Chapter 691: Chance

The bet between Zhao Jianzhong and Sekong has come to the last lap, and the four people are shuffling the cards.
Sekong's eyes turned wildly, and the shuffle to win Tianshou was very peculiar. The pattern on the back of the card would flicker strangely when the card was shuffled. No matter how good the memory is, ordinary people can't remember the position of the card. Even if Sekong has tried his best to remember, he can only remember the positions of a dozen cards, which is often useless.
Seeing the four players shuffle the cards, Sekong quietly held four Dongfeng cards in his palm, who would have thought that there was a scorching hotness on the mahjong tiles, Sekong let go, and the four cards were knocked apart. Lost nowhere.
Zhao Jian asked.
Sekong blew the palm of her hand, muffled: "It's okay."
"It seems I'm lucky."
Zhao Jianzhong tapped the back of the card. In the last lap, he had even four bankers. Although the number of winning cards was not large, there were not a few left. It was difficult for Sekong to come back.
Although Sekong is a big loser, he has strong capital and has more than 9 million lives, so he is confident: "You only beat me by more than 50,000, and I have more than 9 million. How much can you win? If there are a few more, we may not lose, eh?"
She screamed at Wenle for the last time, calling him to help.
"Yes, yes~"
Wenle agreed casually.
Sekong looked at Wenle with absent-minded expression, and felt even more awkward, not knowing who to spray it at.
"This also said that he would play mahjong, but he couldn't help me if I was a little busy. I would have better brought Muni if ​​I knew it."
Sekong froze for a while, thinking that he might lose, and cursed in his heart: "Old dead man, even if you lose the game, I will talk nonsense about anything you ask, or you will not say anything that is nothing, and that which is difficult. Say nothing! He can bite me."
The little nun was secretly cruel in her heart.
"You have more than nine million left. It is very difficult to lose all."
Zhao Jianzhong said as he turned over his hand.
He took out a plum.
Zhao Jianzhong touched another piece of chrysanthemum. Then he drew the card again, Se Kong's expression looked a little ugly.
Zhao Jianzhong allocated four to make a fortune.
Se Kong lifted his shoulders.
Zhao Jianzhong had drawn a Zhenghuachun, and then went to draw cards.
"It's Kong again."
Zhao Jianzhong brightened the white board in his hand.
Sekong couldn't help but hammered a card table: "Are you out of the house? How can anyone start to touch five cards and two dark bars so outrageous?"
Zhao Jianzhong said slowly: "All the rules of play to win Tianshou are notarized by Yan Fu's will, otherwise you won't sit down and fight with me. You know if I have come out."
With that, he played a seven-tube.
The Yushi concubine passed the cards, and finally it was Sekong's turn. She started with most of her hands, and she was lucky.
"Well, three barrels."
Zhao Jianzhong's voice suddenly raised a little, and he drew a red one from the bottom of the card.
Zhao Jianzhong spread his cards.
Sekong glanced at his card, and his pupils couldn't help but tremble.
"Big three yuan seven times, double hidden bars four times, one open bar, four sets of flowers twice, regular flowers, and flowers on the bars, a total of sixteen times. Four times three thousand two, five times six Thousands and fours... ten folds, twenty-four thousand and eight."
Zhao Jianzhong's speech is not fast. The numbers on the cards have already been calculated first, and the bars are blooming, and the numbers are empty. The base number is two hundred, and the sixteenth number is a total of 131,117,200!
The little nun stood up suddenly!
But several vines with thorns stretched out on the card table, entwining Sekong's wrists and ankles, Sekong struggled, but he couldn't escape.
"Winning Tianshou does not have the ability to force people to play at the poker table. As long as they don't want to play, they will not bet to lose their lives. But at the poker table, there is no room for remorse.
Zhao Jianzhong raised his eyelids, and a gleam of light appeared in his muddy eyes.
Lu Kong's scalp is violent, and now he can only fight for his life.
"Hold on."
Wenle raised his hand: "Master, I am really embarrassed?"
Zhao Jianzhong turned his head to look at him: "What do you say."
Wen Le put the card. A handful of ordinary Pinghu, Kadang Duhu three barrels.
"Grab the konghu, I said before you touched the red middle. It's just that the voice is a little quieter. You always took the three barrels away."
As soon as his voice fell, the numbers on his fate were recalculated.
"Ping Hu, grab the gang Hu, hey, you lose me 800."
Wen Le pestered the color space for a moment, and smiled and said to Zhao Jianzhong: "Master, you also have a profit, double concealed bars, regular flowers, plus four-color flowers, a total of seven times. The three of us will pay you more than 20,000. You still win. ."
The re-calculation of the winning cards for winning Tianshou is exactly the same as what Wenle said, and apparently he also recognized Weile's statement.
Zhao Jianzhong smiled and shook his head: "Okay." He pushed the card: "Continue playing."
Wenle smiled, but his back was soaked with sweat.
"Hey." Sekong pulled Weile's sleeve: "Two hundred and one bottom, can one lose more than ten million?"
Wanle grinned: "It's so obvious, it was just now."
Sekong hugged his shoulders and thought for a while before looking at Wenle's destiny: "You have won a lot!"
Indeed, Wenle has a life of over 200,000 chips at the moment, and only in terms of winning chips today, it is almost second only to Zhao Jianzhong.
"We will come again."
"Three barrels!"
Sekong cried crisply.
"Five tubes!"
Sekong played mahjong.
"Eat, touch yourself."
Wenle spread the cards: "All right and right. Win three."
The fate chip turned rapidly, and it turned out that Sekong finally learned to behave and started to feed his next family plague.
"Touch yourself, all words are the same."
Hu, wow, sir, you really don't go far, I can be fooled by the nine treasure lotus lanterns. Hahaha~"
"Touch yourself, mix it up."
Sekong cast a "dry and beautiful" look at Wenle, and dimples appeared at the corner of his mouth again.
Wenle won eight or nine in a row, the cards were not too small, and soon surpassed Zhao Jianzhong, becoming the biggest winner on the scene. But Sekong obviously lost more.
Finally, the Yushi concubine smashed the Lianzhuang of Wenle with a flat Hu, that is to say, hitting the tail in a circle, this is the last one.
At this time, Wenle’s life plan has reached the terrifying 600,000, which is nearly six times the amount before participating in the card game. The Yushi concubine wins more than 50,000 yuan. Zhao Jianzhong is marked by Weile, and Sekong keeps giving Weile again. Waterproof, it actually slipped to third place at this moment, and lost more than 5,000 chips.
Seeing the last hand, Yu Shi's concubine finally couldn't help but said: "You played this way and you lost so much. What's the point of losing in the end?"
"You care about me? I like it."
Sekong glared at him.
Yu Shi's concubine pursed her lips.
Zhao Jian played a card, and the Yu Shi concubine glanced in surprise. Old man Zhao was feeding her cards.
"It depends on what I am doing, I can fight as I am. It's rare that the dignified Wuyin is so generous. Of course I am willing to accompany her. This is a great opportunity for you. Yang Yan, Li Yan and the others are fighting for life and death. It may not be you. Win more cards."
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