Chapter 554: [You sell electric cars, I sell smart electric cars]

On the stage, Luo Sheng's voice runs through the audience.

"The press conference should be over here. The pre-sale channel can be opened tomorrow. The Shencheng Super Factory is expected to be fully completed in October and enter the mass production stage. The weekly production capacity is about 6,000 vehicles. It can be delivered to the first place in January next year. In the hands of the pre-purchaser, just pick up the car at the direct store near you. "

Present and every consumer who has a tendency to purchase to watch the live broadcast of the press conference immediately took this into mind, Luo Sheng's implication was beyond comprehension.

First come, first served, early purchase and early enjoyment, no discount for late purchase, because the subsidy policy in the "Notice" is clearly written, and the annual subsidy amount will decrease by 20% year by year.

"These seven cars will be placed in the exhibition hall next door. You can move to the exhibition hall to watch it after the meeting. Thank you again for your support, thank you!"

Luo Sheng said after waving to the audience and paying attention to the audience. After the press conference, he left the scene towards the background entrance, and the audience also gave their final applause in the warm cheers.

As Luo Sheng left, the press conference also ended.

But people did not leave the headquarters of the Galaxy City, but came to the exhibition hall next door surprisingly. The space here is larger than the venue of the conference. Whether it is a general consumer audience, media people, or industry insiders, Have come here.

It turned as if he came to the scene of the auto show. The exhibition hall immediately became popular with the arrival of people. Seven azure pure electric vehicles and seven theme color styles were scattered in the exhibition hall.

More than two thousand people who came here were immediately divided into seven. Each electric car that provided a display had a car model with a good face value. It was the few who had driven the car into the press stage before.

However, they are not the protagonists of today, they are only the green leaves that set off the blue pure electric sports car.

An audience saw the color name written on the briefing board next to him suddenly said: "Frost silver, flame red, sky gray ... It is worthy of starting from a smartphone, there is a taste, haha."

"It's too careless to ask me to say that I just copied it from the Azure mobile phone color style noun."

"Hey, you don't understand it. This is called inheritance. Traditional art can understand it."

"Slightly understand ~"

The reporter present was holding his professional equipment, and the consumer audience took Azure-4 to shoot the pure electric sports car displayed in front of him.

After a while, at the position of the car where the flame red theme color is located, a middle-aged man stared at the car in front of him and commented with appreciation:

"The overall appearance design is very avant-garde science fiction and style. The LED headlights on both sides are also very sci-fi visual. When connected through a penetrating light strip, the layering of the entire front face is particularly rich. The design on both sides is also very radical, and enhances the sense of movement of the front face. The overall look is fashionable and a high-level that cannot be concealed. "

As he walked to the side of the car again, he watched for a moment and nodded again, commenting again: "The door handle is a hidden design, and the straight waistline runs through the entire body. It looks very smooth and elegant. The sight glass adopts a high-tech camera design, which improves the appearance of the appearance, and the headlights on both sides are sharply shaped, and there is also a luminous car logo in the middle, which looks more dynamic and sci-fi personality as a whole, which is more power consuming. , But 280 kWh is enough. "

The person next to him heard this comment, which was also surprising. A melon-eating audience whispered to a friend who came here together: "Listen, people like this one pretend to be a professional!"

A friend said seriously: "Since ancient times, talent has been criticized, and the ancient quatrains come casually, but I am not literate.

He immediately took the words of his friend: "The passerby, a passer-by in the exhibition hall, really knows how to throw it away, but he can only talk about learning in his late life.

The reporter next to them heard the two whispering, secretly saying that these two goods are funny?

After the middle-aged man came to the car, he commented for a while and commented again: "The taillight is equipped with a penetrating taillight and a dynamic bumper combination, so that the entire tail does not lose the luxury sports car of ten million ... "

Some reporters directly opened their voice recorders, and when they went back to write the manuscript, they were too lazy to prepare their own copy.

Middle-aged man took a bold step forward at this time and said to the beautiful car model next to him, "Can I go in and experience it?"

"of course can!"

Heard that the man's spirit was revived, and he no longer hesitated, the doors were all open. He entered the driver's seat and sat down, holding the steering wheel.

"The interior performance of the interior part is quite adequate. The design of the overall interior part is not luxurious, and the price of less than 300,000 is not a luxury word, but it is still more valuable than the high-end Yunya. Zhongkong The super-large floating screen display in the platform area enhances the sense of sci-fi in the car, the super-large panoramic sunroof, and very comfortable and individual sports seats ... the perfect industrial design! "

The crowd of strong onlookers outside the car heard his comments and seriously doubted whether the goods were sent by Luo Sheng. The whole process of rhetoric was boasting.

But again, it is indeed the same thing, and some of the people who are preparing to buy a car see that this car is indeed more and more like it, especially when they think of 290,000, they can take it away, and they wish to pull it away now.

This new product is indeed perfect. The only imperfection is that it is not yet sold. Even if it is pre-ordered tomorrow, even if it is queued up in the front row, it will not be available for pick-up until January next year. A quarter of time.

The middle-aged man in the car is indeed a senior player. He is commenting on various experiences. Some small white audiences feel inexplicable.

For ordinary consumers, the most attractive thing about the interior of this car is the large-size floating screen, which is really simple and high-quality sexy. At a glance, it is a screen without too much extra things. It makes people feel more comfortable.

It is a relatively new player to enter the electric vehicle field on the Cote d’ Azur. It is important to know that Tesla has been established for 11 years and there are many new energy vehicle brands in China.

But apart from a few new energy vehicle companies such as Tesla, most brands do not have their own core technology. The first step of an electric vehicle is to turn a traditional fuel tank into a battery pack and an engine into a motor.

But this is only the most elementary and the simplest route.

Most domestic electric car brands also operate according to this idea, and they can get a lot of subsidies from the state just by changing the power.

Batteries and motors are of course core technologies, but those domestic brands insist on making good use of them, saying that they can run more than three hundred kilometers, but in fact run out of one or two hundred kilometers.

It's hard to say that many brands are actually cheating on subsidies.

And the state support for so many years is still a bird's eye. It is unbearable that Luo Sheng just came into the field at this time. Even if it is unexpected, the inclination to obtain strong support and policy resources is reasonable.

Compared with other new energy vehicle brands, Luo Sheng does not need state funding, as long as it is a policy, in a sense, it is an A4 paper approval, it is so simple.

Then you do n’t have to worry about it. There is no shortage of money on the Côte d’ Azur, and Luo Sheng also has the courage to invest money in research and development. The research and development of graphene materials has already consumed more than 20 billion US dollars, and it has to be large Die.

Research breakthroughs in integrated power systems are now leading the world.

But an electric car is not just an electric car. It is definitely not a transformation of the car from gas to electricity, but an innovative change in the entire car design concept, and even a change in sales model. Choose direct sales.

In fact, this kind of flagship store direct sales is not a precedent in the Côte d'Azur, but Tesla.

However, Tesla also found inspiration from Azure's single flagship store on the Azure Coast. Over the past few years, this model has also proved to be feasible. UU reading

In the process of the car's evolution to electrification, Luo Sheng has already set the tone, and his brand's all-electric drive is definitely not the core theme.

The real core theme is intelligence.

Identified the core theme, then the direction is there, and Luo Sheng's idea of ​​making an electric car is highly modeled on his own definition of a smartphone, and the operating system is regarded by him as a very critical point.

A good in-vehicle operating system should be new for a long time, and at the same time, users should have as much autonomy as possible.

Just like the AOS system of Azure mobile phones, users can choose whether to install the extremely rich software, and they can at least receive the system version update and upgrade every year.

This is not only the change of the interface, but also the optimization of the system and the improvement of the control efficiency. This is the development direction Luo Sheng has set for his own electric vehicle.

There is no doubt that the driverlessness of electric vehicles is a trend, and it must be the trend of intelligence.

At the moment, after experiencing the application on the screen, the middle-aged man exclaimed: "It really refreshed my understanding of electric cars. Electric cars are not only electric, they must be intelligent. The fool-like operation is so simple that it almost makes you feel like lying ... "

The people outside the car heard him, and someone suddenly answered and asked, "How do you say that?"


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