwei.
Actively detonate the ghost car, sacrificing some of the bird's evolutionary potential, and release the forty-six yinshu techniques in Taiping Wenshu. In exchange for the unique reward for killing Qi Qilian, this sale is a profit or a loss. Now Li Yan still says badly ...
I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.
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