Chapter 539: Voices (below)

Often wanting to say something, St. Yves suddenly stood up.
He put his arms around Chang Yu's shoulder and lowered his voice: "Often, I am by no means stupid and rude Irish guys. They preach rotten patriotism to cover their laziness and incompetence, but I am not. Not only me, the whole Enfield, and even San Francisco, look at you differently. Often, you have lived in this city for ten years. Here you are taught advanced knowledge and given you a job where you can achieve yourself. She is nurtured like a mother You. But what do your compatriots, your land, your real mother give you? They only give you hunger, disease and poverty. "
Saint Yves turned his head: "At that time, your hometown was starving to death everywhere. Your parents sold you two pounds of Xiaomi. You were only fifteen years old when you were caught by a slave dealer like a livestock. ferry"
Chang Yu's eyelids trembled violently. He felt like a living anatomical frog on the operating table. Saint Yves' words were dismembering him a little.
The exquisite face in front of him looked like a ghost: "You should be fortunate that when they are in a famine, they choose to sell you instead of eating you to eat."
The angry Chang Yu shoved Saint Yves to the wall, clasped his collar tightly with his hands, and almost a fire broke out in his eyes.
Several guards rushed in and looked poor.
Chang Yu gritted his teeth and opened his mouth a few times, but his throat was speechless like glue.
For a long time, Chang Yu's eyes lost focus and he let go.
"Sorry, Mr. Saint Yves."
Saint Yves scratched his collar and smiled unnaturally: "It doesn't matter, I have always been a generous person."
He raised his hand to the guard again: "You go out."
The guards looked at each other before turning around and leaving.
"Look at this."
St. Yves sat back to his place, he opened the drawer, and gave Chang Yu a large volume of complicated drawings and designs: "Single drawing of the giant Ymir."
Chang Yu looked away and said gently, "Sir, this is not my responsibility."
"It's ok."
St. Yves pushed the drawings to Chang Yu and said to himself: "The design of Enfield was originally invited to participate in this year's World Expo. But up to now, it has too much power and it can't handle the triathlon. The problem is still not solved perfectly. "
At the word "World Expo", Chang Yu's eyes fluctuated.
"The person in charge of this project recommended you to me. Speaking of which, you solved the last triathlon accident. I know that you have been responsible for the repair and maintenance of individual soldiers and large steam equipment. There is no chance. Contact parts design. Take this part of the drawing back and take a look slowly, don't rush to reply to me. How about it? "
Chang Yu silently for a while: "I'm willing to try. Only half of the smile on Saint Yves' face was revealed, and Chang Yu followed closely and said," But I have a condition. "
Saint Yves converged with a smile: "You say."
"I asked for a signature on the design of the giant Imir."
Chang Yu's tone was very firm: "In addition, I requested that as a member of Enfield's delegation, attend this London World's Fair to be a lecturer on this improved design."
St. Yves frowned unwillingly.
"Intensive protection design for high-risk sections of the maritime railway, Hera's individual vortex revolving device, NO · 4 drone mercury vapor tube ... I have never asked for a signature."
Chang Yu exhaled deeply: "This time."
It took a long time for St. Yves to cover his forehead and answer: "You can't sign this design scheme. But I can consider letting you join the delegation by name. This is my biggest concession. This alone will already make Enfield is under a lot of public pressure. "
"... I hope you will keep your promise."
Chang Yu bowed, picked up the design on the table, and turned to leave.
The wooden door of the office squeaked together. St. Yves stared at Chang Yu's cold features through the glass of the corridor, only to take his eyes back for a long time.
He snapped his fingers and rushed to the secretary next to him. "If you can really solve the power problem of Giant Emir, give him a bigger room, and give him a thousand dollars."
"Good sir." The secretary nodded.
The valleys are filled with shallow star points, the sky has exposed white fish belly, and the river water is mixed with milky moonlight and rushes to the shore.
This is an exhausted gold mining area. Because of the dangerous terrain, the steam machine is difficult to climb, and it is slowly abandoned by the big mine. Only poor people will occasionally come to try their luck.
Later, this became a dangerous area for horses and thieves, and a gold rush for some poor Chinese miners.
"Oh ~"
The hairless who was missing the front teeth screamed in the sky, and the voice was dry and unpleasant. It was covered with a tattered cowboy full of wine, and his high hat covered his face.
A stone burst and smashed the hat on the drunk man's head!
The drunk fell on his back, his eyes turned upside down, facing the fresh corpse packed in the valley.
A small stone was thrown up and down in Zha Xiaodao's hands, and the smell on his body persisted.
Li Yan on the sister-in-law struck a carp, raised his eyebrows and drew his eyebrows: "Did you take gun medicine?"
Cha Dao threw away the stone: "How did you find it?"
Li Yan jumped off his sister-in-law: "Specially inquire about the place where the dead body can be thrown into the wild and there is no evidence of death.
"Of those people, six were horse thieves and one was the judge's nephew. Inspired by the new bill, they temporarily deliberately robbed Chinese miners who were mining here. They were shot dead with a gun and the bodies were thrown into the river . Afterwards, these people were still full of thoughts, took a boat to go upstream, and then met me who rushed for gold according to astrology. "
"I see, but what are you doing here?"
Li Yan pulled the sister-in-law over.
Zha Xiaodao stretched his eyes, his eyes half closed: "I am annoyed, find a place where no one is calm and calm."
Li Yan looked back at the miserable corpse in the river, and suddenly asked, "Did Dorothy's book be delivered?"
Cha Dadao glanced at his mouth: "Here it is, in my hand, I have no time to look."
"give me."
Cha Xiaodao took out a cover of the scarlet fish head from his arms and threw it to Li Yan.
Li Yan opened and turned a few pages before he casually asked, "Get them?"
Cha Xiaodao lowered his head: "You take the idea."
"Then get them." Li Yan closed the book, thought for a while, and shook his head: "But we do it, it's not the case."
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