Chapter 681: Muni's Feast (middle)

The golden bullet mixed with the pungent smell of gun smoke sprayed out from the barrel, and the colorless fluctuations spread out like ripples on the water.
Muni, who rushed forward, only tilted his head slightly and let go of the bullet.
The bright red blood showered Lao Gao, blurring Yang Xi's vision. Immediately after a sharp pain came, Yang Yan's pupils shrank into a ball. He sucked in air silently, and the ruptured tendons and blood vessels at his shoulder contracted together, suppressing the spewing blood.
Qian Wu had a flower in front of him, and when Mou Ni appeared in front of him again, he held a gun-armed arm in his mouth. More terribly, he was chewing on this man's arm, only five or six. In a second, the entire arm, blood stains and clothes fibers disappeared into Mou Ni's mouth.
Qian Wu stayed in this scene, but he didn't respond for a while.
Mou Ni licked the blood from his mouth, and he played with Yang Xi's pistol. It was just an ordinary police type 92, and it was powerful only with the blessing of the [Injustice Clip].
Mou Ni withdrew from the magazine and threw one bullet after another into his mouth, like eating jelly beans. After eating a dozen or so in a row, Muni found that the magazine was still full, and he couldn't help but shine, and then he put it in his trouser pocket like a treasure.
The tapir hiding behind a shanty house swallowed. It seems that these iron sheets, which can't resist even a little temper, can bring him a sense of security.
Rennie, who didn't know when he joined him, was calmer. He hid on the side and rolled his eyes, seeming to hesitate.
Tapir patted him on the shoulder, shook his head and said, "With only a handful of unjust magazines, Yang Xi can sit unsteadily for two years as the first person under Liusi."
Yang Yan looked up pale, and he could clearly see the man in the yellow raincoat on the hill who was devouring his arm. Li Yan's words sounded in his ears.
"Muni does not seek to kill opponents cleanly. This man has a brain problem. He really enjoys the feeling of dividing and eating his living opponents. Also, his offensive methods are very primitive, every time he pounces like a dog. Come and bite the key, you know it once you see it."
Facing Muni’s gaze, Yang Xi was estimating the distance between each other while moving his only left hand back and forth, seemingly unaffected by the loss of his right arm and weapon.
Muni laughed out two rows of snow-white teeth, and then suddenly disappeared in place.
Yang Yan's fist slammed into Mou Ni's face, and the motorboat around the pier was silently folded into a ball, and a pit of about 100 meters was sunken out of thin air on the sea. The turbulent water instantly submerged Yang Yan's trouser legs. The black clouds in the sky were swept away! Exposed the sky full of stars.
Mou Ni was hit, and he flew back to Qian Wu's side. The yellow raincoat that didn't fit well was torn into a piece, and it fell weakly halfway through the mountain.
Land Muni couldn't help showing a look of surprise. He touched his eye sockets, but couldn't see any scars. Immediately showed extreme enthusiasm for Yang Xi, especially in the eyes of Yu Shi concubine and Li Yan!
I saw Yang Xi's black leather jacket and blue collar wrapped around a group of red clouds in the shape of a human, vaguely able to see the facial features, like a group of red clouds in the night.
This Dharma body is great, six divisions!
The tapir looked at it secretly.
"The rumors are indeed true."
It's no wonder that Zhao Jianzhong said to deal with Muni, while Yang Xi said that he was not doing his part.
In fact, Yang Xi's qualifications are not shallow. He became the core team of Jiao Chong when Yan Zhaohui was founded, and he was even more favored by Zhao Jianzhong. In the past two years, the strength of Yan Zhaohui has expanded rapidly. Ten masters have produced two of them, and there are dozens of six divisions. Even though Yang Yan is only a junior compared with these people, but with years of training, Yang Yan should have stepped into the position of Liusi as long as he thought about it.
It's just anecdotal rumors that Yang Xi didn't want to abandon his real name, so he had to follow the path of his dharmakaya. That's why he didn't step into the six divisions.
The status of Yan Fu's inheritance is divided into high and low. Some low-level inheritances have no potential to enter the six divisions. Even if they pass Yan Fu's trial, no matter how to use the secret store, they will only have the peak of the seven palaces. And for the high-ranking inheritance with great potential, if you want to step into the six divisions, there are also two paths for this dharmakaya and this dharma.
The body is difficult, but the law is easy.
The term dharma deity comes from the corresponding dharma of the tantric deity, which means blending. As long as the substitutes find the corresponding creatures in the great world of Yan Fu, and integrate its consciousness and real body, then you will pass on. You.
But if there is a slight mistake, the deity may be taken away by the other party. Once taken away, he will lose the identity of Yan Fu walking and become a winged insect in the fruit, and the complete inheritance of Yan Fu will be torn apart. Lost in the fruit of one party.
Unless the creatures of the inheritance are willing to obliterate all the sages and let the substitutes swallow them, such a precedent is not uncommon. Cao Yuanchao once found Si Wenji a nine-tailed fox whose sage was completely obliterated. The dharma deity achieved in this way has almost no side effects, and can protect his consciousness and memory from being corroded to the greatest extent.
In other words, there is indeed the possibility of inheritance consciousness disrupting the self when the deity is great. Even Zhuo Jiu, among the ten masters today, has had too much inheritance consciousness when the deity was great. Root cause.
Eighty-nine out of ten in the Yan Zhaohui today are the six divisions of the dharma deity. Very few are willing or able to follow the path of the dharma body.
As for the term Dharmakaya, it comes from the "Ten Volumes of Chengwei Consciousness Theory", and this Muni Zun obtained two fruits, eternally away from the two obstacles, and is also called Dharmakaya. It means that Shakyamuni had all kinds of supernatural powers when he was enlightened, so this Dharmakaya also has the meaning of enlightenment.
No one knows how to take this road. They only know that they need to use massive amounts of awakening and Yan Fu's secret to consolidate themselves, and break through themselves at the critical moment. Refining all the impurities that Yan Fu inherited and not compatible with himself is a path with high risks and low returns.
In Yan Zhaohui, only the substitutes of this dharmakaya can keep their real names at the earliest, especially in the case of ten masters. The feather lord, ghost lord, and human lord of this dharmakaya are often called by their true names. Jiuyin is called by the inheritance name.
It's just that the old and the new are replaced. Some of the past rules have become vague. Now many of the Dharma deities, and even the Seventh Palace, are often commensurate with their real names.
The existence of Yan Zhaohui has made it easier for more people to be promoted. It is said that in the era before Yan Zhaohui, the number of this Dharma body and this Dharma deity was about one in ten. But today, two years after Yan Zhaohui, Yang Xi has very few people willing to temper this Dharma body. After going forward, it is the only six divisions of this Dharmakaya that succeeded in the era of Yan Zhaohui.
But the one who may die the fastest...
hideous! hideous!
One after another huge pits appeared on the sea out of thin air. This is a manifestation of Yang Xi’s uncontrollable force leaking. Muni’s bites again and again, in addition to speed and strength, are completely unpretentious, but they give way to Liusi soon. Yang Xi was exhausted. If it weren't for Mou Ni's insistence on only biting once, he would immediately return to Qian Wu when he was hit by Yang Yan's fist. Yang Gui would have died under Mou Ni's mouth.
It's just that he couldn't attack for a long time, and Mu Ni also showed an expression of impatientness.
"Muni, you have to remember. Don't let Qian Wu leave your sight for more than one breath."
Sekong Chong Muni shook Bai Nen's fingers: "If you feel that you can't handle it, eat this old man immediately. No matter what tricks Zhao Jianzhong uses, you don't have to be afraid. Remember."
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