Chapter 77: Mountain rain

A drop of blood fell from nowhere, dripping on the face of the nine-winged Sudu.
Blood dip!
The tall and thin man in armour was raised infinitely in Sudu's eyes, and an oppression and fear soaked from his bloodline quickly caught Sudu's heart.
In between, she saw a black-and-white feather, a bird feather, and eighteen beasts with wings folded from Li Yan's body.
No bird.
Sudu almost fell down and knelt down in front of the man, his face flushed, sweat dripping from the tip of her nose.
"You, you are ~"
Her eyes were blurry, and her voice filled with resentment.
"Look for the next one ~" Yu Shu's tone was melodious.
"The three brothers Liang Liang, Gao Yina, and Fu Yina are not far away. The three little ghosts are afraid of things and are definitely unwilling to come forward. You do n’t have to speak. I will deal with them. The Lord of the Spreading Eagle, the Lord will definitely take it ... "
Su Du circled around Li Yan, trembling with excitement, occasionally throwing a wink at Li Yan, his face rippling.
"You've said it all the way, don't say it again."
Li Yan on the horse was overwhelmed.
"it is good."
Su Du paused and blinked with big eyes.
Jiuyi Sudu's attitude towards Li Yan was almost flattering. Such a rapid change surprised Niutou and Tantan.
Li Yan's thoughts are flirtatious, ox-headed sandalwood, nine-winged Sudu, one is a wild wild worshipped by incense, one is a totem beast enshrined by the Korean ancestors, and his strength cannot be underestimated. , I am a team of Ming Army and North Korean wild gods, I do not know how much strength will be expanded!
The pool of blood reflected Xiao Suo's face, his eyebrows hanging cold like a blade, a tiger-headed gun on his shoulder, and blood between his fingers.
The hexagonal ghost with a bright red body leaned against the gray stone wall, his head was pierced through a large hole, and his chest was also torn apart by the gun.
"thanks, thanks."
The dirty North Korean old girl had tears in her eyes, and her withered white hair on her forehead fluttered in the wind. She was pulling her grandson, and she couldn't help but talk about Song Ji, and she spit out words she couldn't understand.
Song Kun's crown was shattered for half, and blood flowed through the mottled armor pieces down his leg skirt. He didn't bother with the old sister, he took off his worn-out helmet impatiently, and turned away ...
The camp was as quiet as ever, the flags were fierce, the smoke was on the table, the soldiers were equipped, the swords and guns were cold, and the pungent sulfur smell was occasionally smelled, but the gas was very weak.
There was a faint sound from everywhere in the camp.
"The governor of Xiaoxi has unearthed the castle. They are being organized out of the city in batches."
"Datong Jiang's ambush brother has set up a cannon, horse feed is good, there is a tough battle to fight tonight."
"I think it hurt to kill the water dog. The puppet had a bad morale. Let's stop it halfway. I'm afraid they didn't scare them all into the ice cave of Datong River."
"This time I cut a few more pirates' heads and received the reward to renovate the old house at home."
"Another mother-in-law, isn't it, Lao Kang?"
The occasional screams of evil spirits from Pyongyang were heard, and the Ming army didn't care. After all, this is not the land of Daming. They sharpened their swords, aiming at Governor Xiaoxi's troops.
In this case, one by one, covered with blood, carrying several disabled soldiers and returning to the camp at the vanguard camp seemed out of place.
"Oh, who am I? Isn't this our pioneer? Why? This is taking the brothers to remove the demons, so ..."
A tiger-headed gun pounced on his face, and his cold nose sharpened like a poisonous snake strangling his throat.
Song Yan, who had a cheek, was staring at the man, and a vanguard battalion like a pack of wolves behind him.
The man swallowed and turned away without a word.
"Bring the injured brother to the doctor. How many priests in Heavenly Masters? Get them."
Song Yan ignored the man, wiped the blood off his face, and said to those around him.
"How did this happen?"
Shen Heyan hung the helmet on the shelf with a bit of complaint in his tone.
"There is a monster in the city, it's not easy to kill."
Shen Heyan brow peaked: "If you don't kill well, don't kill it. How many people in the whole camp are going to kill the monsters?"
Song Kun wrapped himself in a bandage and was silent.
He picked out two small black jars from his leather pocket and threw them to Song Yan.
"He Yan, drinking accidents, forget it."
Song Xun refused subconsciously.
"Why not kill the enemy while drinking?" Shen Heyan pulled open the mud seal, and the wine smelt suddenly.
Shen Heyan took a sip of relief, glancing away.
"Relieve cold and relieve pain, come on."
He patted Song Yong's shoulders twice, and the oil lamp made his face glow red.
Song froze his cracked lips, took a sip on his back, and even threw the jar out, swearing infrequently.
"This is vinegar!"
Shen Heyan laughed loudly, and took another sip of his eyes, but in his jar was the veritable bergamot soup.
Song gave a couple of smiles, and smiled bitterly: "You are also a family member, why are you so naive?"
Shen Heyan passed the wine in his hand, and said with a smile: "If you don't eat wine, you won't have to drink vinegar."
Song Yan took the wine and drank a few mouthfuls, as if he couldn't hear what he said.
The two yelled at each other, most of them spoke by Shen Heyan.
"You and my colleagues ... for seven and a half years," Shen He said with a gesture, "you can't get out of your temper."
Song Yan silently, Shen Heyan flushed, shaking the table.
"Wait for me, wait for me to promote you."
He stood up, put on the green tiger head beast swallowing arm guards, wore a phoenix-winged helmet, buttoned the fish scale armor, drank the wine, and put down the jar with a strong murderous look.
"You've carried me for more than seven years. Today, you will rest in this battle and rest assured."
Tang Baizhan is a Mingjun elementary school responsible for guarding the tower. At this time, the governor of Xiaoxi had been out of the city ten miles away, and Li Rusong had promised to leave, but he had laid an ambush on the Datong River early. He himself was on the right time and led the army himself to copy Xiaoxi's back road. The mighty Ming army had just left the city.
Tang Baizhan watched the team leave, the leading Shen Guerrilla was really prestigious, but he had no part in killing the enemy, but his life was sure to be saved, and it was also a blessing. Thinking of this, Tang Baizhan stretched his waist.
"Bai Zhan, what about your telescope?" Someone kicked him: "Look what's over there?"
Tang Baizhan scolded and sat up grinningly, took out the telescope and looked at it.
"Not just a tree ... eh?"
Distant smoke filled the air, and all kinds of exaggerated and strange monsters were dizzying.
Standing three feet tall, it looks like a dwarf of King Kong.
Half-human, half-bird, succubus with bright black feathers.
Three of different colors, hanging on the tree.
A huge golden frog that can jump dozens of meters across.
And all kinds of birds and beasts ...
Bull head and sandalwood, nine-winged Sudu. Liang Yina, Gao Yina, Fu Yina, Jinyan frog, Ende, eater foxes ... The mighty momentum of hundreds of people is led by dozens of Mercedes-Benz blue-maned big horses.
"The one who leads the horseback seems to be our brother." Someone said.
Tang Baizhan stretched his neck and glanced: "Well, it's our armor."
Li Yan plucked his horse galloping, with blue muscles on his neck, and shouted:
"Hurry to sue Lord Titan, the reinforcements of the pirates have arrived!"
I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.
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