Chapter 321: [Technology independence is forced]

Many people in the industry and media have obtained the first physical book of "Inevitable", and after reading, they have also published their post-reading feelings on the media platform.
Silicon Valley magazine commented on the book the next day:
[The Book of Inevitable] beautifully commented on the inevitable trend of the current development of science and technology, and provided a very forward-looking vision and guidance for the development of the global science and technology industry. 】
Over time, overseas translations are also available. The Daily Mail commented this:
"The Inevitable" by Luo Sheng is a must-read book for IT practitioners and investors in 2009. 】
For a while, this book became the focus of much discussion in the industry, especially in the investment and IT industries, and even for those who are enthusiastic about Luo Sheng, the book "Inevitable" is a treasure. same.
Naturally, the ensuing praise is endless. Luo Sheng's act of sharing must be welcomed by the whole world. The only thing that does not welcome him is the North American authorities.
Suddenly there was such a bull and a young man on the side of Xi Huaguo, which made the teeth of a large group of beautiful politicians itchy.
But Wall Street loves Luo Sheng more and more without him, because Luo Sheng can bring them huge returns.
Rather than love Luo Sheng more and more, it is better to love him more and more. Luo Sheng knows this too, but it's good. His pattern is to make friends from the left, middle, and right.
This series of factors are all feedback to investors who are extremely expecting to dump money to Shengfeng Capital. Now many outside speculations are whether Shengfeng Capital will enter the twelve major trends described in "Inevitability".
Uh ...
"The issue of overseas publishers has already been discussed. The book" Inevitable "was printed overseas in 37 languages ​​at the end of this year. It is expected to issue 4.5 million copies worldwide this year. Amazon can already pre-order it. The data here is very eye-catching. , Definitely selling. "
For the Blue Coast Company, Qin Weimu came to Luo Sheng's office. At the moment, he is working in this company.
"How is the feedback?" Luo Sheng asked.
"Feedback?" Qin Weimu thought about Yan Zhan and smiled: "Feedback is that the halo on your body is even more eye-catching, and the majority of netizens have officially named you as the" Prophecy Emperor. "
Wu Wenyan said, Luo Sheng laughed: "Forget the fun of eating melon netizens. I care more about how many technology practitioners this book can affect, which is critical to my next layout."
Uh-huh, you need a lot of tools, and they are willing to be tools.
Wu Qin Weimu said: "The next work is to save money. Shengfeng Capital has raised 300 billion yuan in funds so far. Don't use it as soon as possible. Don't you feel bad if you depreciate every day?"
"No, the next work is more important than this." Luo Sheng looked at Qin Weimu in front of him, his voice fell, and he did not wait for the other party to react, and soon took him into his arms.
Wu Qin Weimu reacted suddenly and angrily resisted and warned: "This is the company, you don't have to go in!"
Luo Luosheng: "Then get the inch first, it's alright."
Wu Qin Weimu: "..."
In the end, I still got into the ruler, the man's words must not be believed.
Uh ...
After the incident, Qin Weimu took a break and then looked around, she seemed to be looking for something.
It didn't take long for me to find the materials she had brought before, and she sat on her own, with a light apple mark imprinted on it.
Qin Weimu threw the document to Luo Sheng: "This is the material that I have compiled and summarized the current status of the latest integrated circuit industry in China, covering IC design, manufacturing, packaging and testing, power devices, MEMS, materials and equipment factories. Take a look. "
After finishing talking, she drew a sheet of paper towels and began to organize herself silently.
Luo Luosheng immediately opened the file at a glance.
As a semiconductor material, the most used element is silicon, and the main source of silicon is sand, so it is not rigorous and grounded to say that as the highest level of semiconductors in human process technology, the process is how to finally turn sand into chips.
The first step is the melting and purification of silicon. After the pure silicon element is refined, single-crystal silicon ingots are prepared, and then silicon wafers are sliced ​​and polished. Here, extremely advanced chemical technology is required. The Japanese are the best in the world.
Generally, semiconductor IC manufacturers directly purchase already prepared silicon wafers for subsequent production, and then make chips with circuits on the silicon wafers. In total, they have to undergo diffusion, photolithography, etching, ion implantation, thin film growth, The seven production steps of polishing and metallization.
这 This series of steps is actually refined through more than 1,000 processes, and then hundreds of millions of transistors are born in such a small semiconductor chip.
The final step is to test the package and pack it for retail.
The production process of a chip is simple to say, but it is absolutely difficult to do it. The investment of a complete chip production line requires only billions of RMB to start, and the majority of them are lithography machines. Production equipment.
Coupled with the "Moore's Law" of the semiconductor industry, the speed of iteration is very fast. The chips you have produced have been eliminated after a year or two. The billions and tens of billions of inputs have been directly drained, so no one wants to. Do this line.
Most of the key technology links of the semiconductor industry are controlled by western countries such as Europe, the United States and Europe. In order to restrict the development of the semiconductor industry in China, the most advanced foreign production equipment, such as lithography machines, are not sold to the Chinese, and are strictly restricted. Now, they are all outdated products that have fallen behind for generations.
And ~ ~ Even if you have equipment, you may not be able to produce chips.
产业 Since the Japanese collapsed in the semiconductor industry, this industry has been completely dominated by Americans. At present, all manufacturing powers in the world, except China, have given up on competing in the semiconductor industry with Americans.
Because it's really hard, if you come up with a bit of fame, the Americans will punch you hard and die, even if they die.
Conversely, as long as you don't challenge the US's position in the semiconductor industry, you can take you to play with it, so now the industry giants have joined the North American Semiconductor Industry Association, and leading companies in other countries have become one of its international members.
For those companies, instead of being killed or disabled by Americans, it would be better to mingle with American dad and drink soup in the back. It is also pork rib soup. Sometimes it ’s good to have some meat.
Xi Huaguo once thought the same way, and wanted to play together very much. He asked for "addition to the group", but the Western countries, such as Europe and the United States, did not agree, and he also created a "Batumi" technology to restrict and block.
The properly hot face was put on the cold ass, touched a gray nose, and was mocked by the crowd.
Well, since you do n’t take me to play, you can always sell things to me to make trouble, the price is easy to negotiate, and you can ask for it.
I can't!
That's really no choice but to start another stove by myself.
I embarked on a path of self-reliance in science and technology.
Uh ...
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