Chapter 687: Four Pillar Dragon Eye

The bone skeleton looked like it was about to break its skin, and the other nineteen bones all cheered and screamed, as if they were welcoming a great moment.
Mou Ni looked up to the sky and roared. Since he was born, he had never eaten something so delicious, nor had he felt such a surging power.
The twentieth bone skull cracked the flesh and skin on Mou Ni’s chest, but in the end it stopped growing without breaking open. Mou Ni was immersed in the supreme pleasure of swallowing. At this moment, the bone skull would be broken. He was awakened from contentment.
He looked around, and the landscape in his vision was covered with a layer of steam, a doomsday scene that looked bleak and weird.
I didn't see any movement from Mou Ni. The skeletons on their chests opened their mouths and swallowed the steam all over the sky, clearing the sky and the sea.
At this moment, there is nothing left of the formerly rich and powerful treasure, and even the sea level has been evaporated by the Ambota volcanic bacteria, lowering a full tens of meters.
Muni stood alone on the dragon's head. Most of the huge blue-black dragon's body was exposed to the surface of the water. The eyes of the dragon's head were dimmed, and the gods in the four pillars were almost completely out, but he still couldn't help but let him stay in the unprecedented Strong position.
Mou Ni lowered his head and looked down at the sea. The blessed Yingluo on his body had long been decayed and scattered, but the nineteen skulls surrounding his chest were fresh and intact, all over the back, waist and abdomen. Among the many huge gaps, you can see the real ribs and The squirming internal organs are quite a sign of the Buddha's cutting of flesh and bones.
He seems to be calm, but in fact his desire and ability have expanded to an unparalleled level, just like all the people who have chased the power of triathlon...
Just a little bit, as long as he eats a little bit more, Muni knows that when the twentieth bone skeleton sees the sky, he will truly break the golden shackles, break the jade locks, and step into the state of being a five-sided old man!
But all around, there was nothing to eat.
For a long time, he held the giant tortoise to his eyes and said softly: "Se Kong once told me that if there is a fatal danger, he will eat you, if not, he will take you back to his fate."
The giant tortoise stared at Muni: "Listen to what you mean, don't you plan to listen to that Sekong's words?"
Mou Ni was silent for a while, suddenly opened his blood basin, swallowed the giant tortoise, and chewed. Suddenly, the dragon's eyes shot two ray of light quickly and went straight in front of Mou Ni. Mou Ni subconsciously opened his mouth and was seriously injured. Seizing the opportunity, he struggling to get into Mou Ni's throat, followed by the two rays of light, and was swallowed by Mou Ni.
Mou Ni pressed her lips tightly and stood ready. Before, the longan flew out a few times, it was the thunder and the earth, and the clouds danced wildly. It must be the same this time. But after waiting for a while, there was still no movement at all. Muni just felt that his eyelids were heavy. He was already shaken by the powerful force brought by the Ambota volcanic bacteria, and at the moment he fell into a deep sleep.
Outside of Taixu Luo Jingyi, Zhang Zhongshan slapped his thigh: "Eight specializes in nine ugliness, all things are wrong, the monster has already entered the urn, and the big event is finished."
But the old man who first proposed using eight specializations and nine ugliness to deal with Muni with a few ill-fated mischiefs was silent.
"Brother Yong Ji, why be silent?"
Zhang Zhongshan asked.
The old man replied: "Tell this monster to go through the sufferings of hundreds of generations of reincarnation, causing its heart to burn to death. If this method can be achieved, even if it has the magical powers of immortality, it will not escape. Wrong, it also coincides with the last heavenly moat of ascending to immortality. Since ancient times, there has been a legend that mortals endured the torment of seven emotions and six desires and finally ascended to immortality. If he can pass this level, I am afraid he will..."
"So what?"
Zhaoxin asked.
"Old Five."
Jin Ye answered for the old man.
Sekong made a sullen one.
Now it's the last hand of the second lap, and now it's basically a situation where Sekong lost three.
Needless to say, Zhao Jianzhong, even Wenle has won more than 50,000 life chips from Sekong. You know, according to the valuation of Win Tianshou, all of Weile's net worth is only more than 110,000.
However, Sekong's fate is still the limit of 9.99 million, which has not been moved, which shows that Sekong's real fate is indeed beyond this number.
Wen Le Road.
"Don't touch it."
Sekong stared at Wenle: "Who are you with?"
"Good, don't touch, don't touch."
Wen Le waved his hand straight.
Wenle didn't touch it, so he went to Zhao Jian to draw a card. He glanced at the nine cards in his hand and flattened his hand: "Thirteen and seven. You can draw it by yourself, eight in total."
The number of chips flipped up and down, the bottom was two hundred. Eight fans and three losers each lose 51,200 points.
Zhao Jianzhong won more than 150,000 life chips, which is equivalent to winning a walk to the top of the six divisions.
Wenle looked at Sekong silently.
Sekong turned her face away from him.
"Can't fight like this."
Wenle patiently explained: "It depends on what cards others play. If you want to play ten thousand sticks, you just want to pay. It's almost the sea fishing. People dare to play a chapter of 50,000. If you make a big card, I deducted two. I’ve got Zhang Jiu Tiao, you let me touch this one, and I just take three Jiu Tiao and make it."
Sekong said dullly, "I'll get it soon. Fight again, fight again."
Wenle sighed, he glanced at Sekong's remaining life chips, this time it finally changed, becoming more than 9.98 million. Sekong had already lost more than 300,000 life chips in front, and this one had lost more than 50,000.
"It turns out that Sekong's destiny is around 10.350,000."
Wei Le secretly remembered.
Li Yan only felt that the upper part was not connected to the sky, the lower part was not grounded, and the boiling steam gradually became thinner, and the pale gastric juice approached step by step. Once the gastric juice has digested the steam, the next step is yourself, and the gods will be hard to save.
"I don't think you will be able to last too long. You can find a way to live by yourself, don't worry about me."
Ye Shiru's transformed Pelican spoke.
Li Yan ignored her. If Mou Ni digested Ye Shiru and got the fate of Tianyi, perhaps the Feng Shui world would no longer be able to trap it, and Zhao Jianzhong's plan would basically abort.
Suddenly, a huge monster fell above it. It was a giant black tortoise. The shell of the tortoise was cut in half by Muni’s teeth, leaving only a little flesh and blood. Qian Wu’s head was hanging down, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.
"Uncle Five?"
Li Yan watched Qian Wu fall from the sky without the protection of Soul Relief Water. Both Mou Ni's gastric juice and Ambota volcanic bacteria were horrible things that would die if they were touched. Qian Wu was bitten by Mou Ni and was dying. Corroded by the two again, it is no longer formed.
However, Li Yan's eyes were sharp, and he noticed a faint white light from the giant tortoise's mouth. It was just this little white light that Qian Wuneng had not been digested by Muni until now.
Qian Wu also found Li Yan and Ye Shiru. It seemed that he wanted to come closer, but he had no strength.
Without hesitation, Li Yanqiang supported himself to approach Qian Wu, exhausting the last bit of soul-forgiving water and barely caged Qian Wu's remaining remains.
"Uncle Five?"
Qian Wu opened his mouth and spit out a white light to Li Yan. Li Yan received a white piece of Ruyi, hot.
【Four Pillars Dragon Eye Sha】(unfinished)
Category: Sequential Land·Jiazi 259 Stone Products
Quality: unique
The essence of the left eye of the dragon vein, which integrates the four pillars of evil and evil, lacks the evil spirit of loneliness, and the two ways of defeating the ten evils. After gathering all the fate, you can directly complete any link of the ultimate Yan Fu event of any fruit.
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