Vol 2 Chapter 998: [The Magnesium Army needs 1 such super soldier group]

Victor Finley, who came to the Wook Point Building, was taken to this conference room. He is dressed in a rigorous suit and leather shoes today, carrying a briefcase, as if he is the standard image of a successful person.
After entering this conference room, Victor Finley was watched by the high-level entrants, consultants and the current defense secretary of the five corner buildings.
"It really came with a pinch, but it doesn't matter. As long as you have a plan to restrain the biochemical man, the military is very happy to cooperate with your company, and your order is indispensable." The current defense chief looked at Victor Finley. Said: "Now, you can talk about it."
Victor glanced around at the crowd. After a while, he put the briefcase in his hand on the conference table, then opened the zipper and took out a small slap-sized box. When everyone’s eyes focused, he opened it. This box took out a glass liquid medicine bottle with a capacity of about 5 ml, which contained blue liquid.
"This is the technological achievement of the lead gene, generals." Victor Finley gestured to everyone with the bottle of medicament, and continued: "We have successfully developed this special tranquilizer with stable efficacy. Its function is Suppressing the frenzy of Sequoia subspecies patients, the effect of one dose can last about a week, and regular use of the drug can return patients to normal lives."
All the high-ranking officials present at the meeting, including the technical consultants present, showed shocked expressions, and they all stared intently at the potion in Victor Finley's hand. The latter had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, although He still looked calm, but he was quite satisfied.
Sure enough, the military is now very eager to find a solution to the battle angel, and has not found a satisfactory solution.
"Does this tranquilizer pass the fda seriously?"
"Not yet. Our company is actively advancing this matter. However, according to the feedback from volunteers who have passed clinical trials, the sedative has no side effects, and patients have used the drug for many times and there is no resistance, indicating that it can be used for a long time and is effective. The downside is that patients may need to use this drug in their entire lives."
The several high-ranking generals who will meet with each other looked at each other. This so-called shortcoming is a bright spot in their eyes. In a sense, it is beneficial to the military. If Sequoia subspecies patients can become soldiers, they have this need. Long-term regular use of drugs can live like normal people, which is more conducive to controlling this powerful force.
The current Secretary of Defense stared at Victor Finley and said, "I am more interested in what you describe...the ability to intervene to create more super fighters, let's talk."
As soon as he finished speaking, Victor Finley gently placed the tranquilizer drug in his hand on the table, and took out another small box from his briefcase. After opening it, he took out a glass reagent of the same volume. , Which is filled with a transparent and colorless liquid.
"This mutagenic drug is usually suitable for the 16-28 years old age group. Our research results show that this age group has the best success rate and stability. Of course, other age groups can also be used, but the success rate is relatively low and the cost is relatively low. Correspondingly too high, the induced mutation can be completed in about three days. The mutation process will be a bit painful, but it will be fine after it passes."
At this moment, a high-ranking lieutenant general squinted his eyes and said, "Have you already conducted a human test?"
Victor Finley nodded calmly and turned back: "Yes, because I personally participated in the experiment."
When this remark came out, everyone present was moved. Almost could not help but re-examine Victor Finley. He secretly sighed that he looked like a gentle and successful person. He did not expect to be such a ruthless person who is not afraid of death. Dare to experiment with yourself directly.
But this is more proof of his product.
The current defense secretary said with interest: "Then let me see how your results are."
Victor Finley nodded: "As you wish, Mr. Minister."
The meeting was temporarily stopped, and a test was temporarily arranged. The current defense chief and participants all came to an empty indoor hall in the Wujiao Building, and at the same time, a group of armed guards from the Wujiao Building were arranged to come over.
A senior lieutenant general looked at Victor Finley and asked, "They, how many can you fight?"
Victor glanced at a dozen sturdy armed guards. After a while, he calmly said: "Let's go together, but I declare in advance that I can only guarantee that they are not life-threatening, but not the disability. In addition, I No money to pay for medical treatment."
Everyone was taken aback, the lieutenant general reacted and said with a smile: "Okay, then wait and see."
After speaking, the lieutenant general motioned to the sixteen guards, and immediately unloaded their equipment and surrounded Victor Finley in the midfield of the hall. The latter did not rush to unload. He took off his suit and tie and threw aside.
Everything is ready, these guards are already very upset in the face of Victor Finley's provocative remarks just now, but a dozen big guys gang up against him and feel that he is apathetic.
"Hexon, go and solve him."
As soon as the voice fell, one of the men took the lead to take the shot, while the others watched in place, and did not intend to take the shot together.
I saw that the man named Hexion came up and hit the other side with a left uppercut. Victor did not evade, and the onlookers showed scornful smiles, thinking that he was still paying There is no response.
But just as his fist was about to touch Victor Finley’s face, he suddenly grabbed the opponent’s wrist with his left hand, quickly turned around and hit the opponent’s chest with his back, and then took advantage of the situation. Falling across his shoulders smashed it heavily to the floor, and made up a leg fiercely.
The guard man named Hexion was directly kicked and rubbed six or seven meters along the floor, and passed out on the spot.
This scene made it happen very quickly. The other fifteen guards who originally had joking eyes instantly stiffened their faces. The scene was silent, and the high-level officials who were watching also showed surprised expressions.
Victor Finley rubbed his wrist and said faintly: "If you can't beat the Sequoia subspecies patient, if I were you, I would not underestimate the enemy."
"What do you mean? Are you..."
The other fifteen guards changed their faces when they heard this, and suddenly understood, kicking people so far with one leg is obviously not what ordinary people can do, unless they are currently being infected by the sequoia subspecies that is currently pushing on the cusp of the storm. By.
One of the guards couldn't help but look at the current defense chief and other bigwigs. After seeing their gestured eyes, he said in a deep voice:
"Go all out and go together!"
Now I dare not take any contempt, UU reading www.uukanshu.com dare not take it lightly, but treats Victor Finley as an extremely dangerous infected person of the sequoia subspecies.
Fifteen people shot directly at the same time. In less than two minutes, they were all overwhelmed by Victor Finley. Almost all of them were seriously injured, either with a broken leg, a broken hand, or several broken ribs. One The guard punched him head-on, resulting in a comminuted fracture of the hand bone.
However, Victor Finley did not lose his sanity after all. He is different from those outside the so-called Sequoia subspecies fortified people who have passively passed their hands and feet. Otherwise, these dozens of people will not be the problem of breaking their hands and feet, but will kill them. Problem.
At the scene, the sixteen guards lying on the ground wailing or unconscious were all carried away on a stretcher and taken to the infirmary. Victor Finley calmly picked up the tie and re-tied it, tidying up his suit and renewing it. Put on.
The current defense chief on the sidelines looked at Victor Finley and whispered to his assistant: "Get his medicine certified as soon as possible and tell him that the Magnesium Army needs a super-soldier regiment of at least 5,000 people. In addition, , Draw up a report on this matter, and I will report to Mr. President in person."
"Yes, Mr. Minister."
The current defense secretary left first after speaking.
A lieutenant came to Victor Finley and said straightforwardly: "Mr. Victor, congratulations, your technology has been approved by the military, please go to the office to talk in detail, we need to know more about it. The contents of the detailed rules to determine the specific cooperation plan."
Victor Finley changed his role as he had just been ruthless, and smiled humble and easy-going: "It is an honor to lead the gene to be able to serve the military. I believe my results will not fail the military's high expectations.
"I hope so, please here."
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