Chapter 211:

, The latest chapter in the latest global monopoly of technology!
Luo Sheng, who was lying in bed comfortably and naturally, opened a laptop for work. When he opened the mailbox, he saw several specially encrypted e-mail messages. The sender came from Michael H. Barry and Paulson Hedge Fund. John Paulson.
Luo Sheng opened the mail list.
[Mr. Luo, some of your 5.475 billion US dollars in the Chuan Fund has been remitted to your designated account. The Chuan Fund has brought you the first investment return rate of up to 685%. We will continue to remit the subsequent income. Your account. Yours sincerely, Michael Barry. ]
Immediately after, Luo Sheng opened the message from John Paulson.
[Mr. Luo, some of the income you have generated in the Paulson Fund has now been remitted to your designated account, totaling US $ 6.21 billion, and the return on investment is 679%. More income will continue to be remitted to your account. You are welcome. . Yours sincerely, John Paulson. ]
Seeing these two messages, Luo Sheng grinned subconsciously: "Nye ... Si ~~!"
With 6.2 billion US dollars in at the beginning of the year, how long has it passed? Now that it has reached 11.685 billion U.S. dollars, Luo Sheng probably estimated that there should be about two-thirds of the follow-up income.
What is even more exaggerated is that the money is a net income and a cash flow. The taxes that should be paid are already on the ground. A round of harvest is a rich country.
As soon as this income was remitted to Luo Sheng's account, it meant that his wealth was not a follow-up income, and coupled with the rise in the value of the blue star technology stock, he has surpassed Bill Gates, the world's richest man.
Luo Sheng stared at the computer screen motionless, and then closed the laptop after a while.
He can imagine that at this moment Wall Street in the Western Hemisphere is at an extremely crazy moment. Michael Barry and John Paulson are constantly selling the credit default swaps in their hands, which is almost enough. Cashed out.
Luo Sheng brought US $ 6.2 billion, with a nominal value of US $ 142.6 billion.
Now, such as Goldman Sachs and Damo are crazy buying credit default swaps held by the big bears in the market, or deleveraging, or backhand shorting themselves and so on.
For example, the credit default swaps held by the successor funds, Michael sold a credit default swap with a nominal value of $ 800 million to Goldman Sachs for $ 300 million.
If this credit default swap is bet against Goldman Sachs, in theory Goldman Sachs can hedge 500 million US dollars from it. If it bet against other investment banks, it is equivalent to Goldman Sachs can also make a big profit from it, it is equivalent to draw the blood of others To fill in their own holes, we must know that Goldman Sachs had previously bet on the housing market with many bears, including gambling operations with itself.
At present, the major task of major investment banks is to hedge their debts. Survival is the first priority. While ensuring that they can survive, they instantly change from prey to hunter. For example, Goldman Sachs is such an example. other people.
For the heirloom fund, selling at a nominal value of $ 800 million for $ 300 million seems to be a loss, but don't forget that he only invested $ 34 million in it and now sells for $ 300 million.
800 million US dollars is false, and 300 million US dollars is now in real hands.
Simply put, it is the credit default swap that Michael bought for $ 34 million, which is now nominally worth $ 800 million, but in order to safely leave the market early, he traded for $ 800 million worth of credit default swaps. Sold to Goldman Sachs.
This investment brought a return of 782% to the successor fund and got the money to leave the market smoothly, and this credit default swap was Goldman Sachs.
As for how Goldman Sachs will handle this credit default swap, Michael doesn't care that he has no relationship with him. He is only responsible for his investors.
The next day.
As soon as Luo Sheng came to the company, Qin Weimu came to his office to report.
"I have received the information. The net income of 11.685 billion US dollars has been remitted to multiple fund pool accounts, which are mainly held in the hands of UBS, but UBS is probably the biggest loser in the subprime crisis."
Such a prediction by Qin Weimu is not unreasonable. According to foreign news, due to the drag on the subprime mortgage crisis, UBS was forced to make a second write-off of non-performing assets, with two write-ups totaling 21 billion Swiss francs, about 196 One billion US dollars is by far the worst loss among the world's major banks.
After that, Merrill Lynch ($ 15.6 billion), Citibank ($ 12.4 billion), Deutsche Bank ($ 9.8 billion), HSBC ($ 9.2 billion), Morgan Stanley ($ 7.2 billion), Bank of America ($ 6.6 billion).
"According to Wall Street analyst estimates, UBS has not yet stepped out of the quagmire, and it will definitely have to make a third write-off, which will cost $ 17.7 billion. Now UBS's stock market value has fallen by 23%, and we need to emerge from the crisis UBS must carry out a large-scale capital increase plan. "Qin Weimu added.
It's miserable.
Luo Sheng shrugged. He wasn't himself anyway. He looked at Qin Weimu and asked, "How much of our fund is on UBS's account?"
Wen Yan Qin Weimu said immediately: "About 57%, but you don't have to worry about UBS going bankrupt. This is one of the best banks in the world with a credit system."
Luo Sheng nodded with a smile: "I don't know if you say this."
UBS just lost blood this time, but it will certainly not go bankrupt, otherwise the world will not know how many rich people will explode in place.
It is worth mentioning that the huge wealth harvested by Luo Sheng is currently invisible, and most of the assets are deposited with UBS.
Luo Sheng's announcement is also possible, and it will definitely sensation all over the world. At the same time, it will also be attacked by countless people, and he will be titled "Super Big Short", "Capital Eating Blood Man".
Regarding these evaluations, Luo Sheng didn't really care at all. The reason why the wealth harvested from the subprime mortgage crisis was hidden did not want to affect the business of the two companies because of this windfall.
If it is announced, it will definitely be hated by Americans, and even use their hands to retaliate against Blue Star Technology or the Blue Coast Company, which is worth the loss.
Anyway, money is already available, but it is only divided into two, the assets on the bright side and the hidden assets.
However, it is a matter of time sooner or later. Luo Sheng is also mentally prepared, but it does not matter. Anyway, whether it is discovered or not, Americans will definitely suppress their own businesses in the future. It does n’t matter. Fish as much as you can.
Qin Weimu sat down beside him, "You don't want to make this asset public and let the world know that you have reaped a fortune from gambling on the North American housing market. How can this asset be used?"
Once it works, it has to explain the huge source of funds like the outside world, and it will be detected soon without explanation.
These money are now offshore, simply put in overseas, not domestic.
And so far, foreign countries do not know that the actual owner of the money is him.
Luo Sheng smiled: "The living person can't be suffocated by urine? Of course, this money will not lie still all the time, which is the most stupid. My real purpose of harvesting this wealth is not to make my wealth more Skewers, of course, are used for my R & D investment. "
After hearing what he said, Qin Weimu was thoughtful, and after a while he looked at Luo Sheng and said, "I think of a best-of-breed approach. I can register an investment company in Cayman, and then enter the Mainland with foreign capital Cooperation on the French Riviera means that you are investing in yourself. In the future, you can withdraw your capital and then sell it to yourself in the mainland business, and sell it to yourself as cheaply as possible. "
Immediately afterwards, Qin Weimu added: "Another advantage is that offshore funds are huge, which is more conducive to the layout of global business and any business behind the scenes."
At the end, Luo Sheng looked at Qin Weimu and boasted to him: "You are familiar with the routines in capital operation. Okay, just do what you say, handle it and report to me when you are done. "
Qin Weimu: "Well ~ ~ Her proposal suddenly made Luo Sheng come up with a more ambitious idea and become the most powerful behind-the-scenes master in this world. Technology can change the world, but also Can control the world.
If it was said in 2003, Luo Sheng would definitely not have such an idea. At that time, he was actually "simple" and wanted to change the world.
But as time went on, reason gradually told him that he was born in the big age and became the promoter of the age. Many times he wanted to do something and realize his ideals. Many times he couldn't help himself and had no choice.
If you don't want to be left to your own liking and leave it at your mercy, then you can only go ahead bravely, or you will be deprived of all your brilliant achievements and reduced to the wedding dress of others.
No matter what, you can only go ahead rashly.
Such an imagination Luo Sheng was soon pressed into the deepest part of his heart and returned to reality. He would not deliberately go to this goal, but everything would go with nature.
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