Chapter 620: [The funds to build the space ladder are in sight]

The outside world directly called Qiu Qiu to let Blue Star Technology go. The rhythm to be played by the capitalists has no strong heart.
Who can bear it?
Some people are happy and some are sad. People who cut meat and walk high in the air have broken their thighs. Many people in the country who have closed their eyes after closing their eyes have become big fat people.
Industry insiders finally understand why Luo Sheng is so fearless and has a tough attitude. It turns out that a financial nuclear bomb was already in hand without anyone knowing.
On the other hand, John Noel of SIA was also very tired of seeing this sudden news. He had originally arranged to negotiate again today, and had to postpone another day to discuss. The current situation is undoubtedly even more disadvantageous.
He seems to have expected a negotiated settlement.
Technology complex building.
The day after Luo Sheng's press conference, Zhong Yuanhong suddenly came to visit at this time.
"The beautiful job of the financial war can be said to be a great victory. This time I can congratulate you, Brother Luo." Zhong Yuanhong laughed again and again, and after a while he added a question: "Rumor that you took this opportunity Shorting yourself and making a net profit of more than 70 billion US dollars, is this true or false? "
Luo Sheng repeatedly denied, "How can I not know what happened?"
After hearing this, Zhong Yuanhong smiled intriguingly, and said nothing.
Bluestar Technology's stock price fell and rose for the fifth time, lasting less than five days before and after, with two rest days in the middle. It can be described as a flash crashing and flying, eating long and short. In these few days, a huge amount of wealth was harvested from the market.
Luo Sheng directly changed the subject and said, "Director Zhong, I don't know what happened to you this time?"
Zhong Yuanhong also mentioned it bluntly, and he would not ask anything on this matter. Naturally, he would understand everything, and he would not say much.
"Then I will say it straight. This time I will give some major banks and some domestic investment institutions a role as a bridge between you and other major private equity companies. They have a spare money in their hands. I ’m worried about how to deal with this fund, so I want to entrust you to take care of it. "
Luo Sheng froze for a moment, and immediately coaxed a smile: "No?"
If there is no free money, the world has no free money at all, but wants to find a good place to live and make money.
Zhong Yuanhong once again affirmed: "Brother Luo, I came to see you personally from afar. Naturally, I did n’t ask you to brush it up. I will trust you with the funds to manage it. I believe you can bring it to investors. Generous returns. "
Luo Sheng couldn't help laughing when he heard this. Co-authoring, everyone now regards the name "Luo Sheng" as the rhythm of "Fortune Password".
It can be said that the current popularity has reached a new peak.
Everyone saw Luo Sheng's horrible ability to make money. I don't know how many people were so hot-eyed. Even Wall Street was tricked by him.
Over the past decade, wealth has exploded in geometric progression, and the annualized income has exploded. However, anyone with hundreds of millions of funds ca n’t sit still and hand over the money to Luo Sheng to take care of it. The rich people and institutions suddenly figured it out, closed the eyes and handed over the money to Luo Sheng, and then lying down to count the money. Isn't it fragrant?
If the money is handed over to him a few years ago, whether it is shorting Bluestar Technology, shorting the North American subprime mortgage market, or shorting the WTI crude oil market, every layout will be filled with money.
Including this time, you can share a piece of soup.
Now the money accumulation effect brought about by the "Luo Sheng effect" has reached an unprecedented level, especially for wealthy people, whose assets are generally entrusted to hedge funds for hedging or hedging.
These wealthy people now finally figured it out, and finally realized the real "fortune password", that is Luo Sheng.
Handing the money to him to take care of itself avoids the risk of being harvested by him. You know that most of Luo Sheng ’s harvest is money from large institutions. Finance itself does not create value. To put it bluntly, put the money in your pocket. Put it in my pocket.
Many rich people around the world have been shrinking their assets over the years. A big reason is that they have bet on the wrong institutions, resulting in heavy losses, and the money has been harvested by the institutions under Luo Sheng.
Now, these rich people have come to realize, but if you can't beat you, you will join you.
In this way, while avoiding the risk of being harvested by you and making money at the same time, this Nima is the real "wealth password".
Luo Sheng could not help but tilted Erlang's legs and began to think about this matter seriously.
He realized that the huge investment in building a space ladder seemed to have fallen.
The funds needed for this project are the astronomical figures in the astronomical figures. With the accumulation of money, now more and more people regard themselves as the "code of wealth", and they have reached the point of blind superstition.
But then again, I am afraid that individuals have to be superstitious, because Luo Sheng has never been defeated so far in the past ten years. One or two times may be lucky, but it is the same for ten years.
This is terrifying.
At the end, Luo Sheng finished thinking and looked at Zhong Yuanhong: "It's no problem to give the money to me, but it does not guarantee the principal and interest, and there is a risk of loss. Don't be so blindly superstitious about me."
Zhong Yuanhong smiled and said: "Your sturdy record, I don't know how many people broke the leg, and I hate that I can't put the treasure on you as soon as possible. It is natural to not protect the capital and interest. Investing is definitely risky. Yes, they all know this. "
Luo Sheng ’s ability to make money is too exaggerated. Everyone hopes to eat meat behind the archbishop ’s butt. Those institutions that followed him now have meat, and no one doubts his ability to make money, just need to put the principal Just throw it to Shengfeng Capital or Luo Sheng's other institutions, and then sit down and wait for the money.
"It ’s not a secret. I have a super project in my hands. I started planning five years ago, but it requires a lot of capital to do the layout. At the same time, it is also super profitable, but the time period is also long. It takes at least 20 years to start, maybe five years. After that, at least ten years later, I will start investing money to build this super project, so if you give me the money to take care of it, I will invest in this project with a high probability. "
Hearing Luo Sheng's words, Zhong Yuanhong asked curiously: "What project can you call the word" super "in your mouth?"
Luo Sheng smiled mysteriously and shook his head: "This, please allow me to sell a pass, saying it will not work."
Zhong Yuanhong was dumb.
Luo Sheng added: "Therefore, it is no problem to hand over the money to me, the more beneficial and the comers will not refuse, but still that sentence, you can't blame me if you lose money, you can all be happy to make money, and you can't interfere with my investment behavior. In favor of valid, against invalid, and if the fundraising operation is started this time, at least a 15-year lock-up period, investors cannot redeem funds within 15 years, the annualized income during the period will also be reinvested as dividends, this time I will not apply for a subscription fee Well, 15 years later, the performance pay is only 2%. "
You should know that the investment threshold of Shengfeng Capital is the start of a unit of 100 million yuan. As a private placement, it generally does not charge management fees, only the performance reward.
However, as a private equity fund, Shengfeng Capital still has a subscription fee of up to 4.5%, an annual management fee of 2.25%, a redemption fee rate of up to 2.5%, and a 4.5% performance reward, and investors still break the threshold. Send money to you.
Even so, investors still outperformed inflation. You should know that Shengfeng Capital ’s core position is venture capital in the technology industry. A large amount of investment has not yet seen returns, and it is a loss, but even so, Shengfeng Capital ’s general ledger It could have been profitable.
This is terrifying.
What investors are really excited about is that when technology companies take off in the future, they will be so beautiful that they will not dare to think about the future earnings.
Now, Luo Sheng's semiconductor industry chain plan is very powerful. Investors are aware that the value of the shares held by Shengfeng Capital Fund Company in the future is immeasurable, and it is not a dream to double the yield.
Zhong Yuanhong smiled and said: "Your style has always been like this, you know it, just leave the money for your care, and then lie down with your eyes closed and wait for the money, haha."
In this private placement, Luo Sheng made such a large profit, no management fees, no subscription fees, and performance rewards were reduced to 2%. Zhong Yuanhong can imagine that there will be countless capital and wealthy people who will break the threshold and guess Luo Sheng Mostly it's a big ticket.
Luo Sheng asked concisely: "How much capital did you bring this time?"
Zhong Yuanhong smiled and raised three fingers.
Luo Sheng: "Three hundred billion yuan?"
Zhong Yuanhong: "It is 3 trillion yuan, which is about 450 billion US dollars at the current exchange rate."
Hearing this number, Luo Sheng was a little surprised, but he was not too shocked. After all, he had already experienced too many scenes larger than this, and immediately asked again: "What is the proportion of state-owned assets?"
Zhong Yuanhong said: "Not much, about 80 billion US dollars, the rest of the funds are basically mainland institutional investors and wealthy people, and this has been communicated. After the private placement is opened, they will directly subscribe. This is the guaranteed amount. The scale of the subscription depends on the number. I ’m sure it ’s more than that. I know your popularity and fans are scary. "
Luo Sheng also did not drag the water at all, and readily agreed: "Okay, I'll give priority to this matter."
The funds in the hands of investors will continue to depreciate when lying on the books, and they are also anxious to deal with them. The larger the amount, the more anxious. Now they are anxious to send money over. Luo Sheng must not be too arrogant.
Zhong Yuanhong came here today to talk about this matter. After receiving a positive response from Luo Sheng, he left and left. He also had to notify other investors or institutions.
In the afternoon of the same day, UU Reading Luo Sheng informed Qin Weimu and arranged this matter. Other work can be temporarily put aside and this matter is prioritized again. After all, it is related to the space ladder Project funding.
Taking advantage of this wave of money-gathering effects, Luo Sheng decided to play an epic fundraising event this time to create an unprecedented private equity myth, not only for domestic investors or individuals, but for the world.
Strive to make the arrangement of the foundation capital of the space ladder clear and clear. Although many international capital institutions hate Luo Sheng, but this private equity activity will still be honestly given to him to take care of it.
Luo Sheng has proven time and time again that as long as he follows him, he can make a lot of money.
One yard to one yard, nothing else, at least hedging.
And Luo Sheng will not be so narrow, even if Wall Street is now looking for a door to cooperate, it is also a pleasure to talk about this. If you remember the revenge this year, you will have no way of life.
In the eyes of capital, only interests and transactions, hatred can never take precedence over these two points.
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