Chapter 671: [Bionic Man One Prototype: August Fran]

????Next, Luo Sheng began to devote himself to work, transferring the necessary living organs to another dedicated isolated operating room. The biggest highlight here is the operating environment. The difference between the traditional operating table is that there is a large liquid pool in the middle, and these liquids are nutrient mixtures according to the matching process.
On the ceiling of the liquid pool, there are a series of cantilevers of different sizes, which are used to complete the operation of the simulation of the entire set of organs, and Xiao Na controls these robotic arms for unmanned surgery.
Luo Sheng has already written a set of procedures, which can be completed completely unmanned, and can only be done unmanned, because it is impossible for a person to complete this task in six hours.
???? But Xiao Na controls these mechanical surgical arms but can do things that humans can't, but one thing they can never compare with humans is that they are created by humans.
???? The passage of time, one minute and one second, the production of the first bionics officially began, staged a realistic version of the cyberpunk picture.
Luo Sheng took the lead in putting artificial synthetic bones into the liquid pool. Its material components are inorganic components. The inorganic components include calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, etc., and also include carbon nanomaterials, but no organic components.
Under the control of Xiaona, a human bone was constructed in less than 20 minutes in the liquid pool. There was no error in every step under complex coordination, 100% correct, and if it is a human, there may be mistakes.
????Next, Luo Sheng took a half-thumb-sized biochip from the suitcase and put it into the liquid pool. A mechanical arm quickly grabbed it and transferred it to the back of the bionic skull. The other mechanical arms immediately coordinated the craniotomy. The bionic head was composed of eight sub-blocks. Three of the robotic arms were opened and successfully embedded into a groove inside.
It's really an eight-core brain, and it's not the kind of "one-core has a hard seven-core bystander".
????Next, Luo Sheng sent the cultivated heart, lung, spleen and other organs one by one to the inside of the liquid pool, and the rest was grafted according to the program steps by Xiao Na and the robotic arm controlled by her.
The time elapsed one minute and one second. After five hours and forty-seven minutes, all the robotic arms extending into the liquid tank were retracted to the ceiling.
???? Xiao Na's voice resounded: "Master, the grafting of the surgery was successfully completed."
At this moment, Luo Sheng already knows that he is successful. He has been staring at the real-time feedback information on the display panel. The biochip has been compatible with the bioelectrical signals of all organs and organisms. The chip is the brain center of the bionic human. Now has taken over the control of all organs and tissues.
Xiaona: "In the next twenty day and night cycles, stem cells are induced to generate muscle tissue and artificial epidermis."
This process uses genetic intervention to induce the development of stem cells, and the biochip transmits signals. The grounding is to follow the program instructions issued by the chip...
The signal grows directionally according to the edited program, and cannot grow blindly into a monster that looks different.
Luo Sheng stretched his lazy waist, glanced at the eye drops, and left the laboratory. Today's work is here.
In the next twenty days and nights, the Bionic Prototype 1 began to develop and grow for the third time in the liquid pool. As time passed, the muscle tissue and ligament tissue began to order on the skeleton. Accelerate catalytic growth.
Every day passed, and on the ninth day, Luo Sheng came down and looked at it in person again. At this time, the artificial bones of the bionic human were basically wrapped in muscle tissue, including organs such as the heart, lung, spleen and other organs.
????The last is the induced growth of the artificial epidermis, when the complete Bionic Human 1 prototype will be completed.
????On the twentieth day, Luo Sheng came to the laboratory again.
At this time, he stood beside the liquid pool, looking at the Bionic Man 1 prototype soaked in it and said calmly: "Xia, pull out the oxygen tube and wake him up."
????"Roger that."
???? Xiaona's voice just fell, and the brain chip of the Bionic Prototype 1 prototype received an external command and immediately responded.
I saw that the original motionless Bionic Prototype 1 in the liquid pool started to move. The next moment he opened his eyes and pulled out the oxygen tube with his own arm. The liquid nutrient mixture in the pool soon quickly Was drained.
???? He is a typical male European and American faces.
????At this time, Chiguo Guo's Bionic Prototype 1 came out of the empty pool, with a steady pace, and he came to Luo Sheng and bowed: "Master!"
Luo Sheng looked at it, nodded in satisfaction, and immediately turned around and left the laboratory, leaving a sentence: "Xiao Na, arrange an identity for him, then update and upgrade the emotional logic analysis ability, and then dispatch the task. Give him."
???? Xiaona: "Understood."
????The current Bionic Human No. 1 prototype machine can only respond to the mechanical mechanism of Mune. If you let it out, it will scare the humans outside. The probability of being taken away and slicing the research can be called a watch.
???? The hardware has been completed and the software should be upgraded.
At this moment, Xiao Na kept sending wireless signals to the Bionic Man No. 1 prototype. He also responded after receiving the information feedback. I saw that he came to the console of another laboratory and lay on the table Go up and raise your hand to your left ear and gently apply a pressure to break the ear apart, just like a small door valve, a port is exposed behind the pinna.
The prototype Bionic Man 1 personally picked up a data cable to complete the interactive connection with the port behind his ear, and then motionless, he closed his eyes slowly for a while.
????At this moment, the Bionic Prototype 1 prototype has entered a dormant state, and Xiao Na began to upload updates to make a major upgrade for it. This is a set of high-precision emotional coding program patches developed by Luo Sheng. ...
Enough to enable bionics to accurately simulate the real emotions of humans is a more top secret technology than biochips.
???? Future commercial-grade bionic people have to rely on this technology, it is a true non-dissemination technology.
????If the biochip allows the bionics to "live", then this emotional coding program injects a "soul" into the bionics, enabling the bionics to communicate with humans without barriers, just like today's Like Xiao Na, she looks like a human except where she is not.
It didn't take too long to upload the update. Twenty-two minutes had already been completed. The Bionic Prototype 1 unplugged the data cable plugged behind the pinna and the ears returned to normal.
????In the period of his upgrade, Xiao Na has already obtained a legal status for him.
Auguste Fran, 47 years old, a French magnesium national, was born in Bordeaux in southwestern France in 1970. He resumed his career at the ADT after retiring from his early career, and then moved to the famous private military and security in North America. The consultancy company Blackwater International worked, but after two years of work, he quit his job at Blackwater International and turned to Wall Street.
???? Xiaona's voice sounded in the laboratory: "The software calibration is complete and the test is over. August Fran, the task has been uploaded to your database, received and immediately executed."
????The bionic person August was motionless, as if he had been a while, and was actually working on the mission file, but he responded a moment later: "Observe."
In terms of logical authority, Xiaona is higher than August, and the grounding is said to be a subordinate relationship, and the subordinates unconditionally accept the instructions of the boss. Luo Sheng’s instructions are the first priority, and Xiaona’s instructions are The second priority is and Xiao Na is only responsible for Luo Sheng.
In other words, it is an extension of Luo Sheng's will.
????At the moment, Luo Sheng is no longer in the No. 32 regional laboratory. Before he came down, he had brought a suit, apparently prepared for August, August after completing the upgrade and undertaking the mission Put on this suit and leather shoes, wearing sunglasses.
???? Its tall and muscular figure and unsmiling expression give people a glimpse of the uncomfortable master.
???? August completed the last supply and quietly left the Science and Technology Complex. A man took the mission to Europe. As for the future energy replenishment, he will synthesize it separately overseas, as long as You can buy the raw materials if you have money.
On the way, Xiao Na destroyed all his historical footprints in China, and all the street surveillance videos and pictures that had taken his face were quietly destroyed.
???? This person does not appear in the history of China.
There is a mission instruction in Auguste’s logic program, which is to develop Horizon Commercial Security Insurance Group as soon as possible. The goal is to become the world’s largest private military and security consulting company, to be done in the field of international security services. There are only two kinds of security in the world...
The whole company, one is Horizon Commercial Security Insurance Group, and the other is other.
???? And he is to serve this task.
Luo Sheng gave Auguste US$10 billion as the start-up capital of Horizon Commercial Security Insurance Group. If it is not enough, it can be added. Luo Sheng’s purpose is very simple, to make his fist bigger and stronger from scratch. Strong.
???? (End of this chapter)
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