Chapter 239: [Price]

, The latest chapter in the latest global monopoly of technology!
The atmosphere of the scene continued to be hot, and the enthusiasm of the fans became more and more high.
Luo Sheng on the stage said: "We are going to launch the" virtual idol "plan three-piece gift package today. The three products will be sold in packages. The first product is the promotional video" Hatsune Miku: In the Name of Love ". It is an excellent work, and it is the beginning of everything. Only one language version is displayed at the press conference. There are actually three versions, English, Chinese and Japanese. A CD is included, which contains three versions of the movie. As well as the original soundtrack, songs can be synchronized with MusicSpace. The key is that there is no need to pay a second time on MusicSpace software. "
"Oh ~~"
The fan audience cheered again. There were two other versions of the movie and the original soundtrack?
Sincerity is full of wood.
However, people in the industry are suddenly aware and have new doubts in their hearts. Blue Star ’s
virtual idol
project costs only 500 million US dollars for a promotional video. How can it recover costs?
This is where many people are extremely curious.
Luo Sheng continued: "The second product of the gift package is the sound production software" SINGOID ". This software product is an application that collects human voice samples and then creates a singing database. All databases and copyrights will also be open source and free, that is, It means that Hatsune ’s work is the work of fans, and the future of Hatsune does not depend on us, but on countless fans. "
"Oh ~~"
There was another enthusiastic applause, and the scores were extremely excited. With this product, you can make your own products and let Hatsune Miku sing?
Some tech people can't help but stagnate, can they still play like this? Can you still play like this?
At the venue, a Silicon Valley elite murmured involuntarily: "In this virtual idol world, it seems that a new power structure has been reached between fans and idols. Fans have brought themselves closer to themselves and idols through creation. The relationship between virtual idols and decentralized content production has further strengthened fans ’reliance on themselves. No accidents of
collapse of people
have occurred. The strong connection with fans is more stable and controllable ... "
Suddenly, the Silicon Valley elite seemed to have a sudden and cheerful feeling in the hindsight.
Can't help but shoot the case.
Bluestar Technology introduced the innovative concept of "virtual idol". Isn't this innovation model based on user-produced content? Isn't it UGC mode?
The Hatsune Miku virtual idol has a natural advantage in the field of ACG (an abbreviation of animation, manga, and games), and this advantage is further amplified in the Japanese market.
All this can explain another thing, isn't this the typical web2.0 mode gameplay?
That's it.
More and more people in the industry suddenly understand Luo Sheng's layout in this field. Nowadays, he knows nothing but admiration.
It is indeed the proponent of the concept of web2.0, Luo Sheng simply played the rhythm of web2.0.
I didn't expect to play like this?
The Internet really has endless imagination space. After people began to think that e-commerce portals, the Internet can do everything, and then came out of the search engine; when people think this is the end, the blue space tells people that they can still play like this ... ...
People found that what was really lacking was the wild imagination and creativity like Blue Star Technology and Luo Sheng.
At the same time, Luo Sheng on the stage continued: "The third product is a music rhythm game" Hatsune Miku: The Singer Plan ". I have a PS machine here, and I will show you live ... Play on the platform, and also support the PC side. "
After finishing speaking, Luo Sheng came to the side of the stage and showed the operation to the crowd while introducing. The game screen was synchronized to the giant screen and immediately attracted fan users.
PC players suddenly feel that the graphics card is going to burn.
Luo Sheng demonstrated and introduced the major gameplay and systems one by one, including custom systems, photography systems, and so on.
For the otaku, this game almost instantly pulls love to the rhythm.
Rather than saying this is a music rhythm game, it is better to say that it is an MV production software for the majority of folks. The station B of the previous life is full of videos of Hatsune or other virtual singers. These are folk big Touch the works shared by the people, and the vast number of Xiaobai users can enjoy them by watching the works of the Great God, thereby driving the sharing power of the Great God players.
As a result, there are more and more homemade videos on the website. This is the content. In the end, it will inevitably lead to a result, that is, Hatsune Miku's crazy sucking powder, which can hundreds of millions of powders worldwide. The popularity of frontline singers in Europe and America relies on this precipitation.
The press conference lasted for 167 minutes. At this time, Luo Sheng was playing a music rhythm game, and "Song Onion Song" was playing simultaneously. The super-magic song was already on fire.
Because a lot of netizens who eat melons on the Internet have just released the background music of "Hatsune Miku: In the Name of Love", especially this magically cheerful music has been the most discussed.
"OK, it's almost OK, otherwise I will continue to play ..." Luo Sheng murmured, this sentence made the audience laughed a lot, he quickly put down the PS device in his hand and returned to it again The midfield position of the stage.
"Do you think we are going to launch these three great packages at today ’s press conference?" Luo Sheng pointed to the audience on the back of the audience, pointing to the screen on the big screen behind him, showing the video album "Hatsune Miku: In Love" Name ", sound production software" SINGOID "and music rhythm game" Hatsune Miku: The Singer Project "
As soon as Luo Sheng's voice fell, the big screen behind him shattered. He said, "We are not selling software, not games, or soundtracks."
Audience :? ? ?
Audience: So, what do you want to sell?
After stopping for a moment, Luo Sheng said to the audience: "... We are selling virtual singers! I will give you an exclusive news. Next year, um, not surprisingly, early next year will be officially held in our world. At the concert, she announced her official debut in our world. Bluestar Technology and the French Riviera will unite to provide technical support. This technology will shock every audience. This technology is ... OK, I ca n’t reveal too much."
The words instantly exploded the fat houses at the scene. For the first time, they couldn't help but think about the concert scene in the movie just now. If that kind of black technology imaging is really like that, it is really looking forward to the explosion rhythm.
Hatsune Miku ’s IP is available today for the first time, and 99% of the otakus who came to the scene have been circled on the scene.
A person in the science and technology industry looked at Luo Sheng on the stage in suspicion, thinking: Is it the key next year?
Not only him, but also the guests who attended the show were all staring at him. What innovative technology will be applied to the concert next year?
I thought that today ’s press conference had shown enough, but suddenly I found out that Blue Star ’s
virtual idol
plan only showed the tip of the iceberg. After careful consideration, I realized that Blue Star is not an entertainment company. It's a technology company, as well as the Cote d'Azur.
Luo Sheng is not a mixed film and television entertainment circle, but a big coffee in the mixed technology circle, technology is the main business.
"On the left side of the venue, there is a demo hall, which will be open to the public for a week after the press conference." Luo Sheng on the stage further spoke, and saw him walking back and forth, paused and continued:
"Bluestar Technology has reached in-depth cooperation with local distributors. On December 22, the Collector's Edition of Hatsune Miku: In the Name of Love, the audio and video album SINGOID, and the music rhythm game Hatsune Miku: Song The Ji Project is the first to be released in Japan, and will be released in Europe, America and Greater China next year. "
The press conference chose to be sold in Akihabara and the first product to be sold in the Japanese market, which shows that the commercial value of this region's market is much higher than other places. At least for now, consumer feedback on the scene can be glimpsed.
The second is the European and American markets.
As for the Greater China market, to be honest, if you can sell 5,000 copies of Luo Sheng, thank you. The Greater China market needs to be cultivated because there is no foundation, no environment, and the economic level has not yet reached its strength.
The price of the product will definitely discourage mainland consumers ~ ~ On the stage of the conference, Luo Sheng finally said to the audience: "As for the price, we will sell the three-piece set at a price of 19,999 yuan. "
After speaking, a series of numbers appeared on the huge screen behind Luo Sheng. Many domestic people saw this number in a hurry, because they did n’t know how much the price was converted into RMB. Some people checked it with an Azure mobile phone. Real-time exchange rate, and then calculated it, don't even know it, startled.
Convert it according to the real-time exchange rate and it is nearly ¥ 3,000!
For domestic consumers, this is a super unpopular price.
At the scene, some of the local dead house fans suddenly exclaimed: "Wow, the three sets of products only cost 9999 yuan? How can it be so affordable?"
A Chinese sitting next to me could just understand the words. He heard a toothache and secretly said, "Mad is cheap? You can buy a blue mobile phone for a thousand dollars, these fat and fat houses. Really rich money ... "
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