Chapter 496: Monster Crush!

"Brother, the new guest wants a squirrel mandarin fish and says he wants authentic Sichuan cuisine."
"it is good."
Cha Xiaodao grabbed a live fish from the water tank, descaled the viscera and deboned head, cut a flower knife to wrap the flour, deep-fried the whole fish, and rolled golden oil bubbles on the iron pan.
"Brother, people don't want it anymore. They will eat Lu cuisine instead. It will be crispy when they burst into oil. They said the money for the two dishes will be paid."
"Hey you ... okay."
Cha Xiaodao was a little upset, but didn't say anything else. He grabbed the tip of a pig belly from an iced earthen jar, cut off the fascia, took white sugar, soy sauce, sesame oil, and marinated starch. Only to fry the pan, the waiter at the front desk, Xiao Zhou, stepped on the small step and stepped into the kitchen again, his face embarrassed.
"Brother, they have to change again, saying that they want to eat Cantonese food, chicken soup with thick soup."
Checking the knife and spoon, "What's wrong with this person? Is there something wrong?"
Xiao Zhou a little bit twisted: "People say that money pays, but the food in front is gone."
"It's not about money. Tell him he can't do it, and let him find another house."
Xiao Zhou bowed his head and went out, and came back after a while: "They don't leave. But if there is no trouble, they say they want to see the chef."
On the contrary, Cha Xiaodao was very happy. He untied his apron, took off the chef's hat, and beckoned Xiao Zhou: "Go, take me to see."
On the table in the dining room, there were four or five men in different clothes. These people looked fit and didn't look like ordinary diners in the restaurant. They were laughing and joking with each other. The noise from the bust was suddenly closed, and all eyes turned to the door.
The investigation knife, who was about to enter the door, suddenly stopped and paused for a while before rushing to the waiter next to Xiao Zhou.
"Okay, brother, there, it's really impossible. We should call the police. This time, we should fight against and fight against blackness."
"It's all right!" Cha Xiaodao smirked. "I guess they don't want to trouble the people's police either. You go."
Xiaozhou then left sullenly, and Cha Xiaodao turned his head into Yajian, tightening the door and making a slamming sound.
"What are you looking for?"
When Cha Xiaodao entered the door, he pulled out a chair and sat down.
"Can't make chicken wings?"
The man who spoke to him was wearing plain eyes and a clean white shirt. He was in his thirties and had a soft face.
Cha Xiaodao pointed his finger at the clock, which means he was in a hurry.
"Our boss wants to see you. He is Yan Zhaohui's acting agent. You can call him Tiger."
"If you're looking for trouble with Li Yan, he went to Hongshan Paddock. I still have guests. Can you not disturb me in business?"
Cha Xiaodao asked softly.
"Huh, it's fast to sell friends, he can't run! But you still have to walk with us."
The glasses man sneered: "Brother, come along with us, don't make it hard for us."
Cha Xiaodao sat upright and shook his head and sighed: "You are so brave, so openly to make troubles, aren't you afraid that Zhao Jianzhong is in trouble?"
The spectacled man smiled, "Would it be nice if he didn't tell him?"
His voice had just fallen, and the sturdy vastness blew from behind him. The entire room suddenly became rotten and old, moss spread on the walls, spider webs were formed on the corners, and the tablecloth was stained with large black blood stains.
[Su Mi Fantasy: Veil of the Ghost]
Category: Special Skills
Quality: Rare
It costs 1,000 Yan floating-point numbers to learn. Occupy a skill bar. You can pull all the creatures around 10 10 10 into the exclusive fantasy "Veil of Ghosts", and get the help of the magic charm.
Fighting in the veil of ghosts will not affect reality,
Remarks: Some special Yan Fu events can be drawn rewards.
Cha Xiaodao was a little surprised. He remembered the first encounter with Li Yan, "Yan Du Bo Ye Ye", which had the same effect as the other party's ability.
The deep or light red light illuminates the eye of Cha Xiaodao. The man with glasses moved his chair back: "I know that you have the highest evaluation of Jiuyi Peak, and you can be regarded as one of the best. The ordinary octopus is not your opponent. But the five of us are all octopuses. I advise you to give up the resistance. Don't suffer for nothing. "
All kinds of horrible invisible ghosts escaped from under the table. The uninvited diners in front of them exudes a horrible cold and cold taste, echoing each other remotely. Obviously, these eight-pole walking is not a random piece together. Skills, strengthening secrets, and even inheritance. Obviously the same origin, both have a spooky and weird ability.
"I said, I really have guests to say ..."
Before the words of Cha Xiaodao were finished, hundreds of strange shadows swarmed up and drowned them.
But then, a golden light broke through the ghosts, and even the curtain of fierce ghosts was opened.
The man with glasses changed his face. Unless he was shocked or stunned, the veil of ghosts would never be broken by external forces.
But in addition, there is another possibility, that is, it encountered a more powerful Xu Mi fantasy!
[Xumi Illusion: Eternal Life Biography! 】

The man with the white three-eye pattern on the vest came in and hurriedly rushed to Gu Yue to report: "People who found suspicious traces outside the paddock initially thought they were poaching, but later found a group of Yan Fu walking. The peaks of the eight poles, the five ordinary eight poles, seem to be following Li Yan here, and we have been arrested. They say that they are acting for tigers, sister Gu, what to do? "
Gu Yue's eyes stared at the screen, and the Coke jar in her hand was crumpled. She ignored the man who broke in, her face sinking like water.
The girl in camouflage winked, and the man bowed his head and went out.
Seeing this, the girl in camouflage clothing rubbed her face. Although she made a big profit, the girl was still heavy in the face of the miserable picture on the screen.
"What a monster ..."
On the big screen, only Li Yan was still standing, and the golden sword in his hand was entangled with black flames of fire. Senran's eyes looked through the lens and looked directly at Gu Yue.
The wings of the aunt and daughter passed by.
In the high-definition screen, there are close-ups of those who attempted to annihilate Li Yan and belong to the eight-pole walking group under the "Three Eyes Global". A few of them could barely stand upright, their legs could not stand at all, and they basically lost their ability to move.
Gu Yue's eyes slipped past the white digital time in the upper right corner of the big screen.
At 7: 42: 5 pm, the off-road vehicle exploded, and the target jumped out of the fire field. The blow was stunned twice and strengthened by burial.
At seventy-three minutes, the siege began. The target suddenly emits indescribable murderous fluctuations, the level of which is comparable to that of the seventh house. The four reserve soldiers, Lang Qiyan and Lin Ren, had no idea that they could not release the "heritage attitude". They were struck by the target and hit the face, and died on the spot.
Among the four octopants who walked out of the eight poles, Lin Ren, the No. 7 reserve, has the strongest combat ability. His lineage "赑 屃" has been strengthened four times and has legendary weapons. [八 宝蓝 伞] .
At 7.45, the nine members started the reserve in a "heritage attitude" and had a fierce battle with the target at the same time. The process took about two minutes.
Of the nine reserve forces, the strongest combat ability was Lu Zilang, reserve number 4, mixed with Thai and Thai, with the nickname "Heavenly Ghost". Before entering Yan Fu, he took the golden belt at Lubini Muay Thai. Freehand combat specialization reaches 89%!
His lineage is the "Sky Wounded Star", which has been strengthened seven times.
In addition to inheritance, he also has a personal enhancement ability that has grown up to the top of the eight poles: Qimu Shen, with amazing defense power. Even some of the "heritage attitude" killing moves can be completely resisted!
At 7.45 minutes and 20 seconds, the battle ended. The target later carried the cost of a penetrating injury, which caused all reserve forces, including Lu Zilang, to lose combat capabilities. Five of them were seriously injured, and two important internal organs were severely damaged. They needed immediate rescue.
In a short, fierce battle, the target exhibits at least 90% of the melee specialization level.
A legendary weapon.
One suspected destructive firearm.
A pig-poisoned dragon whose strength surpasses ordinary octopuses.
The potential is two kinds of growth ability at the seventh house level: one is identified as the fourth-order orthodox gene medicine, and one is related to seawater.
In addition, the other's aunt won the bird, inherited two inheritances, and strengthened the secret more than fifty times! Not five times, but fifty times!
Among them, there are at least thirty types of enhanced secrets, which belong to the type of secret burials not included in "Three Eyes Global"!
"He is indeed a monster."
Gu Yue finally spoke.
With such strength, completing Yan Fu's trials below Level 1 in difficulty and becoming a surrogate, there is no effort at all.
Secretly in her heart,
"But the monster, not just him."
I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.
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