Chapter 531: [Scattering, 0 share limit, global stock market crash]

Facing Yao Jianhong's inquiry, Luo Sheng smiled and asked: "Old Yao, if you are asked to make the final decision, what are you going to do?"
When this remark came out, he asked Yao Jianhong directly for a while, and even more surprised him, Luo Sheng could still laugh.
At the end, after thinking for a while, he replied:
"Since it is a hypothesis, then I will point to my heart. If I come to make a decision, as soon as North America announces that it is solid, I will immediately recall all the employees of the Côte d'Azur in North America, liquidate all assets, and take away everything that can be taken away. , Complete liquidation and cutting with channel partners, sell insignificant flagship store real estate business, and then interrupt Apple ’s iPhone WOS operating system authorization, cut off FinFET process patent authorization, cut off ... well, I know this is not very sensible. "
Luo Sheng looked at Yao Jianhong and said with a smile: "I was a little surprised by your words, and suddenly felt that I should exchange the position of you and Lao Zhang. You go to Bluestar Technology and Lao Zhang to control the azure coast."
Yao Jianhong was stunned again: "Well ... President Luo, wouldn't you really want to play like this, wait a minute, Bluestar Technology has done so?"
Luo Sheng nodded.
Old Yao subconsciously blurted out and exclaimed: "Lying trough--!"
Really play like this?
Luo Sheng looked at Yao Jianhong who was at a loss and said calmly: "The Côte d'Azur is not the same as Bluestar Technology. It is necessary to withdraw from the North American market. It is also necessary to recall the mainland employees and lay off the local employees, but interrupt the cooperation of Apple and other companies. Partner authorization cannot be done. "
Yao Jianhong was puzzled: "Why? People have made you this way, wouldn't you still be regarded as a coward?"
Luo Sheng's unusually calm performance said: "That's a stubborn man. Who dare to say that I am cowardly at this level of Bluestar Technology? Who dares to play like me? But the Côte d'Azur is different, if we cut off the WOS system supply The core technology patents such as North America and the FinFET process are taken away. This is equivalent to the trap of old America. How would international suppliers outside North America view our move? "
As soon as this remark came out, Yao Jianhong woke up like a dream and suddenly realized.
Yes, the unexpected international supply chain partners in North America will certainly be intimidated, so they dare not cooperate with the Côte d’ Azur, and there is also a crisis of confidence in the euro zone market, and they are definitely not too with the Côte d’ Azur. deep.
By comparison, the euro zone can't stand this kind of toss.
This is equivalent to narrowing the way.
Bluestar Technology dare to smash its own disk, incidentally hitting the North American disk, if the Côte d'Azur also hit the disk this way, it would be the world's disk.
The result of the reverse is to make international supply chain partners outside North America more determined to cut the relationship with the Côte d’ Azur, so that no one can end up being so out.
What's more, Luo Sheng has made it clear in the public media that he will not weaponize the patents he holds. If he does so, it will be tantamount to beating himself.
"Don't hit the disk, but ask for the price tag." Luo Sheng turned around and said humorously: "The employees in the North American market can't let them sit idle when they are called back, so let them find the door and ask for money."
Yao Jianhong's eyes lit up: "This trick can not only abide by the promise of not weaponizing patents, but also get real money. Everyone has transferred the complaint to the North American authorities, which is the best of both worlds."
In the end is a big boss, thinking is thoughtful, take one step to see three steps.
The most uncomfortable thing is the supplier in North America.
The next day, a message from the North American Ministry of Commerce let the world's frypot officially announced that the effective date will be January 15, 2014, leaving less than half a month.
But this is just an appetizer.
On that day, the stock price of Bluestar Technology plummeted 12%, and the total market value fell to the previous high of 1.3 trillion to the market value of 1.056 trillion US dollars after the market. According to this trend, there is no need to wait for North America to open the next day. The listing of Hong Kong stocks is equivalent to full-time trading.
That day fell below the trillion dollar market value is almost no suspense.
As expected, as the Eastern Hemisphere entered the day, the Hong Kong stock market opened, Bluestar Technology's stock price directly turned into a diving champion, and the trading code led the decline. Both the Blue Coast and Bluestar Technology concept stocks could not run, and all followed the diving.
On the same day, Zhang Bowen, executive vice president of Bluestar Technology Group, personally held a temporary press conference.
At around 9:45 in the morning, more than 300 domestic and foreign media reporters gathered in the hall of the conference venue. When a full-dressed Zhang Bowen appeared unsmilingly and walked to the podium, the reporters all stood up and chattered. Keep asking.
The whole venue is as noisy as a vegetable market.
Zhang Bowen walked up to the podium and stood quietly. He looked around the room and pressed gestures. He did not speak until the media people who were present were quiet.
"North America claims to be the representative of the world's most free market economic zone. It is a pity that the authorities have not complied with the principles of the market economy and not only provide a fair, just and non-discriminatory business environment for foreign multinational companies investing and operating in the United States, On the contrary, it blindly generalized national security and unreasonably suppressed foreign multinational companies. "
Speaking of this, Zhang Bowen paused for a moment, all the reporters on the scene stared intently, and the camera locked the expression of Lao Zhang in an all-round way.
The scene was surprisingly quiet for a while.
At the end, Zhang Bowen said calmly and with unsteady tone: "Now I formally announce on behalf of the board of directors of the Bluestar Technology Group that the group of companies will withdraw completely from the North American market, and we will complete all Bluestar Technology North America in half a month. Liquidation and cutting of company assets. "
"We have fully withdrawn from the North American market, how to deal with the company's local assets? The assets belonging to the group of companies, we will not sell them, but all will be brought out of the North American land, there is no screw left, no bit data The rest, all taken away, can't take away ... according to President Luo's original words ... throw the Pacific! "
The audience was silent again. This time, even the reporters who were present forgot to press the camera device in their hands.
This situation lasted for about two seconds, but it was only about two seconds. At the next moment, the whole media was like a pan, and I frantically pressed the camera shutter while asking questions.
However, after the announcement, Zhang Bowen directly left the meeting and did not accept any questions or answers.
Until he disappeared in all his eyes, the scene of the scene noisy did not subside, these media reporters were shocked by the news, all of them were as excited as the chicken blood.
Absolutely super fierce!
A reporter present said to himself: "The global Internet community is about to usher in a major earthquake, this time it is definitely a magnitude 10 earthquake."
His partner replied: "More than the Internet industry ..."
Almost at the same time, the Cote d’ Azur company next door also spread an explosive news as quickly as the whole world.
The official website of the Cote d'Azur has updated a very simple notice. A black and white announcement has been published on various A4 pages: The company will completely terminate its services in the North American market by January 15, 2014, and fully recall its employees in the North American market.
Highlight the more serious the content of the notice, the more concise.
Two explosive news came out, which is bad for the world.
The three major domestic stock indexes of the domestic big A are all green, the Hang Seng index has been green for a long time, and the mothers of the semiconductor industry and technology stocks have not known. Two explosive bad news came out, resulting in a panic sell-off in the entire stock market. The 1000-share daily limit screen was staged directly in early trading, and the entire stock market was wailing wildly, which was terrible.
The overseas market is also not immune to the difficulties. The Korea KOSPI index and the Nikkei 225 index, which are in trading hours, have been dragged into the water.
Luo Sheng directly hit the market. For all listed companies related to the Blue Coast and Bluestar Technology, their stock prices fell, and the deeper the decline, the more ruthless, such as South Korea's Samsung Group, Japan's Sony, Toshiba and other companies.
The ghost knows how much leverage those listed companies have added behind the scenes. Over the past decade, Luo Sheng ’s layout has revolved around the complexity of the interest network formed by his two super-giant multinational group companies, and no one can understand it.
But the reaction of the stock market is most true.
European and American stock markets have been trembling in the middle of the night, and European and American stockholders see the East Asian hemisphere's Asia-Pacific index market also feel chilly below, suddenly afraid of tomorrow's opening time.
But after all, the black swan released by Luo Sheng is sweeping the world.
On the same day, all major European and American stock indexes opened, and the North American Nasdaq Composite Index began to plunge to a rhythm that the Lady Liberty didn't know ~ ~ Most of the world's Internet companies are based on Nasdaq and Blue Star The decision of science and technology impacts the extremely important infrastructure of the entire Internet industry.
Know that Blue Star Technology ’s rapid development over the past decade has added to its entire family ’s barrel business as large as the Internet itself, and Luo Sheng ’s impact is on the entire industry.
Then reacted on the stock market, triggering a panic selling by investors.
If Blue Star Technology is impacting the upper layer of the Internet, then the Côte d'Azur will impact the bottom layer of the Internet, the mobile Internet and the global semiconductor industry.
The fragile side of the market is reflected at this moment. Bluestar Technology's market value plunged 40% that day, overthrowing the first domino, and then an avalanche began.
Dow Jones Index, Nasdaq Composite Index, S & P 500 Index, FTSE 100 Index, Germany DAX30 Index, France CAC40 Index were all launched.
No one expected that a company announced at a media conference that an event announced would actually detonate the global stock market crash.
Because the confidence of market investors was severely frustrated and repeatedly tossed back and forth by the North American authorities and Luo Sheng, there was a serious lack of confidence in the future market trend, and even full of concerns about the rise of trade protectionism, full of unpredictability. What will happen?
At this moment, people realized that Blue Star Technology and the Azure Coast had such terrible world influence.
It turns out.
Luo Sheng is the barometer of the economy and the industry's weather vane. This sentence is really not exaggerated by the media. It really has such energy.

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