Chapter 572: 貘 Visiting

In the driver's seat of the big truck was a man in his forties, a bearded man, wearing a shiny leather jacket. Next to him was a child wearing a yellow peaked cap, looking younger than ten years old.
"Dad, where are we going?"
"To shut up."
The child on the first officer narrowed his neck and lowered his head to hear the sound.
The pale mountain roads are intertwined among the undulating and dense black rolling mountains. A semi-old Dongfeng Tianlong truck struggled to shuttle between the mountains. This is the Sichuan-Tibet South Line, known as the Nushan 72 turn road. Called one of the most difficult sections in the country, the highway passes through Yela Mountain to the Nu River Grand Canyon, next to the China-Myanmar border.
The man held the steering wheel with one hand and the phone with the other, mixed with a half-baked Burmese language in Mandarin and fiercely negotiating across the phone.
As the saliva flew across, the truck turned corners dangerously and dangerously, and the gravel sparsely fell down the cliff, shuddering.
It took a long time for the man to hang up the phone and toss it on a blood-stained shoulder bag. The zipper of the shoulder bag is mostly open, and inside it is a stack of banknotes, a few gold bricks and two bottles of drinking water.
He glanced at his son: "Hungry?"
"Not hungry."
The child shook his head.
The man no longer spoke, and the truck ran across the steep highway.
He raised his eyelids stupidly, standing at the end of a mountain-like rolling road in front of a big python, standing tall and thin, a man wearing a blue neckband, holding a 54-type pistol in his hand.
The sound of the truck engine was soft, and the man's hand on the steering wheel tightened.
"Son," he cried, "close your eyes. I don't want you to keep your eyes open. Do you hear me?"
While the child closed his eyes, the man stepped on the accelerator under his foot to the end, the pointer of the instrument panel turned sharply, and the pointer touched the bottom. In such an intricate and dangerous terrain, there is no difference between a man stepping on the accelerator and suicide.
Dongfeng Tianlong, which weighs 12 tons, exploded into a thrilling huge inertia. At the sight of it, it was about to rush down the cliff. The heavy truck tires actually rubbed against the road ground to cause Mars. The entire truck seemed to be sucked on a steep mountain road. At the same time as friction, speeding between the 72 turns!
In Mars, the heavy truck faded its color, flew away parts, and changed structures. It took only a few seconds, a metal pouring, and the steel giant with three heads and six arms reborn from the heavy truck. It held Chang Ge, Short Shuo and other colors. Primitive weapons, rising like a hill, slammed into the man in the blue scarf at the end of the highway.
Inheritance: Bian Ling · Sergeant.
"The Great Wild West": "In the Great Wild, there is a mountain named Yue, who is sun and moon."
In the cab, the man exhaled heavily and placed his calloused hand on his son's head. If the child opened his eyes at this moment, he would see his father's iron-like bright colors appear on his body. It looks like a stone sculpture with a strong wind and sun.
While loading his pistol, the blue bib looked up and fired.
It was not the sound of gunpowder exploding that accompanied the son, but a crisp sound, like the sound of a stone strike.
The 7.62 mm pistol round penetrated the head of the Iron Giant, and white ripples spread across the mountains. It was followed by a violent explosion.
a long time.
Amid the debris and smoke, the man hugged his son who was unconscious before raising his head. The hot muzzle had reached his forehead.
The blue bib stared at the man and asked, "Hey? Hey?"
The man squinted his eyes, and the blood dripping from the corners of his eyes and ears to the ground. He took a sip of blood and sputum, but still sneered: "You are so good."
The blue bib didn't speak anymore and pulled the trigger directly.
The sound of golden stones struck through the forest.
"Who brought me here, brought here, brought here ~"
There was a roaring ringtone on the phone,
The blue bib carried the unconscious child with one hand, and the other hand connected to the phone and put it to his mouth.
"Return to Beijing immediately to participate in Yan Zhaohui."
"Did you drive it two months ago? And I didn't go last time, so I was busy."
"All the surrogates will come this time, all."
The Pride repeats it intentionally.
"What happened?"
"Qin An is dead."
The pupil of the blue scarf shrank, and the mobile phone was not held on the ground, showing the impact of this incident on him.
The voice of the puppet still came from the mobile phone on the ground: "Not only the master, but many people have died. Yan Zhaohui's personnel will change a lot. A large group of new people will come in, and the old man's seat will also be mentioned. You I have been in Yunnan for four or five years, and the old man has always been very optimistic about you, this time he called you back ... "

Li Yan walked down the attic with his muscles and bones thinking about the breaking news of the death of the Lord.
Master Qin An is one of the two Ten Masters newly appointed two years ago, but his reputation has slowly accumulated over decades.
The four masters of Yu, Li, Jie, and Lu are all acquainted with each other. He is the youngest. He is the most erratic of all ten masters. However, among the fruits of Tian Jiazi Nine, there are also a large number of supporters. People exist. Its size cannot be compared with that of other ten major organizations, but it should not be underestimated. It also has a considerable scale in the entire Yan Zhaohui.
But two days ago, the Lord died in a highly dangerous fruit, including the 40 or so surrogates who accompanied him.
In fact, the mortality rate of surrogates is not high, and usually one survivor does not die in one year. The severity of this incident was only second to a decisive battle with Si Fan two years ago.
The death of Qin An, plus the two-year vacancy of Master Mao, Cao Yuanchao was dormant, and the powers of the two gods were divided. The ten masters who are still active throughout the Yan Zhaohui, only five are left, and a large number of agents are vacant ...
With this in mind, Li Yan suddenly turned his eyes to the table in his own hall.
"thanks, thanks."
The greasy fat man took a bowl of rice porridge from Dan Niang, raised his head and rushed to Li Yan with a smile: "Why so long? You should have finished the incident half an hour ago."
Li Yanwang looked at Dan Niang, and Dan Niang glanced at the fat man: "He said it was your life-saving benefactor, so I let him in. About ten minutes after he came. Is he lying to me?"
"No, no, he is indeed my lifesaver."
The fat man gave Li Yan a thumbs up.
Li Yan went downstairs, just about to open his mouth. Suddenly, his sleeve was agitated, and a red four-claw crocodile flew out. There was a fragrant smell in the hall. The boy in red, he laughed, opened his mouth and sang:
The turtle blows Sheng, blasts the cannon, and the hairy crabs take a horse to walk.
Snakes hit the gongs, eels slapped the drums, and the water fowls carried their bulges.
The octopus plays the piano and pulls the hu.
Ying Fei lifted the lamp to follow the road, Tian Mi raised her flag and shouted hard.
The old uncle danced on tiptoes. Mantis shrimp stretches the belly.
Tianwuwu, it is going to rain, Hailong Palace, it is necessary to make up for it.
If you ask which dragon king? Yang Zichu in the Shuijun Palace!
The King of Pigs is overjoyed. It swallowed the soul, not only refining the human body, but Daoxing soared to the point of 2,500 years (the peak of the eight poles).
He was finished, all three eyes fell on him.
Li Yan stared silently at the pig king. No, he should be called Yang Zichu now.
"Well, Lord Zhenfu, I don't mean that. I'm not saying I'm the Shuijun ..."
Li Yan beckoned to open the entrance to Shuijun Palace: "Go in."
Seeing that Li Yan was not angry, the Dragon King of Pigeons responded with a sorrowful rush, and rushed into Shuijun Palace with a roll of content, saying with pride: "That's what it says, but you can calm the adults without entering the Shuijun Palace. Shuijun Palace, it's not my Yang Zichu who has the final say ... "
He planted it into the Shuijun Palace with a dragon body and ran into a large group of bronze green scale piranhas.
The huge dragon head protruded out of the Shuijun Palace, and the pig king stammered: "Big, big, big, sir, there is it, there is it ..."
"Go in."
Li Yan glanced at him.
"I." Three eyes cast at the same time.
The king of pigspork swallowed, and turned his head miserably into Shuijun Palace.
I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.
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