Chapter 143: [Everyone is a smart person]

In the afternoon, when Yao Jianhong opened the personal computer, he found that a formal offer from the Cote d'Azur company had been received in his personal mailbox. After reading the details of the company's job arrangement and treatment, he did not hesitate to agree.
On the same day, he signed the contract and became a regular employee of the Cote d'Azur company 005980.
Yao Jianhong joined the Cote d'Azur company, and the first task he received was to be responsible for the company's supply chain partners and sales channel building, which was also his first assessment.
As the [Azure] plan progresses on schedule, sales must also be followed up. Everything is from scratch. Naturally, we must prepare. Otherwise, when the product launch comes out, consumers have no way to buy. Then the company should go up and down together. Followed by fried hair?
On the side of Blue Star Technology, in the coming days of this year, Luo Sheng attaches the most importance to two important tasks.
One is to prepare for the US IPO listing plan, and the other is to complete the company's spin-off and reorganization plan.
In late April, news from the industry was suddenly swept by news related to Bluestar Technology. It made headlines some time ago and is now back.
In an earlier board of Bluestar Technology, Luo Sheng officially announced the preparations for the listing. The directors appointed by the major external shareholders subsequently reported to the old owners.
It didn't take long for the outside world to get the news.
The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg News, Reuters and other major global financial media and CNN, the New York Times, the Guardian and other mainstream media have reported this news.
Long before the end of April, Wall Street began to hype, and the listing of Blue Star Technology Group (BTC) was undoubtedly the most sensational and most exciting financing operation in history.
Some authoritative analysts have even pointed out that the "BTC" listing may exceed the IPO scale set by Google last year and may even become one of the largest IPOs in history.
The whole market is full of excitement. Furious over the "BTC" code.
At first glance, it was a bit unusual. Last year, Google's annual revenue reached $ 3.19 billion, with a profit of $ 399 million. The average quarterly revenue was $ 797 million, and the profit was $ 99.75 million.
In contrast, according to the data of Bluestar Technology, the first quarter of this year's revenue was 434 million US dollars, and the profit was only 3.17 million US dollars. According to this benchmark, if the data is not rigorous, the total revenue for a year is about 100 million US dollars, and the profit is 12.68 million US dollars.
Based on this number, Bluestar's revenue this year is only Google's last year, and its profit is only 3.17% of Google's.
Why can Bluestar's IPO exceed Google's market capitalization?
Of course, savvy Wall Street will not make such low-level mistakes, and it is impossible to make yourself suffer.
You should know that this revenue of Bluestar Technology is almost supported by one of its six major segments, that is, the social platform business, while the other five major business segments are still in their growth stage and have not yet made efforts. But the huge potential is the key.
Although other business segments of Bluestar Technology are currently in a state of huge losses, Luo Sheng has given them great confidence. Wall Street is not afraid of the current loss of Bluestar Technology, but is afraid that it will not make a lot of money in the future.
Obviously, Wall Street is also very clear that Bluestar Technology's current loss is constantly investing in development to make more money for the future.
As long as it is a reasonable loss and a loss that can pay for the future big money, Wall Street is completely acceptable.
In addition, of course, the factors that contributed to Bluestar's IPO are naturally included. After all, Wall Street as a whole holds more than 30% of Bluestar's equity, which can exceed 40% after the IPO. [爱 奇 文学 ¥ @ 小说 更 Update and Faster]
Blue Star Technology Group headquarters, in a hall.
"Mr. Paul, we hope that the Blue Star Technology Group can conduct an IPO in the first half of next year. It is still too early. The original IPO was disclosed on the board of directors. I intend to communicate between the company's shareholders and internally. It spread, I did not expect you to let the wind out. "
At this moment, Luo Sheng is meeting with Paul Watson, the person in charge sent by Goldman Sachs Group. In addition, Meng Qiu, the head of Goldman Sachs Capital in Greater China, is also present. After a while, Luo Sheng frankly added: "You don't hide anything, you It should also be known that a number of investment banks have come to me before this, and they hope to be able to contract Bluestar Technology's listing. "
Paul Watson did not immediately respond. Indeed, before Goldman Sachs, almost all famous investment banks in the world came. For example, Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, Citigroup, etc. sent important people one step ahead of Goldman Sachs. Contact Luo Sheng at Bluestar Technology.
These investment banks have all expressed their willingness to contract for the listing of Bluestar Technology. As early as 2003 when Luo Sheng founded Bluestar Technology, the impact of the Internet bubble burst and the US stock market reached an underestimation.
Many investment banks urgently need some special mathematics to stimulate the stock market that has been in the doldrums for two years, and the listing of Google last year almost became a stimulant for the entire stock market that year.
However, Bluestar Technology has risen against the trend in a downturn, and has grown to such a large scale in less than three years, and its potential is faintly surpassing that of Google.
If Bluestar Technology goes public, it is definitely a super stimulant for the stock market.
"Mr. Luo, if BTC (Bluestar Technology Group) conducts an IPO, its scale will definitely not be smaller than that of Google's IPO last year, but Goldman Sachs Capital is very happy to undertake a large-scale contract listing for Bluestar Technology. As always, high-profile support does not need to wait until next year. It can be done within three months, and we dare to guarantee it, "said Paul Watson, with a firm tone.
In fact, what Luo Sheng just said Paul Watson did not believe at all, or only half of it.
Some time ago, the board of directors announced the preparations for the IPO, but it is set to be next year. What did you leak out so early?
For such a long time span, there is no need for potential stocks such as Blue Star Technology Group. Before the Internet bubble burst, an Internet company successfully knocked the bell on NASDAQ from the creation to the IPO or even a year. G.
And a capital group like Goldman Sachs has no doubt on Wall Street's strength.
However, Luo Sheng did so, and now that he has been in contact with one of the world-renowned investment banks, Paul estimates that Luo Sheng may have met more than a dozen bankers before that.
And fully demonstrated patience.
At this moment, Luo Sheng said in a serious tone: "To be honest, Mr. Paul, more than 11 investment banks hope to contract Blue Star Technology Group to go public. Every one, including Goldman Sachs, is the world's top investment bank. I do n’t know what to choose. It seems that no matter which one you choose, it ’s okay for Bluestar Technology Group. Everyone has brought sincerity. I do n’t know how to reject it. I should have been happy, but now it has become A new kind of trouble. "
After saying Luo Sheng, he sighed helplessly. Paul Watson was not moved at all when he heard this, but looked at the other with a smile and said, "Mr. Luo, you are young Light, but I have to sincerely admire you, you are really calm and extremely smart in front of experienced Wall Street bankers. "
Luo Sheng responded immediately: "No, this is not shrewd, this is frank."
Then Paul Watson listened, smiled and didn't speak, and said in his heart: What a clever ghost, it!
He knows that most of Luo Sheng knows the cards in his hand and the cards in Wall Street. Because of this, he will reveal the preparations for the IPO on the previous timetable, but he will be listed next year, but the time is not specific and is still vague. of.
So there are so many investment banks coming this time, and it is said that Luo Sheng is not alone and meets with him for the first time.
However, I have seen more than a dozen investment banks, and so far I have not eagerly promised any famous investment bank to express his willingness to contract for listing. Instead, I have been very patient to maintain contact with many investment banks, and I will meet with you in all matters. Just don't let loose.
How smart is Wall Street?
In fact, everyone is a savvy person.
Paul Watson knows why Luo Sheng is doing this, that is, to reduce the commission as much as possible, and to minimize the commission of the underwriter without guilty of any famous investment bank.
His speculation is not wrong at all, lowering the commission, which is the core starting point for Luo Sheng to do this, and it seems that it is not clever, because it is not difficult to get this result with a little brain and rational speculation.
But this just shows Luo Sheng's calmness, patience and shrewdness, because even if everyone knew what he wanted to do, they all kept going up.
Because of benefits!
Luo Sheng pointed directly at humanity ~ ~ pointed at real vested interests, and it seemed indestructible.
As a rule, listed underwriters will charge 7% of the financing amount as a commission. If the Blue Star Technology Group's IPO finally generates a financing amount of 3 billion U.S. dollars, if the proportion of 7% is routine, then 210 million will be given to the sponsor Huge commissions in dollars.
For investment banks, this money is almost the same as making money lying down for no other reason. The huge potential of Bluestar Technology Group has reduced the risk to an exaggerated level.
The net income is so huge and the risk is so small, it goes against the common sense of investment. Of course, the major investment banks are rushing to contract.
However, they encountered Luo Sheng. It is impossible to earn a huge net profit with minimal risk from him. The lower the risk, the less they will earn. This is the investment.
What's more, this is already a huge commission, and it is only a part of the income that can be obtained by the investment bank that sponsors the listing, not the entire income.
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