Chapter 481: Before the storm

There was a thunder outside the house, followed by a drizzle of rain.
The flame of the candle near the bed was swinging, Zhang Yichu looked at the sleepless cricket on the bed, his face sinking like water.
I smelled the familiar chicken knot fragrance and slowly opened my eyes. Zhang Tianshi's face came into view.
"Master, disciple is incompetent, not Jinshan's opponent."
Zhang Yichu exhaled: "The dry light hole has been leveled, and winning or losing is not important."
I opened my eyes wide and said, "But I obviously lost."
"That Jinshan has long been tired of the seductive name of the big demon among people. This was his irritable and chatty words from time to time. Who knows that the deeper he is, the deeper he can't extricate himself. Now a great opportunity is in front of him. He has such a good face. On Fulong Mountain, he meets you who has become the "Taiping Cave Extreme Sutra", like me when I was a teenager. I remember that when I lost to Dainei for a while, my mind floated, and I got a heavy hand. But not Hit me by hurting your life. "
When Zhang Yi first saw his expression lost, Haha laughed and said, "Jinshan is a person whose structure is too small. Only by using the ambition to get the world done, without the daring spirit, you are born with a child, a wizard of Dafa, and can surpass him sooner or later. This little frustration, don't worry about it. "
Xu's eyes flowed, but I didn't know what to think, but I really didn't get upset anymore, and laughed out, "The disciples know."
"This time you went down the mountain and saw that Li Zhenfu, what do you think of him?"
Zhang Yichu asked softly.
He said without hesitation: "Li Zhenfu is a somber and fierce man in his bones. He was born with a moral and tender cover, and in his heart ... it must be very contradictory."
Zhang Yichu smiled: "I wanted to ask him to come up the hill to talk, but I think he will not come."
"Well? What about Li Zhen caressing others?"
"He will break through the Dragon Tiger Mountain gate with the ancestors of Jinshan to rescue his beautiful lady. He is a man with a weapon and kills his heart. I believe that I have a plot and see that the power of Dragon Tiger Mountain is huge. He used to use his usual skill to deal with me. It was the kind of superficial Wufu who was going to fight a tiger with his bare fists, but even if he was reincarnated, can he still fight the dragon? "
Frown frowning: "Master, what are you going to do?"
Zhang Yichu said halfway, and there was a sudden boom in the sky. The long laughter of Jinshan ancestors spread throughout the rolling mountains.
"Zhang Laoer, I heard that the emperor summoned you to Beijing! Can you clean up the softness and free up Heavenly Master Tao? Huh?"
Many Taoist priests guarding the Tianmen Peak were shocked. Longhushan was so famous that no one dared to offend for many years. How come there were two less than half a year's effort?
Zhang Yichu opened his sleeves and opened the window full of wind and rain, and yelled at the many Taoist priests who were guarding the mountain. His voice was not loud, but he passed through the mountain.
His scolding covered up the rumbling thunder and spread it for a long time. Then Zhang Yichu turned his head and slowly answered the question I had just now: "I want this Li Zhenfu to know that each has his own superior, It's a self-defeating truth! Look at that, being a master will get you revenge. "
He pushed the door out, and pointed his finger towards the top of Tianmen.
Dan Niang ’s heavenly spirit cover suddenly sprayed a splendid radiance of red and blue, and flew down the mountain to Zhang Yichu's hands, but they were two ancient swords.
At the top of the Tianmen Gate, Dan Niang suddenly stood up, her face was solemn, and her entire body was exposed with a terrible horrible momentum, and a green fire ball like a mountain bag was born in front of her.
In the Shoushan formation, a mage in purple clothing roared loudly: "Tianshi took the Fengtian Demon's sword to cut off evil spirits and quickly picked up the instrument, so as not to let the Tianmon run away!"
Numerous instrument sounds and black paper crane storms converge, entangled with cyan flames. Can't compete for a while.
Zhang Yichu gently stroked the sword body. Dragon Tiger Mountain has four treasures of the town gate. One is "Zhengyi Alliancewei Jiupin Rune", and the inheritance of Dragon Tiger division is all in it. The second is "Tai Ping Dong Ji Jing", the first half of which is taught by Laojun and the art of ghosts and gods, and the second half is Zhang Tianshi's notes in his later years. The third is Yang Pingzhi's merit, and now he is sealed on the gate with Dan Niang.
The fourth is the three-and-five evil-swords in Zhang Tianshi's hands, with the stars and the sun on it. 80% of the ability to control ghosts and gods, cut down the ugliness, and demon demon monsters in Dragon Tiger Mountain is on this sword.
Jinshan's ancestors sat on hundreds of hectares of yellow clouds, and the thick cloud air changed from time to time into various beasts.
He saw Zhang Yichu pull out his sword, and he wanted to chat with a few smiles, but Zhang Yichu glared at him: "Rebellious demon, come forward and die!"
Jinshan's ancestors suddenly sank, and the clouds under him turned into thunder, lightning, and lightning, and all went towards the Tianmen Peak.
Zhang Yichu had to fly, two red and green swords in his hand were like the light of heaven, and he wiped out the magic of Jinshan ancestors.
The of light refused to spare and brushed the head of Jinshan's ancestors, cutting the small half of Jinyun stiffly.
Jin Shan looked prudently at the three and five swords, but he exclaimed: "Zhang Yichu, you really have a magic sword, but I ask you, this sword can cut the demons in the world, and you can also cut the floods What? "
Zhang Yichu turned a deaf ear to him, and killed King Jinshan again.

The rain is getting heavier. In front of the demon horse Fei Lei, it is the estuary where the Luxi River poured into the Xinjiang River. Over the years, tens of thousands of acres of land surrounding Longhu Mountain have been irrigated. headache……
Facing the estuary, Li Yan shook the river trident with both hands, looking cold.
Attracted the Taoist priests to Jinshan ancestors, there are few people here.
The dragon and tiger flag in the box of Zhu Hong's sword, Jinshan's ancestors told him long ago, don't take it out in front of Zhang Yichu, otherwise changes will inevitably occur. But even Dan Niang, who was far more than Li Yan, was trapped on Longhu Mountain, and there was no possibility of it hiding. Li Yan relied only on the help of Jinshan ancestors to rescue Dan Niang.
But this estuary of the Xinjiang River is Li Yan ’s resurrecting weapon. Among his tridents, Jiang Yan has the power of two rivers. In the heavy rain, Li Yan is sure to raise the sky and flood the Taiyi Pavilion. Submerged into the Three Provinces, to the Heavenly Master Hall! This prestige that depends on geographical location is difficult for Zhang Yichu to stop!
However, the flood Tianwei, fierce Ruosi, he Li Yan can not control ...
Tianmenfeng had been fighting fiercely, but he didn't move.
Finally, he saw the familiar blue mountain fire erupting on the Tianmen Peak. Although he was identified as Dan Niang in his heart, he saw again that Li Yan was still very excited, but he looked towards the water across the river with a gloomy look. .
As soon as he gritted his teeth, he wanted to reach the trident into the river.
"Soothing and slow!"
Li Yan Xunsheng looked, actually the blind strange monk holding a tin rod was Jianlian! But somehow came here.
"Monk, you should be sent away by Jinshan, why come to me?"
Ear Jianlian shook her head with a heavy expression on his face: "Zhen Fu still remembers that I once conveyed the words of the female Bodhisattva, don't make evil."
"I only divert water to the Dragon Tiger Mountain, and it will not affect the people. What about the Taoist priests, that's my business."
"This word is bad, calm! You know that together with this flood of water, thousands of acres of good land under Longhu Mountain will be flooded. These people are ordinary farmers who rent Tianshidao fields. With the flood, the harvest is destroyed. Famine! You don't kill Beren, but Beren died because of you. What's the difference between you and the holy man who eats human flesh? "
Li Yanshundang replied: "It's September now, the grain has been hit twice, and there is no crop in the field."
"What about the people who have no place to live? The loss of property is geometrical? How do you inevitably drown your life? Calm down, you should be cautious with the power of Hongfeng."
After a long time, Li Yan said again: "I came from persecution! It was Tianshidao's trouble to find me! Couldn't you call me back?"
Ear Jianlian bowed his head: "Everyone in the world is greedy and greedy. Even if I have the Dharma, who is not easy to understand and easy to do? How many craziers have been seen with cold eyes along the way? Their way of death is not as it is today Does n’t the reassurance look like that?

The black paper crane was pressed into the top of the Tianmen Peak, and those blue mountain fires were oppressed and could not lift their heads, and they were almost invisible.
Li Yan's face became a little impatient.
Li Yan didn't know. There was a whole body of red flag in the sword box behind him. At this moment, it was soaked and melted, giving birth to a vicious facial feature. Looking at the eyebrows, it was quite similar to Li Yan!
He fisted and loosened, and loosened and fisted, and finally, he threw the trident into the mouth of the river! Ear Jianlian was frightened. Just when he thought he couldn't dissuade Li Yan, Li Yan broke his horse and ignored Xinjiangkou.
"I entered the river to enter the river, not to listen to your mother-in-law, but just want to try another method, if not the best of both worlds. I can also call Jiang Ji to launch a huge flood peak at the bottom of the river! What a disaster then, It's all in my head. "
Li Yan pulled away, the blood red flag in the sword box behind him suddenly stopped melting, and the appearance of the ordinary jade blood flag changed a little ...
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