Chapter 33: [30 years of deep lockup]

In a flash of time, it has been two days since I moved into the new office space. Compared with the first day, the excitement of the big guys has now receded a lot, and he is immersed in focusing on work.
Luo Luosheng is clear about the company's operation and management logic, and it is very clear what problems should be dealt with first. The next important thing is to remove the dormitory culture left by the company's internal team and build a technology-oriented engineer culture.
"Come in!"
Luo Sheng, who was sitting at his desk, looked at the door and moved into the new office space. Naturally, as CEO, he also has an independent office.
Qin Weimu was the one who walked in. She was wearing an OL work uniform, a white tight top was clean and tidy at first glance, and a tight hip skirt was placed on her lower body, which perfectly reflected the perfect figure.
She feels like an elegant and personal working woman. This aura feels like Yujie Faner.
Qin Weimu joined Bluestar Technology and started to work on his own work. In the days when he officially started work, he fully played the role of Luo Sheng's chief lawyer and the company's chief legal officer CLO, and he no longer accepted any outside cases. , Became a core-level executive of Bluestar Technology.
She was also very surprised to see the documents provided by Luo Sheng. The company's AB system and one-veto veto power and other equity structure settings were quite perfect. What surprised her even more was that the equity held by the company's major VCs was simply There is no right to speak within the company.
In Qin Weimu's career, although it is not long, he has also received many cases, including many classic cases. However, the equity structure of Bluestar Technology, especially the external investment shareholders, has almost completely given up control of the company. In fact, even the annualized business has no gambling. She has seen such a shareholding structure for the first time, and she is more and more curious how Luo Sheng made VC willing to sign such an agreement.
At this moment, after Qin Weimu came in, he closed the door smoothly and walked slowly towards Luo Sheng. The latter sat at her desk and stayed a few more eyes on her body to see the beautiful things in the world. It will always make people involuntarily appreciate more.
However, Luo Sheng did not take a light look, and immediately smiled: "Sit down."
Qin Weimu nodded gently, sat down in the chair next to him, and placed a document held in front of him on the desktop, saying: "I have sorted out the company's top-level design in the past few days. Some potential legal risks have been sorted out, and a complete equity incentive plan has been established for our company's current actual personnel situation. Mr. Luo, please take a look. "
Luo Wenyan Luo Sheng's eyes immediately fell on the desktop folder, opened and couldn't help looking at it.
"I'm going to go so thick? How many pages?"
Seeing Luo Sheng's exaggerated expression, Qin Weimu smiled and replied: "A total of 271 pages. Including the company's core management, middle and senior management, and grass-roots employees' incentive plans, there are also technical posts, management posts, and rank divisions. Corresponding treatment, the company's pre-IPO incentive plan, post-IPO incentive plan, pre-profit incentive plan, post-profit incentive plan, etc. "
"Okay ..." Luo Sheng was convinced and discouraged. He glanced again at the text and closed it again and looked at Qin Weimu.
"I haven't seen my brain wide, I'll give you a verbal report. I'll take a look at it when I have time."
Zhuanshu has a specialization. If Qin Weimu were to see those codes, he would feel the same.
"I noticed that most of the current graduates in the company are fresh graduates, and the initial team is still students, including you, but not everyone can be as unique and leadership as you, so it is targeted at young employees , I recommend this equity incentive plan. "
After talking, Qin Weimu has taken the document back again, and skilfully opened it to find one of the materials and handed it to Luo Sheng and told him:
"This is a comprehensive incentive plan that I have sorted out, and it is also highly recommended by individuals. The implementation of this plan allows an employee to join the company from the age of 25 to the age of 55 and bind to the company for 30 years. At the same time, his growth has not The ceiling allows him to provide opportunities, provide platforms, inspire him, grow him at different stages, and then the company can do better, bigger and stronger. "
Luo Luosheng paused for a while, then looked up at Miss Lawyer and said, "You said from 25 to 55? Binding him for 30 years to work for the company? Can this be achieved?"
This is a bit cruel!
Qin Weimu pouted and smiled, nodded and glanced at Luo Sheng, seeing his expression could not help but said: "Don't look at me like this, this plan is a very scientific and reasonable plan, which can achieve the company and employees to complete each other's plan . This scheme is also divided into multiple stages, and the incentive method of each stage is different. It is not required that every employee of the company can go through all stages. Which step can be taken depends mainly on himself. "
After talking about Qin Weimu, he turned to page 22, which is a reference template. Luo Sheng immediately carefully browsed a complete set of Qin Weimu combing.
【25 ~ 30 years old】
An employee graduated from a 25-year-old master's degree and was hired to work at Blue Star Technology.
员工 Employee incentives at this stage cannot use equity incentives. For employees in the 25-30 age group, incentives are based on bonuses, not options. Employees now need more cash to buy a house or car or travel.
However, it should be noted that if the employee is given a year-end bonus, he may leave the job after receiving the money, usually he is chic, and then finds a job again after spending, if the company does not pay attention to the potential problems, once the bonus is paid directly When he left.
To avoid this potential problem is to split the employee's bonus into two points. For example, his year-end bonus is 50,000, and 30,000 cash is issued. The remaining 20,000 is left in the company. The company sets up a bonus pool to use employees and other employees. The bonus to purchase the company's dividend rights is equivalent to the company helping employees make investment and financial management. Most of the company's net profit is about 10% to 20%, which is definitely more profitable than depositing banks or investing in other financial products. It also guarantees risk.
Since Bluestar Technology is not prepared to make a profit for a long time, you can set a margin guarantee based on the profit value of relevant companies in the industry.
At the same time, there must be a lock-up period of 5 years, that is, employees cannot leave the company during these 5 years. If he proposes to resign in the third year, he must leave. People can leave, but the bonus cannot be collected until the lock-up period ends, and the dividends from the previous three years must be returned to the company.
If an employee needs money for reasons such as getting married, buying a house, or a family member who is ill and needs money, the company will not approve the money.
But the employee can take the loan procedure from the company, the company lends money to the employee, the amount and the bonus amount of the lock-up period are the benchmark, but he must not be allowed to take out the money.
As a result, most of the company's young employees have been locked for 5 years, aside from individual exceptions.
【30 ~ 35 years old】
When an employee reaches the age group of 30 to 35, he most wants to go out and start a business at this age, because of the pressure of life, there are old and young, small loans, mortgage loans, milk powder money, life pressure, wages are not enough, so Want to go out and start a business to create better and more income.
Employees often want to start a business at this time, but he has no funds, no resources, no channels, no platforms, no connections and no experience.
The company can help him and let him start a business inside the company, and Bluestar Technology can set up a departmental company system inside.
创业 An employee with an entrepreneurial idea can be the head of a project department, and the company can let him contract this project as a virtual company.
Employees bring several members of the department, if the project requires about 1 million funds, the company can contribute 600,000, the employee and his team make up 200,000, and other departments of the company can invest 200,000.
员工 The employee has the independent personnel, financial and operational management rights of the project department, and he has the final say on the project department.
The project department earns 40% of the profits of the company, the employee and his team take 40%, and the investees take 20%. The employee team invests less but more, and the company invests more but less. But it needs to set a premise, that is, there must be profit.
For example, this year's profit is 200,000. The profit before 200,000 is divided according to the above proportion. The employee's department will receive 50% of the profit if it exceeds 200,000. The more the profit, the more he will be divided. At the same time, they get extra income from the project. People in other departments of the company feel that the project is good. They can also invest some money, which reduces the company's financial pressure and improves employees' income.
However, it should be noted that employees may spend money arbitrarily after receiving funds and sufficient operating rights. In view of this potential problem, the money invested by employees can be inferior.
That is to say, lose money first lose the money invested by the employee and his team, so that the employee and his team will be attentive.
The company only does one thing, providing logistical support and accountability issues. If there is a problem, accountability but full authorization will continue.
The establishment of a departmental company system not only satisfies the employees' idea of ​​entrepreneurship, but also provides employees with funds, platforms and other resources. It also keeps employees inside the company, and the performance of the company's departments can also be achieved.
【35 ~ 40 years old】
When an employee reaches this stage in Bluestar Technology, his mentality may change. Now that he has successfully established an internal business, he now has certain management capabilities, has accumulated certain capital, and has certain qualifications. If you accumulate these, you will basically have a strong solo intention. Once you leave the company, he is likely to become a competitor.
The company should let go and let him run away and start a new company that he runs independently.
This new company must be a subsidiary of Bluestar Technology or a related independent branch.
Shanfei's employees become the heads of the company or branch, and are already a vassal of one party, so Bluestar Technology, as the parent company, should hold 51% of the company's equity of the employees, which can either be relatively controlled or consolidated financial statements.
【40 ~ 45 years old】
When the employee's age reached this stage, he managed to run the subsidiary very well and the performance was dazzling. The better and better business at the same time, it will inevitably become more and more distant from the parent company. To solve this problem, the parent company should work with the employees to agree on a two-party business gambling agreement.
If the employee changes the subsidiary from 10 million to 20 million, the parent company is rewarded with 1% of the dividend right; when it reaches 30 million, it is awarded 2% of the dividend right; when it reaches 70 million, it is awarded 3%. Dividend rights.
The goal is to let him have a relationship with the parent company, so he must consider both the interests of the subsidiary company and the interests of the parent company, because the interests of the parent company are closely related to him.
【45 ~ 50 years old】
When an employee has successfully reached this stage under Bluestar Technology, he cannot be allowed to continue to do it in the subsidiary. He can no longer improve his career. Secondly, he may really never return. .
At this stage, the employee should be promoted to the parent company to arrange a vice president position. Now that he can do a good job of this subsidiary, has been fully trained, and other subsidiaries of Bluestar Technology are not a problem, let him Manages all the subsidiaries of Bluestar Technology that go out to do solo.
【50 ~ 55 years old】
When the employee reaches this stage of life, all he has to do is to use the performance to realize the 3% of the dividend right he previously owned into real shares, that is, when he is 50 to 55 years old, the employee has the right to He owns a 3% dividend right and purchases it into real shares at the price five years ago. In the past five years, he has done a good job in the company's performance, and the greater the room for appreciation of equity prices five years ago and now.
As a result, employees became bluestar technology's real shareholders, and they could work together with bluestar technology.
【55 + years】
Uh ...
"Well, Sister Weimu, what is the content of this last stage? Did you miss it when printing?" Luo Sheng, who carefully browsed the template, found that there was no postscript, and he was looking at it vigorously.
Qin Weimu immediately explained: "General Luo, this is not an omission. The template I combed is like this. In the final stage, you, the founder of Bluestar Technology, make flexible decisions."
Luo Luosheng stared at her curiously: "How do you say this?"
Qin Weimu said: "In general, an employee who has worked in the company for more than 30 years and reached 55 years of age, that is, after becoming a shareholder of real power, should not let him continue to do so. To prevent his ambitions from expanding, anti-clients are fighting for control and dominance of the company. UU Kanshu "
"In addition to this consideration, it is also necessary to vacate the position for young people. The resigned employee has become an old employee. Just retire and go home and lay down and count the dividends. In this way, it can also avoid the embarrassing things of the company's senior management. "
"This is not the company to kill the donkey. Bluestar Technology was not his. The company just deprived him of his power and did not deprive him of the ownership of the company. He is still a shareholder because he has worked for the company for thirty years. He deservedly deserved it, but if it exceeded his contribution to the company and his deserved return, it would inevitably lead to chaos, so the best way is to let him be fired. "
"And the company did not apologize to him for this approach. He joined the company after graduation and had nothing, and eventually became a shareholder of the company. During this period, the company allowed him to develop without any bottlenecks in the 30-year development process. , The company has been helping him, providing him with opportunities, providing platforms, providing resources to grow, and the company has become bigger and stronger and mutually beneficial. "
At this moment, Luo Sheng noticed a slight reaction from Qin Weimu, and suddenly, he got up and took the initiative to get a glass of water for Qin Weimu.
"Thank you."
Qin Weimu smiled slightly, and then he drank elegantly.
At this moment, Luo Sheng re-sit back to the boss chair and closed the incentive plan documents with great emotions. The woman has a routine everywhere. The key is that you know that this is a routine and you will jump in willingly. This is the most precious thing.
Luo Luosheng watched Qin Weimu with a smile: "Wonderful, the so-called Qianjun is easy to obtain, and I can get Sister Weimu for my use. It is definitely better than thousands of horses. Just this plan!"
Uh ...
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