Chapter 647: [Fortune 500, sit 2 and look 1]

Luo Sheng did not know that Lao Mei started to count him again, but this was not important, and he did not expect Lao Mei to be a good person. At present, it is Azure-5's time to grab money around the world. Luo Sheng is more concerned about this.
In addition to the big explosion in North America in Azure-5, the European market is also very popular, with sales exceeding 4 million units on the first day, and sales reached 9.68 billion euros on that day.
In other regional markets, Azure-5 sales in Japan and South Korea are relatively lower than in Europe and North America. This is not because Azure-5 is not good, but Koreans use Samsung more, and they are more biased. With Sony's products, many people take pride in using domestic products, even if it is almost.
Despite this, the sales of Azure-5 in the local area are still regarded as best-selling products, and sales are also in the forefront.
On December 24th, Azure-5's global sales exceeded 10 million units, and it achieved a global sales of 26 billion US dollars in one day. This number was shocked after the information was released on the Cote d'Azur. Thousands of people's jaws were dropped, especially friends and businessmen from the same industry.
Relative to the Côte d'Azur being furiously robbing money all over the world, the sales of other peer manufacturers' products have declined to varying degrees, and the impact of the release of Azure-5 mobile phones on the entire industry has begun to emerge.
Even if it is placed in the markets of developed countries in Europe and America, Azure-5 is a very expensive product as a smartphone.
This made all major friends secretly rejoicing, but fortunately delayed the release of their own products, and now it seems that this is a wise choice.
The third-party data analysis company Nielsen released an industry data analysis report. In the last quarter of 2016, Azure-5's high price and high profit caused Azure Coast's profit in the smartphone industry to increase from 80% to 90% again in the last quarter of 2016. proportion.
The profits of the entire industry have been expanded because of the Azure-5 mobile phone, but the improvement of the industry's overall profits has been included in the pockets of the Côte d'Azur. Not only this, but also to a certain extent, it has impacted other friends and business partners to a certain extent. Down.
The drought caused by drought, and the flood caused by drought, made the competition of the entire industry more fierce.
As time went by, 2016 has already passed, and 2017 has arrived.
The new year's heavy news has focused the global media's vision on North America. The election of Eagle Sauce has finally settled. The result is unexpected. The legendary "Know the King" came online.
All of a sudden, mainstream media around the world are reporting on this matter, and North American mainstream media CNN spearheaded the king.
Luo Sheng basically made preparations when he saw the news. Most of the new year will not let people stop. If you have a tossing king, don’t think about living a good life.
It's not been a year since this friendship boat swayed its oars, and it looked at the probability of being overturned by the king of understanding. This is a tormenting master, and a chicken that can toss the entire planet to you Flying dog jumping kind.
"Please come in."
In the CEO's office of the Cote d'Azur Coastal headquarters, Luo Sheng sitting at his desk reads the internal work emails one by one. After the annual meeting, a lot of work has to be accumulated.
Knocking on the door is a 28-year-old woman who looks younger than three or five years old. Her name is Tang Xin. She used to be an employee of the President’s Secretariat. Now she is temporarily over to take over the job of An Qingxue, serving as CEO assistant and secretary. A post.
"Mr. Luo, the company's annual report has passed the audit. Please take a look." Tang Xin handed the document to the table.
Luo Sheng nodded and said when he picked up the document: "Go pour me a glass of water."
Luo Sheng looked back to his new secretary assistant and couldn't help but admire two eyes. Tang Xin is a slender, attractive woman with a good posture, a beautiful face, a classical cheek, often Thick eyebrows to be trimmed with tweezers, a pair of large shiny eyes, straight noses, and some broad noses stand above the bland and lips.
To be Luo Sheng's assistant, he must be beautiful and competent.
"Lao Yao also likes to meet his boss. When my kidney is made of iron..." Luo Sheng secretly murmured and shook his head silently with a smile.
However, Luo Sheng didn't want to have any other relationship with this secretary assistant, nor would she take her home like Qing Xuemei paper, at least for now.
"Mr. Luo, the water you want."
Luo Sheng swallowed and opened the annual report information list. In 2016, the annual sales of the Cote d’Azur reached 369.7 billion US dollars, an increase of 49.3% compared with last year. It can be said that it has risen sharply. The new growth points mainly come from new products. The total sales of Azure-5 in 2016 reached 52.28 million units, with sales of USD 130.7 billion.
The company's full-year net profit was US$60.97 billion, and the net profit margin was up nearly 7 percentage points compared to last year. This is because Azure-5's big sales and high profits have pulled up the company's overall profit.
The company's profit was finally overwhelmed by about 8%, and now it's coming up again, the more money it really spends, the more it spends...
Luo Sheng put the files on the folder layer on the desktop after reading, and immediately asked, "Have all the money been divided?"
Tang Xin, who heard this for a while, froze for a while, but soon responded, knowing what Luo Sheng was asking, and replied: "Bonus packages for all departments have been sent out, and every employee should have been assigned to himself by now. Bonus."
The year-end awards of many companies will be delayed until May or June of the following year, but the Côte d'Azur will be settled as soon as the end of the year.
The company currently has 750,000 formal employees worldwide and is a truly super international company. Sharing the company's residual value has always been a top priority.
The rights and responsibilities and benefits are all allocated, so that the company can clearly define its own struggle line and move forward without worries.
It is worth mentioning that the Côte d'Azur likes to recruit powerful employees who are poor and very poor in money. These employees are the most motivated and struggling because they need to urgently solve the problems at the physical level. It is a simple and crude thing that inspires employees to struggle. .
The employees who do not worry about the material are lazy, and rely on spiritual pursuit to struggle. After all, there are very few people who have this kind of consciousness.
When an employee enters the Côte d'Azur, he usually resigns around the age of 37. This is the normal state of major technology companies, not a special case of the Côte d'Azur.
Most of the employees who left the company were not fired by the company, but took the initiative to resign, because they were too tired to earn enough money to reach the age of 30 or 40. They wanted to find a relatively easy job, and they also have a resume on the Côte d’Azur. No matter which technology company you go to, it is very popular, except for Hua Wei.
Of course, the retired employees will not go to Huawei, because Huawei has the same style. Qin Weimu, who was responsible for top-level design at the early stage of the company's establishment, referred to Huawei.
Tang Xin is the middle and senior management of the Côte d'Azur. Her current basic salary is 54911 yuan/month, but the main part of her income is stock dividends and bonuses. Most of the annual profits of the Côte d'Azur are returned to employees in the form of dividends.
Tang Xin, a senior management, also participated in dividends. This year's virtual stock dividends were as high as 765,486 yuan, and the year-end bonus was 360,460 yuan. Combined with the remaining subsidies, her total pre-tax income this year is far higher than her peers.
But her income is still in the upper middle of the company, and it is not a high-income part. The high-income people are real technical backbones and executives, especially those talented researchers who are based on basic treatment. Double or even ten times the treatment fell.
At present, among the over 700,000 employees on the Côte d'Azur, more than 16,500 people have annual salaries above one million US dollars. They are dollars rather than renminbi. Just to treat these 16,500 people, the annual expenditure is As high as 16.52 billion US dollars.
The Côte d'Azur adhered to its high-pay strategy and reached an unbelievable level.
It is on the basis of high salaries that the Côte d'Azur has an absolute attraction to talents, and it can more quickly mobilize the enthusiasm of employees to work. If you dare to sell your life, you will dare to increase your money.
Luo Sheng nodded: "If you divide the money, you can solve more than half of the company's potential problems. The annual report will be released after the audit."
The next day, the Cote d'Azur official website released the annual report information, which is disclosed every year. The company's employees will also calculate their virtual stock dividend income based on the annual report revenue data.
The company has never announced specific profits, but the employees' calculation reference is to agree on a standard slightly higher than the industry's profit margin. This is a system that has been designed since the company was founded.
In this way, employees can refer to the actual revenue data and the agreed profit rate, and then combine their virtual shares to calculate their dividends, whether they have been greedy or detained.
And the more you want to pay dividends, the bigger the revenue data will be. Everyone’s interests are the same, so they work hard. And if you don't work hard, it will affect other people's income. It will be hated by everyone. If the department's performance is not up to standard, it will be scorned by the brother department. Everyone does not want to lose face or do not want to go back, so naturally they move forward.
The Fortune Global 500 magazine also announced an informal ranking list. The official annual ranking list will be published in mid-July every year.
The Fortune Global 500 list has always been the most famous and authoritative list for measuring the world's largest companies, and is known as the "ultimate list". It is published once a year, and the operating income of the 500 companies on the list this year is 287,000 With a total net profit of US$1.56 trillion, the finalist threshold is US$21.9 billion. Last year’s last place was US$23.7 billion, a decrease from the previous year.
According to the published list, the number of companies on the list of China continued to grow in 2016, reaching 118, an increase of 12 from the previous year. This number reached a record high, ranking second only to North America in the world and stable in the world. Two.
It also reflects the rapid development of China's economy and technological level from the side.
In the latest annual list, the Côte d'Azur has been airborne from the ninth place in the world last year to the second place with US$396.7 billion, second only to the Wal-Mart Group, which has been ranked first for three consecutive years. The company's 2016 annual revenue $482.1 billion.
It is worth mentioning that the top five companies in the world's top 500, except for the first-ranked Wal-Mart Group (482.1 billion US dollars), the other four companies are all from China, namely the Cote d'Azur (396.9 billion US dollars), the country Grid (US$329.6 billion), China National Petroleum and Natural Gas Group (US$299.2 billion), and China National Petrochemical Group (US$294.3 the launch of new products on the Cote d’Azur and the big sale, the industry almost all agreed that 2017 The annual revenue will exceed 500 billion US dollars, and it is very likely that the Warmar Group will be dismounted from the world's first throne and realize the feat of the new king.
The company’s profits are even more exaggerated. In terms of profits, it has reached the top of the world without suspense. The profits of the top 500 companies in the top five add up to 35 billion US dollars, only more than half of the Côte d’Azur. a little.
With the disclosure of the annual report, the major media cited reports, and the Blue Whale TMT News reported a message based on the data compiled by the foreign media website. In the past 2016, although the profits of the Côte d'Azur were not announced, it is expected to be about 61.5 billion US dollars. This figure accounts for the exaggeration of the overall profits of the 150 largest listed technology companies in Silicon Valley.
However, the performance of the Côte d'Azur did not exceed the glory of the Blue Star Technology that year. At the peak of that year, the Blue Star Technology created an even more exaggerated industry, and its profit was as high as 72 billion U.S. dollars.
What makes people a little dizzy is that both the Cote d'Azur and Bluestar Technology were created by the same founder.
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