Chapter 684: [Realistic version of "Ander's Game"]

On the third day of Ansys's stock market crashing into a feather, the stock price changed again. Suddenly, private equity institutions rushed to buy in the secondary market, causing the stock price to suddenly rise, and investors have not yet reacted to what it is. Happening.
Ansys company's stock price chart has gone out of a deep V trend like a golden pit. At that time, Ansys' market value returned to the $20 billion mark.
Not only did the market and investment stun again, Ansys management also stunned again.
What is the situation?
By the next day, everyone had reacted and finally realized that Ansys was no problem at all, and was scammed miserably. Someone had premeditated short selling maliciously, and the real purpose was to maliciously acquire the company.
It is actually a major benefit.
Is this unknown?
But I also know that the anonymous organization planning this operation behind the scene has already completed its purpose in the secondary market, saying that it is too late.
The head of Ansys was badly corrupted. When he was interviewed by the media that day, he publicly scolded Hunshui Company, but he could only scold and export bad breath. Hunshui Company would not be subject to legal sanctions. Malicious market speculation.
Just listening to the company’s name knows that it is not a serious company. Carson Bullock, the founder of Muddy Water, lived and worked in China for a long time. When the company was founded in 2010, the name
muddy water
was the source. The meaning of Yu Huaguo's idiom "fishing in muddy water" can be said to be very straightforward.
And the muddy water company has been making waves in the capital market over the years, just as its name suggests.
There are also some people who doubt things on the Côte d'Azur. Many media, especially foreign media, immediately questioned the Côte d'Azur. However, the Côte d'Azur did not respond, and the whole attitude was cold.
Soon, people began to speculate on their own, and changed from doubting the Côte d'Azur to becoming the reason to overthrow themselves.
The Côte d'Azur is a high-tech company from China. If you want to acquire Ansys, Laomei can't pass it. It is impossible for the Côte d'Azur to acquire it.
But there must always be an explanation for the news released by the anonymous Cote d’Azur engineer?
In the end, he pointed the finger at the muddy water company again, and began to suspect that all this was the muddy water situation. Using Luo Sheng's influence and people's too much belief in his "miracle ability", he misled market investors and believed it was true, leading to panic. The sell-off of Ansys's stock caused its share price to collapse.
In fact, this is fake news.
Such speculation seems to make sense.
However, no matter whether this is true or not, it is all clear afterwards, even if the truth is known? The overall situation is set.
At present, Ansys' stock price fluctuates extremely strongly, and it suddenly reflects the sentiment of investors in the current market. Jim Kasman and other managements are also restless now. They are waiting for the major shareholders behind the scene to announce the convening of temporary shareholders. Conference, and then reorganized management and many other predictions.
But the strange thing came again.
Jim Kasman and other Ansys management are prepared mentally, but while waiting for the extraordinary general meeting for the next week, they also want to see who is in control.
As a result, the traders behind the scenes were quiet, as if they had eaten Ansys shares and then ignored it.
Is it value investment?
Who believes?
Half a month later, there was still no movement. It is really a strange thing every year, especially this year.
The behind-the-scenes holders did not take the initiative to show up, and people did not make any mistakes. Jim Kasman could also initiate an extraordinary shareholders meeting, but if the other party did not want to expose his identity at this time, no one would know that the other party only had to appoint a single shareholder representative to attend The conference will do.
Obviously, the group of Lowell did not move now because the time had not yet arrived, and had to pass the level of understanding Wang.
But what Luo Sheng wants, they already have it in their hands.
From a larger perspective, this matter of Ansys has not caused much attention, and it is more concerned about the capital market. At present, the vision of the general public and most media around the world are focused on Understand the king.
There is no way to know that Wang is a living king, with strange traffic and strange heat.
Understand that Wang originally thought that he could use the Azure-5 resale tide to force the elite groups in the technology circle to support him to repair the wall. In his vision, repairing the wall not only can curb the tide of Azure-5 resale, but also completed himself. The promises made when he took office can be described as multiple accomplishments.
But the facts did not go on according to the script arranged by Mr. Wang. The North American technology giants headed by Verizon and AT&T Group have always opposed the attitude of repairing the wall.
In fact, Lowell and others are not fools, and they don’t really want to be iron. They know that even if the wall is repaired, it is absolutely impossible to solve the substantive problem, because the resale profit of Azure-5 is too high. Blocking the wall is nothing but self-deception.
If a wall can really solve the problem fundamentally, Lowell will definitely support the king. After all, they also look at Luo Sheng very unhappy. It is even more unpleasant to see him earning a lot of money, although he is not happy to understand the king.
But the problem is that repairing the wall does not solve the fundamental problem. Either the tariff will be adjusted back to a reasonable level, or Luo Sheng will be settled. Except for these two roads, there is no third road.
Understand that the baby sees the gang of tech giants who are unable to get in the oil and salt, and would rather follow the blood loss and get rid of themselves, and they are also angry.
The age of the person has gone up, and his temper is also stubborn. Both sides are so consumed, see who can't afford it.
Luo Sheng sees this posture, dreaming to wake up with a rhythm, hoping that Wang will continue to consume, and the longer he spends, the more he earns.
There are also underground forces such as the underground gangs on both sides of the United States and Mexico. They are all cool. Magnesium is a rhythm to be broken. Even if there are more than two hundred years of solid family, it can't stand toss for so many years.
But obviously, the vested interest groups of all parties do not care about national interests, they only care about whether their own interests are protected.
Western dune area.
When the outside world's vision is focused on the broken thing in Laomei's home and watching melons, a test that is enough to trigger an air war revolution is being carried out in this place where almost no one pays attention.
Above the sky, a huge black shadow shuttled through the air, escorted by a -20 transport aircraft, and two F-20 fifth-generation fighters, and three more in the air area behind 300 kilometers. The aircraft, also two J-20 an air-2000 early warning aircraft.
"40 seconds later to reach the penetration point."
"Ready to release the swarm!"
The forward hatch of the -20 tail has been slowly opened, and at the same time, the commander looked at a woman in the back of the early warning aircraft cabin and said: "Then it is up to you to destroy the enemy base."
The woman replied that she was Xu Jing, a former interstellar professional player, and was recruited into the army along with Chang Wenshan and Meng Yue.
After more than a year of militarization training, they have achieved a transition from an e-sports player to a soldier, and from the field to the battlefield.
Xu Jing won today's actual combat exercise test through internal competition ~ ~ subject to the reasons of communication technology, so it also needs early warning aircraft to complete, here serves as an air command.
When the future Starchain technology covers the whole world, sitting directly in a command center of a base can win a thousand miles away.
Time passed by one minute and one second, Xu Jing focused on the display panel in front of her eyes. She was controlling the bee colony combat platform in real time and was the executor. At this moment, the reality version of "The Game of Ender" was being staged. .
"Release the swarm!"
Far above the sky dome 300 kilometers away, only the drone of the tail hatch of Yun-20 was seen pouring out like a tide, rushing towards the target imaginary enemy.
The two J-20 fighter pilots who escorted them were also amazed to see this scene. The dense scenes made people feel scalp numb. I was thankful that this was a friendly army. This kind of enemy absolutely does not want to touch on the battlefield. To.
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