Vol 2 Chapter 993: [The first contact between the battle angel and the booster]

North America, Long Island, New York.
Paul Watson’s residence is here, a luxurious manor house. The former owner of the manor was a local tyrant of Russian immigrants. He made a fortune in the real estate business in New York. It was purchased at a sky-high price of US$100 million.
The second owner bought the estate for US$158.5 million in 2013, but never settled in. In 2015, it was sold for US$100 million. As the third owner, Paul Watson paid US$95.8 million. Price bought his private residence in 2017 and has been living in the mansion ever since.
Today is the third day after Paul Watson returned from China. At this moment, he is receiving a guest. This guest is indeed Victor Finley, the head of Pioneer Gene.
Keratis brought two cups of brewed hot coffee.
"Thank you!"
Victor Finley took the coffee she handed over and replied with a very gentleman's smile. He couldn't help but glance at Keratis, and murmured at Paul Watson secretly, quite jealous. , It is really a violent thing to let such a beautiful lady be a servant.
Obviously, Victor Finley does not yet know the true identity of Keratis.
It is worth mentioning that Paul Watson still had some doubts on the first day after he bought Keratis back, but on the second day he felt very good, and after the third day he could not be satisfied anymore.
Because it was far beyond his expectation, he originally thought that as a non-human, Keratis might be a little troublesome to communicate, but her humane side surprised him very much. She can be a bodyguard, driver, assistant, and housekeeper at the same time. And other positions.
In just three days, Paul Watson has already handed over other issues such as safety guarantees, life assistants, etc., in addition to important company matters, work matters involving some trade secrets and other work matters that are not allowed to intervene. Let her handle it.
For this reason, Paul Watson directly fired his butler and personal secretary, because after the battle angel of Keratis, Paul Watson realized that his butler and personal secretary had not only asked him to They are useless other than paying a salary, and they will keep it for Christmas if they don't fire it.
"Mr. Victor, I have read your company's information, but I'm sorry, your company has major operating risks. I'm afraid I can't be your listing sponsor. Maybe you can go to Morgan." At this moment, Paul Waugh Mori put down his cocked Erlang's legs and put the corporate documents that Victor Finley handed him on the table.
When Victor Finley, who had come with confidence, heard this, he thought he had heard it wrong.
"Mr. Watson, do you know how eager the world is for security services? The technological breakthroughs of the Pioneer Group can not only restore the sanity of those violent Sequoia subspecies infected persons and become super bodyguards, we even have a whole set of The plan packaged it as a superhero to maintain world peace."
"Do you know how many of the more than 300 million Sequoia infected people worldwide will mutate to a subspecies? Do you know what huge market potential this is and how exciting expectations it is? Do you know Know that you are saying no to a company whose market value will exceed one trillion dollars in the future?"
Victor Finley was a little angry. In his opinion, if the leading group is going to go public, the sponsoring underwriters on Wall Street have to rush to sponsor his company to go public. As one of the top capital institutions on Wall Street, Goldman Sachs would be so blinded. .
He has already decided that even if Goldman Sachs wants to be a leading gene's listed underwriter, he will definitely not let him in to get a share of the pie, and Wall Street is not the only Goldman Sachs group.
Paul Watson took a sip of coffee and said calmly: "I know that the security service market nowadays has an unprecedented imagination. Even I am becoming more and more insecure. But Mr. Victor, why do you think you can eat? What about the biggest piece of cake in this market? Not someone else?"
"What do you mean?" Victor Finley asked, looking directly at each other: "My technology allows those violent and powerful patients to restore their rationality and become the backbone of security, whether they enter the military or the security service market. , No one can rival, no one is the opponent of these super fighters."
Hearing this, Paul Watson sneered in his heart, insinuating that this idiot still doesn't know who his rival is. Just that, he wants the Goldman Sachs Group to go to his muddy water?
Abandoning Luo Sheng and betting on this goods is really a pitfall.
Finally, Paul Watson glanced back at Keratis, who was standing next to him, and then again looked at Victor, who was sitting across from him, and smiled: "Well, Mr. Victor, you should bring one this time. Is a so-called super soldier by my side? Keratis was introduced by an old friend of mine. She is my personal bodyguard and of course my housekeeper’s secretary. Let her fight with your super soldier. If she If you lose, Goldman Sachs will re-evaluate the leading group. What do you think?"
Victor Finley was stunned for a while when he heard this. He couldn't help but glanced at Keratis again. After a while, he looked at Paul with regret and said: "Mr. Watson, let this lady and my super Fight with a soldier? Isn't it too ungentleman? If you hurt this beautiful lady, I will feel sorry for you if you don't feel bad."
The implication is that you are really a gentleman, let alone pity and cherish jade.
Paul Watson smiled: "Could it be that you have no confidence in yourself?"
What this said made Victor Finley very upset. Even if he knew that the opponent was a botched tactic, but if he didn't pick it up, he would be really useless. Anyway, he didn't take pity on Yu, so why bother to hurt him.
Victor Finley is getting more and more unhappy now, and he has already made a decision in his heart. This bad breath must be released, and then he kicks Goldman Sachs away, otherwise it will be difficult to solve this hatred.
Immediately he smiled and said: "Well, in that case, I can't blame me for any accidents during the fight. It is difficult to grasp the strength in such an intense battle."
Paul Watson: "It should be."
When it comes to this, what else is there to say.
The two sides got up and left the meeting room one after another, and came to a lawn outside the court. Victor Finley called a fortified man he had brought him over, and Keratis was also instructed by Paul Watson. .
On an empty meadow of the manor house, Keratis faced a young fortified man who looked like a young man in his early twenties.
Standing on the sidelines, Victor Finley turned his head to Paul Watson and said with a smile: "Mr. Watson, it’s still too late to take care of the jade. If you are accidentally strengthened by the Sequoia subspecies, you will also have the powerful strength. It should be clear."
Paul Watson replied without a smile: "Don't be blinded by appearances, Mr. Victor, wait and see."
Of course he has seen the power of infected people of the Sequoia subspecies. It is reported and discussed in the news and social media every day, but the power of the battle angel has also been seen, and Paul Watson is more willing to believe in Luo Sheng’s technology. strength.
"Let's wait and see, let's start." Victor sneered in his heart, and then said to his men with a gentlemanly demeanor: "You need to know the severity, it's almost enough."
"It's the boss!"
Paul Watson said concisely: "Then let's start."
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On the lawn clearing, the strengthener took the lead in launching the offensive. Keratis stood motionless and stared at the adversary. In her field of vision, her every move was processed by her data, including the current wind speed, Environmental factors such as temperature and humidity, opponent's height and weight are all digitized.
The biochip in Keratis' brain is generating a large number of data calculations, calculating the maximum probability data result, in order to predict the opponent's actions and formulate coping strategies.
"You are too slow!"
The booster grinned, he was already close to his opponent, and launched the first round of attacks with his right arm. At this moment, Keratis was still in place.
At this critical moment, Keratis dodged the opponent's attack with a dexterous momentary sideways dodge action. This evaded an injury with minimal energy consumption, which appeared to be extremely limited.
This strengthened person was astonished. In the situation just now, a normal person would never have time to react, let alone have time to complete the evasive action in that instant.
"not good!"
At the same time, when the booster had just reacted and realized the danger, Keratis, who had dodged to his side, aimed at the opportunity to decisively elbow the opponent's side waist.
Aware of the danger ~EbookFREE.me~ but I couldn't react.
Keratis's blow made the young strengthener only feel that the left kidney at his waist was about to split apart. At the moment of this blow, his eyelids twitched a few times, showing the real pain.
After the blow, Keratis came to the opponent's back and quickly pulled away.
Standing on the sidelines, Victor Finley couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the brief moment of the match, and looked at Keratis without a word.
This shouldn't be the response ability that an ordinary human should have, no wonder Paul Watson is so confident.
At the same time, the fortifier on the field turned to look directly at Keratis, and resisted the kidney pain in his waist and said: "I didn't have time to get out of the way, I admit it was my carelessness, you really surprised me. "
Unexpectedly, Keratis silently showed a charming smile, and provocatively hooked his opponent, Chi Guoguo's mockery, which successfully angered the other party: "Very well, now you can really provoke labor and capital. Up."
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