Chapter 586: Funeral without tears (4)

Zhu Jiuyin glanced at it, and concluded that the wounds on the representatives of Cha Xiaodao and Ying Yanhui were all caused by the unknown person who fell to the ground and looked miserable. He didn't even show interest in asking a question, and the black bubbles filled the sky above the cryer's head out of thin air.
It is not important who the cryer is, and why it hurts, and why he cries. He interrupts Qin'an's funeral and dies. The ins and outs of the matter will become clear when the three souls and seven souls of this person are scraped.
At the very moment of his death, his husky cry passed into the ears of Zhu Jiuyin.
"Mr. Qin, I gave you a hoe."
Zhu Jiuyin's eyes were astringent, and the black bubbles hanging over the cryer's head disappeared.
Most of the delegates who attended the funeral came out and were puzzled by everything that happened.
Li Yan walked quickly to Cha Xiaodao and whispered, "What's going on."
Cha Dadao covered his neck with his left hand and sighed, "It doesn't matter."
Cha had both fear and anger in his heart.
The crying man suddenly appeared, crying to enter the spiritual hall. He was very injured, and when normal people stopped him, he naturally relaxed his vigilance.
It became a small investigation knife that Xun performed, and most of the body could be turned into an invisible flame. According to the truth, there was no such thing as a sharp wound on his body, but the fact is that his neck was not only cut through a 10 cm wound. , And there is no way to recover.
This strangely real lethality, Cha Xiaodao has only seen one person.
The true solution of Li Yan's Qilian swordsmanship.
"Take it away."
A soft and soft voice came, talking about a charming and charming white-collar lady, who was the rain teacher who had a relationship with Li Yan.
Li Yan pushed away two steps. The woman's delicate and long fingers were gently wiped on the neck of Cha Xiaodao, and the wound disappeared. She also wiped the blood on the representative who was penetrated by the chest. , The man's breathing came straight.
"Thank you."
Li Yan quickly thanked him.
"It's just a small matter."
White-collar beauty smiled.
The beetle standing behind Zhao Jianzhong saw the cryer with a broken leg, and frowned angrily: "It's him."
Zhao Jianzhong glanced back at him: "Do you know this person?"
"Recognize that his name is Ugly, walking at the top of the eight poles and coming from the southwest. He was also a participant in the previous battle of placket. The family made a fright, and they also used dirty bomb-like props in the fighting, causing more than 40 casualties. He was caused by the serial explosion of the truck. The yak was seriously injured and he was still unconscious. I sent People took him down, and I broke his right leg. "
"Then why is he here?"
Zhao Jianzhong asked lightly.
"Sorry, it's my negligence. This person's ability is very weird. The agent will accidentally say it. Our agents have come to participate in the funeral. The remaining people are not strong enough. They should not have looked at him."
Zhao Jianzhong's conversation with Jiao Bing didn't keep the volume down. Everyone present heard it plainly and looked more ugly with blood.
"I'll take him away."
Talking, Pride walked out of the crowd.
"please wait a while."
The puppet's eyes fluttered, and she spoke of the dark-skinned woman who first applauded when she gave a eulogy in Zhu Jiuyin.
Her name is Kua Ye, her Chinese name is Yang, and she is a panhandler.
Before waiting for the Pride Organization, she stepped forward to the crying ugly kindness.
"Do you know Qin An?"
She stared at the ugly face.
For a long while, Ug Tzu wiped his face and nodded vigorously: "Mr. Qin saved my life and pointed me to some tips for identifying antiques. I followed him for two months."
He nodded intently: "He often does such boring things."
She lowered her body: "But you killed a lot of innocent people, you also disturbed the funeral, you are dead today, do you know?"
Ugly was a little bit fascinated, but then faced Panhu with no fear: "I am not a substitute. I failed to participate in the Yan Fu trial ten days ago, and I am not eligible to participate in Mr. Qin's funeral. I do not justify what I do I have already scratched my head for Mr. Qin, and I have no regrets. I am just a little person, but I have something to ask Yan Zhaohui. "
The expression on Pan Han's face seemed to be non-smiling: "Then you have to be careful."
Li Yan kept watching, and when he heard it, he unconsciously pulled the corners of his mouth, and his disdainful face remained undisguised.
Ugly swallowed his mouth and spit himself, restraining his beating heart, and then he opened his mouth. The full voice of the pride came.
"Did we stand here just to listen to his nonsense?"
The Pride stepped forward and stood side by side with Panyu: "The average person who died in his hands was at least double digits. He also seriously injured the yaks, eagle owls and a new agent. Panyu, Aren't you trying to protect him? "
Pan Yan smiled narrowed his eyes: "I dare not touch the mold of the Lord."
The arrogant insect stopped paying attention to him, and stretched out his big clear hand to grab the ugly kind.
Pan Yan grabbed the wrist of the worm: "You need to take the worm, but you have to finish it."
There were more people in the crowd.
The proud bug raised an eyebrow and was about to start.
"Stop it."
Both Panda and Panyu clenched their fists and replaced them with others. The two of them could be treated as inaudible people, so they had to stop first.
Zhu Jiuyin drank the cockroach, and then he stared expressionlessly at this moment, but suddenly looked at Zhao Jianzhong: "Master, we said yes. I'll take charge of the funeral of Xiao'an. I'm the sole proprietor. I commend them for deciding to belong privately, so why do you still arrest people? "
The proud bug tried to justify: "Mr. Zhuo, I was arrested. The old man didn't know about it. How old is Luoyang? It really makes them so noisy, and it will make a hole in the sky."
Zhuan Jiuyin rushed to the cockroach and blinked, "You, what's the catch?"
Awesome heart cold, he vaguely felt that he had made a very low-level mistake.
Zhao Jianzhong said in the present world that it's too long, and they forgot that Yan Fu had ten masters.
Before waiting for the puppet to speak again, Zhao Jianzhong interrupted him: "I have the right to ask all matters about Yan Fu's intervention in the life of a normal person. Jiuyin, this is also what we said. The puppet is confused and careless. Do you care about him too? "
He looked at the beetle again: "Catch him, wait until the funeral is over."
The proud insect nodded silently, but he knew that the original ugliness would undoubtedly die, but if the ugliness was mixed into Yan Zhaohui, the severest punishment would be to lose the acting inheritance. Moreover, the situation is now tense, and it is unlikely that a representative of Yan Zhaohui will be re-opened for this reason.
Moreover, although this ugly kind offended many people this time, they did not necessarily get the other person's attention. At least, Zhu Jiuyin was willing to protect him.
"Master Yu, do me a favor and heal his leg injury."
Zhu Jiuyin Chongyu Shi said.
Yu Shi nodded his head without comment. He just walked to Ug Tzu's side, and moved closer together on his short legs. Suddenly, he had long bones and muscles. Some scattered injuries on Ug Tzu's body were also cured.
Zhu Jiuyin suddenly exhaled: "There are a lot of juniors in Xiao Anti, but at the funeral there wasn't even a person willing to cry on the grave. It was a bit desolate."
He beckoned: "It's okay, what's the matter, everyone comes in and talks."
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