Chapter 231: [General Manager Ma wants to hit someone]

, The latest chapter in the latest global monopoly of technology!
Luo Sheng did not know that the interstellar circle is now like a fried pot. Everything is because of the sudden appearance of Nov. Domestic players are just as excited as playing chicken blood. It can be said that the ID of Nov is now properly sealed. Became the first person recognized by all domestic interstellar players.
The shadows have not been seen, but a large number of game fans have already been circled.
Of course, what the geese did not know was that Nov was not actually a human, and Luo Sheng did not intend to continue to let Nov enter the ladder system to confront human players.
Because the collected data has been completed, it is not necessary and meaningless to continue the confrontation, and additional computing resources are wasted.
Luo Sheng did not devote himself to Nov for a long time. Although the end of the year was much easier than usual, especially last year, but it was also relatively speaking. In fact, he still had to deal with more or less two companies every day. , And the participation of some conferences.
Twenty minutes later, Luo Sheng participated in an internal meeting of the Enterprise Development Department convened by the staff of the Operation Department and the Technology Department within Bluestar Technology Group.
The conference was hosted by the company's No. 2 person, Zhang Bowen. After all, it was a representative of the real power, and Luo Sheng rarely presided over the meeting recently. Zhang Bowen did not have the name of the CEO, but actually the CEO.
The agendas discussed in this meeting are P2P, e-commerce, and online payment.
I can only see Zhang Bowen speaking at the meeting: "A Tan Baba went public in Hong Kong this week, stock code 1688, the opening price of HK $ 30 on the first day of listing, a 122% increase from the issue price of HK $ 13.5, and a market value of more than US $ 20 billion. Consider After the market closed, the fundraising amount of the over-allotment option, Aju listing became the world's third largest Internet financing event after Bluestar Technology and Google, with the closing price of HK $ 35.75 in midday. "
In this month's Internet technology industry, Aju and Ma Yi are playing the leading roles. During the global roadshow, it is said that Aju received over 60 billion US dollars and over 50 subscriptions, which means that the financing amount can exceed 1.7 billion US dollars.
The over-subscription by investors and the two-year lock-up period for basic investors have greatly stimulated the retail enthusiasm of retail investors. The public offering to retail investors is extremely popular. At present, the entire Hong Kong stock market is in a boiling moment because of this capital feast.
Luo Sheng, who didn't speak much at this time, laughed: "The IPO is very dead at the time node. After a short period of time, the market may be a different story. The cold winter may have entered the last week countdown. Even if technology stocks can no longer stand up, they can't stand up. "
A senior executive attending the meeting smiled and said, "Aju's IPO is so hot. I think it has a lot to do with us not entering e-commerce."
At present, the four Internet giants in the industry commonly known as "BALT" or another term "L-BAT", Bluestar Technology is a well-deserved super-big Mac. In terms of market value, "BAT" is currently only "L". About one-fifth.
Bluestar Technology is facing competition with Tengxun and Baidu. However, so far, it has not entered the field of e-commerce and has not fought with Aju. This is also a very incomprehensible part of the industry.
But today is different. The goal of this meeting hosted by Zhang Bowen is obvious.
At this time, Zhang Bowen spoke again: "In the web2.0 era, the three major data streams in the data age, social data, search data, and e-commerce data, we have no precipitation of e-commerce data. This is obviously important for group companies. In terms of the overall ecosystem and the moat, there are loopholes. It is not that we want to lay down Tanuki to become the new hegemon of the industry. The purpose is to prevent becoming a breakthrough. In short, it will occupy a pit, so that it will not be exposed when facing the enemy's fire in the future . "
Obviously, Zhang Bowen made no secret of the company's entry into the e-commerce field. The core management of Bluestar Technology knows the importance of big data and the value of big data. Luo Sheng is very popular. How powerful is the business value brought by data mining.
It can be said that for the importance of data, for now, there may not be several companies worldwide that attach more importance to Bluestar Technology Group.
An executive of the operation department said: "B2B, C2C, but I think the importance of online payment value should be given first priority. The number of Alipay users has exceeded 65 million, which is a very large user scale. Yes, it will definitely break through the 100 million order next year. Our research department analysis shows that it first cuts into high-networked external markets such as online games, air tickets, and B2C. "
"Driven by the rapid development of e-commerce, as of the end of last year, non-Taibao merchants such as digital communications and game point cards have reached more than 300,000, and the identity of Alipay's independent payment platform is being accepted by the outside world. This year's transaction amount has not been announced by the other party, but our internal analysis estimates that Alipay may already account for 47% of the entire electronic payment market, of which about 70% comes from digging, and external merchants should account for about 30%. In addition, , Alipay recently started to charge merchants, that is, excluding the transactions of the digging network and Aju website. "
At this time, Zhang Bowen looked at Luo Sheng and asked: "What do you think, Luo? Most of the companies are in favor of P2P, e-commerce and online payment business. For example, Tengxun launched its online payment platform in 2005. , Our group of companies has never done these businesses on such a large scale. "
This is also a place that the outside world does not understand very much. Alipay was officially launched in 2004, but it was actually launched in October 2003. In this huge market, Bluestar Technology is not interested?
You know, the number of Alipay users now exceeds 50 million.
All the people attending the meeting looked at Luo Sheng. For such a major business, Luo Sheng could not enter the link of actual action without making a decision.
Luo Sheng didn't want to say much immediately: "I agree with competing with A Tan. I don't want to be defeated, but I always want to take more time to look after his own back garden. Don't get bigger and go to my yard. Go and throw in a fire while you're not paying attention and light your backyard. "
As soon as the words came out, Zhang Bowen and others at the meeting couldn't help laughing. Luo Sheng's ridiculous but concise, many people started Google, and Larry Page had done such a bad thing.
Everyone was very relaxed. After a while, Luo Sheng made it clear: "First of all, we can study the application scenarios of new technologies in P2P, but now P2P is basically finance. I do n’t do this business. P2P finance is a ghost. Dead man, I am not optimistic about the future, especially P2P financial credit. The originator of this model 'Napster' music sharing website has been cool for several years. Even other P2P models must be treated with caution. "
After hearing this, the senior executives at the meeting looked at each other. Luo Sheng's words made them very surprised. You must know that the industry is very optimistic about the business now. Although the P2P model has been out for many years, this year has just started to be on the Internet in China. Come on, the first similar Internet has appeared, and the analysis of the company's internal executives agreed that P2P is likely to begin to become a hot place next year, a new gold mine.
What I didn't expect was that the big bosses they worshiped sentenced P2P to death. Although Luo Sheng did not make too many explanations and theoretical basis, his brilliant achievements all showed that he had an extraordinary strategic vision. Everyone has to re-examine the P2P related business.
None of the people who can sit here are mediocre. They have predicted that the P2P business will begin to explode next year. In fact, the historical trend is indeed the same, which indirectly proves their ability.
However, the big BOSS has directly denied, and everyone knows that the P2P business is hot, and Bluestar Technology will definitely not do it.
Luo Sheng looked around and said in an orderly manner: "We can take the investment model of e-commerce, and of course, we must launch our products on the online payment platform, but not now, wait!"
Zhang Bowen and others couldn't understand his thoughts when they heard these words. Why would they wait? Isn't it normal to enter as early as possible? Isn't this monetization?
Luo Sheng also seemed to see the doubts from the eyes of everyone, and could not help but smile, and immediately explained to them:
"We do n’t have a strong e-commerce platform. How can we surpass Alipay? Besides, Ma is taking Alipay out of the Arac system under great risk. In addition, the country has no idea about financial licenses and related regulations. Banks What's happening? Alipay is completely exploring, many things are being perfected, and there are many problems. "
Speaking of this, Luo Sheng said succinctly: "So we wait and wait for Alipay to complete all the problems. We can sign directly on the A4 paper. Don't worry about it?"
Zhang Bowen and others stayed for a while, then went back to God and looked at each other.
It was speechless.
The key is ~ ~ wonderful!
If boss Ma listens to this, he will definitely be angry and want to hit people. BOSS's wishful thinking aroused everyone to be completely convinced. Why didn't he think of it? In fact, the idea is too simple, simple and simple, but maybe because It's too simple, so everyone didn't think about it at this level.
You have to know that under pressure and even ready to go in, he has to push the online payment business. The risks can be imagined.
Luo Sheng said so, can everyone be convinced.
If Bluestar Technology launches an online payment platform, just wait.
Let Alipay explore the road in front. If it ’s gone, do n’t go. Perfectly avoid the risks and reefs. If the road is spread out, no problem, prepare an A4 document along the way of Alipay, and then sign it. Just stamp it and you're done.
(Ps: WeChat payment is this routine, and it takes off quickly based on social stickiness. Xiaoma ’s witty EB is there. It is estimated that Ma Yan is very angry, and labor and capital frightened to cross the river. This pen is leaking in the back.)
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