Chapter 203: [It can be frustrating when capital has a conscience]

, The latest chapter in the latest global monopoly of technology!
Bluestar Technology Headquarters, internal executive meeting.
Zhang Bowen opened the documents in front of him, looked at all the participants and said, "In the recent period of time, the negative news of subprime mortgage bonds has been on Wall Street. North American existing home sales have fallen by 3.9% in the middle of this month. CFC, its largest subprime mortgage company, has reduced lending, and more seriously, New Century Finance, the second largest subprime mortgage company in North America, is facing a $ 17.4 billion forced debt on Wall Street and announced that it was on the verge of bankruptcy the day before. "
After a pause, Dr. Zhang Shengsheng continued: "Not only that, the US stocks have fallen sharply across the board, the Dow Jones Index has fallen by 2%, the S & P Index has fallen by 2.04%, the Nasdaq Index has fallen by 2.15%, and the stock price of Bluestar Technology The technology sector has not been affected much for the time being, but the subprime mortgage crisis in North America should not be underestimated. A series of negative news is now bursting out. The panic index is constantly rising. If it is not good, it will cause systemic financial risks. By then, no one can Stay out. "
As a multinational technology giant company, Bluestar Technology Group's capital flow is in units of 100 million yuan, and every group will have a group of top financial talents.
Zhang Bowen had to pay attention to this matter. In the middle and late last month, he began to pay attention to Wall Street news. Although it will not be directly affected, it will also have an indirect impact on Bluestar Technology, which is reflected in the decrease in revenue. When other companies have a crisis, advertising revenue will shrink.
The larger the company's weight, the financial risk cannot be completely avoided.
Once the global financial crisis is triggered, no one can escape it. The bigger the company, the more severe the impact will be.
Bluestar Technology is not a financial company. It is in the outer circle, but it is physically large. Even the severe economic crisis in North America has an obvious impact on Bluestar Technology, because 39% of the company's revenue comes from the North American market.
At this time, Luo Sheng looked at Erin sitting in the conference room and asked, "How much working capital does the company have now? What is the performance so far this year?"
Hearing that Erin opened a file of audit materials and replied: "So far, 2007 revenue was US $ 6.67 billion, and first-quarter 2007 revenue is expected to reach US $ 7.3 billion. The profit can reach 1.788 billion US dollars. The current net profit for the quarter is 1.575 billion US dollars. As of now, the company's cash flow is 14.7 billion US dollars, which can be used for turnover at any time. This cash reserve has 10.7 billion US dollars overseas, and the rest on the mainland. It's about $ 31 billion. "
When major executives heard this report from Irene, they felt more at ease. Basically, the news on Wall Street has been heard more or less, but no one would be alarmed.
Without him, the company now has money.
A total of 113.7 billion yuan in cash reserves is fully counted. The most important thing is that Blue Star Technology does not have a debt. Even a global financial storm can survive this winter.
Then of course don't panic.
Luo Sheng sat leaning on a chair, smiling lightly: "With more than 100 billion cash reserves, there is no panic in your family's food. We wait and see what happens. The subprime mortgage explosion of Americans is not for us. A totally bad thing, with more than 100 billion yuan in hand, is a good opportunity to plunder and harvest. "
Speaking of this, Luo Sheng immediately took a serious look, and immediately looked at Zhang Bowen: "Let's take advantage of the fire while the American home is on fire. Lao Zhang, three things, the first thing is to take the opportunity to quickly put cloud computing services in North America, IBM It must have been affected by the pressure, so let's put some pressure on him. There is no motivation for it. "
The words burst into laughter.
Luo Sheng continued: "The second thing is to actively prepare for the acquisition of North American Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems. First, prepare for the second half of the year to initiate a tender offer. The third thing is to start a round of repurchase programs. I estimate that the North American subprime crisis will not only There will be further outbreaks of economic disasters sweeping across the United States, the financial crisis is bound to spread across the globe, the old American economy is in trouble, and the world economy is bound to go wrong. No listed company can be spared, and Blue Star Technology is no exception. It started at a stage of the lowest stock price. Round of large-scale repurchase programs. "
The company's cash pool is indeed too much. It is calculated to be 113.7 billion yuan, which is equivalent to about 10% of the company's total market value. If you have nowhere to spend it, you can buy back stock.
Don't think about dividends. Luo Sheng will definitely not pay dividends. The company's profits are used for development or for stock repurchases. There is no third option.
When Zhang Bowen heard hesitantly, he said, "General Luo, is this ... the step is too big, at this kind of moment, you are attacking ..."
Luo Sheng said with a smile: "The so-called brave starvation and timidity are cautious, but you must be decisive when you see it. Don't hesitate. You are afraid that the company may have a tight fund, and at this moment, the node bank Tightening lending can't get the money and it breaks the capital chain. The company can't borrow money from the bank, right? But you can borrow it from me. "
After hearing what he said, Zhang Bowen realized that Luo Sheng has successively cashed out nearly $ 6 billion since Blue Star's IPO. This is not a fixed asset, but a cash flow that can be taken out at any time.
With this in mind, with this guaranteed Zhang Bowen there is no worry.
In fact, if Zhang Bowen knew that Luo Sheng had taken his money to bet against the North American housing market, it would be foolish for the whole person.
Of course, Luo Sheng would not tell him what the money would be used for. As long as his head is not convulsed, it is impossible to tell them the facts, and concealment in a special situation is also necessary.
In the afternoon, Luo Sheng came to the Cote d'Azur Company.
"I recently spent a week systematically sorting out the mortgage bond market in North America, and there have been several cases of default cases." Qin Weimu came to Luo Sheng's office. At the moment, the two were sitting together, and she was in Luo. Seated beside Sheng.
After Qin Weimu returned from the United States, she took some time to study the situation of the financial market.
She is highly accomplished in finance, but she does not need to use too much skills in her current job.
Qin Weimu took out a blank A4 document and wrote as he said, "Wall Street bankers mixed debt mortgage bond A with debt mortgage bond B. Conversely, debt mortgage bond B also mixed with debt mortgage bond A. Then, it was repackaged into debt mortgage bond C, which is also called double debt mortgage bond, and there is also a debt mortgage bond composed of credit default swaps, which turned into a so-called synthetic debt mortgage bond. "
Luo Sheng simply asked: "How much will our $ 6.2 billion subprime bet now bet on it?"
I heard that Qin Weimu put down his pen, leaned on the sofa, and held his jaw in thought. "I think, $ 6.2 billion ... The market for secured mortgage bonds is about 23 times the actual amount. In theory, Can reach $ 142.6 billion ... "
When calculating this number, Qin Weimu himself was taken aback and couldn't help but hide his mouth and Xingmu opened his eyes.
Luo Sheng marveled: "My God, it's just super leverage."
After Qin Weimu reacted, he couldn't help but whispered: "If the mortgage bond is a match, the debt mortgage bond is like a sponge filled with kerosene, and the synthetic debt mortgage bond is a deep-water bomb. This is not just a North American economic disaster. The world The economy will also collapse, but it ’s only a matter of time. The later the collapse, the more terrible it will be. Countless companies around the world will go bankrupt, thousands of people will lose their jobs, be displaced, lose their pensions, pensions, pensions ... and We may make more than 600% of it, and every profit is stained with blood ... "
After speaking, Qin Weimu sighed long, but was not happy about his soaring value, but was saddened by the coming world economic disaster.
Luo Sheng could feel that she was not pretending.
"I can still maintain this rationality and kindness in the face of money. Is it worth the eye-catching? But when the capital is no longer greedy but has a conscience, it is sometimes frustrating and even painful."
"I'm not a capitalist or a banker. I'm a lawyer." Qin Weimu turned to look at the correction he cared about, calmed down afterwards, and said to himself:
"I know the real world is like this. It hasn't changed before, it has n’t changed now, and it wo n’t change in the future, and no one can change it. I thought about donating this money emotionally, but rationally told me it was stupid. Because even if you donate all your wealth, you can't change it or even be hated. This is human nature. "
Luo Sheng could not help but quipped when she said: "It seems your mind is still controlled by reason, then I'm relieved."
Qin Weimu barely smiled when he heard it, and sighed softly: "Sometimes just calm down and think, it is very frustrating."
Luo Sheng said: "Compared to the people on Wall Street, our moral bottom line is much higher than them. I don't know how many times. The subprime mortgage crisis should have broken out this month, but it is now under pressure. Why?"
Speaking of this, Luo Sheng couldn't help looking at Qin Weimu's beautiful profile: "You are more professional, UU reading should be more clear than me, debt mortgage bonds are made by them, earning a lot of money The bowl is full, now playing off, eager to give up to unsuspecting consumers, and even the major investment banks on Wall Street bet on themselves and themselves, this is the true greed of nature ... "
A moment later, Luo Sheng added: "I earn some money that can change the world and promote the progress of human civilization. It can be more effective than those in control of Wall Street. It should not be frustrated. It should be done with a sense of mission. Does it make sense to treat the money earned? "
Qin Weimu couldn't help but stumble, and turned to stare at Luo Sheng, seeing the other person's smile, recalling that what he had just said was so cold and cold that he flung him with a big white eye.
"It's such a big thing to say, it's just like the standard villain in the movie, the guy who feels good about himself."
Luo Shengle haha ​​laughed: "Don't say that the execution and purpose of the villain is quite clear and without hesitation, and the decent? It is always one step slower than the villain. As for me, let's not go to extremes and have something like People who have the same strong execution and decisiveness as the villains, just keep some sense of justice. Well, just a little, so that is the best way to survive in this world. "
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