Chapter 713: [All doing things]

"What did you say? Let me go to rob the retail store on the Cote d'Azur? Steal their warehouse?"
Du Xiao looked at the magnesium man in front of him and said with a smile: "Your magnesium man is really humorous. Not to mention that the Blue Coast has paid a lot of money to hire people from Horizon Security to protect. Why should I cut my money?"
Eat a meal that is saturated, and still know how to choose it.
"This is a deal, if you want, we can even help you to rule the country and recognize your legal status in the United States."
Hearing the other party’s promise, the Mexican top owl smiled directly and said sarcastically:
I’m not interested in the empty cheques of your magnesium, if you are really sincere, please be honest.

What international joke?
To rule a country, you have to face a lot of troubles, such as education, diplomacy, medical transportation, firewood, rice, oil, salt, water, electricity, gas and a series of national economy and people's livelihood.
There is no need to worry about these outsiders. Isn't it more fragrant?
There is no need to take responsibility for all these troubles. Another one, Du Xiao knows that this is the magnesium people digging a pit for him to induce himself to jump in.
Even if he really has the strength to overthrow the Mexican authorities, he dare not break through this red line, because international organizations have been staring at it. Once the line is broken, the United Nations has an excuse to intervene and is deeply hurt by the single product. Some countries will inevitably intervene to cut off its source.
When you start, you will definitely not be ambiguous and will not take too much into consideration. It doesn’t matter if you leave a feather on the ground. Anyway, it’s just a pat on the and leave. It’s not a responsibility to throw the mess here. What kind of aid payment is enough.
But for the Owl, it suffered a fatal or even devastating blow.
"What do you want?" Magnesium said directly.
"It's very simple, if you really have the sincerity to make this transaction...100 billion US dollars." The Mexican Owl is also unequivocal.
The results were obvious, and the negotiations ended in talks.
If you really give 100 billion US dollars, you might as well use the money to allocate a little bit more directly to the "Ma Run". The military industrial chain in North America has started, employment has also gone up, and it has also injected some vitality into the economy.
Of course, Lao Mei knows that he is an unspoken person, and also knows that these gray forces in Mexico have even worse credit. These extra-legal fanatics have no scruples and really beat the money. They will be happy the next day. Save the money, and then continue to happily resell the Azure-5 sales fly.
That would make me cry without tears.
If this road does not work, it can only start the preparation plan.
Lyle Binary Company, Menlo Park, California.
Will Parks from Magnesium Equipment Headquarters visited the company for the second time, "Mr. Marcus, how is your progress? When will you be able to invest in a batch of combatable equipment?"
Both are in a workshop production line, Marcus Lyle replied: "In theory, we can speed up production to provide a batch of goods, but at present only through theoretical tests, we are formulating the next actual combat test process."
Will Parks said immediately: "There is now an actual combat opportunity."
Marcus Lyle immediately looked at the other party and reminded: "Colonel, I must remind you that there are still certain security risks with this product, and we have some security tests that have not yet been conducted."
First issued the disclaimer.
Will Parks disagreed: "The military has its own considerations for these things, and all you have to do is provide a batch of combat-ready drones as soon as possible."
Naturally, the risks have been considered. As long as there is no loss of life, there is no risk for Lao Mei. At most, it is a loss of money. The annual expenditure is more than 700 billion US dollars.
Customers said so, Marcus Lyle naturally had nothing to say, and asked directly: "How much do you need?"
Will Parks said: "The $1 billion purchase order is the first and insignificant batch."
Marcus Lyle bluntly said: "Sorry Colonel, our production capacity is limited, I am afraid that we cannot provide so many sources in a short time."
The bee colony drone under the Lyle Binary Company sells for an average of 50,000 US dollars, and the cottage goods are more than twice as expensive as the foreign trade version of the genuine goods.
The purchase amount of 1 billion US dollars is 20,000 drones.
Although not many, as a start-up company, Lyle Binary is less than a year old, and its production capacity is not an objective reality. It is not that it can be manufactured in batches.
Will Parks said: "Then increase production capacity. The $1 billion purchase will be paid to your company in full, and output as soon as possible. As far as you can make as much as you can."
Marcus Lyle: "OK!"
The customers have said so, there is nothing to say, and the rioters are done.
After sending away Will Parks, Marcus Lyle backhanded what happened here to the other side of the ocean.
Science and Technology Complex.
"Master, the latest information came on the 3rd." Xiao Na's voice responded. Before Luo Sheng spoke up, she added: "I also intercepted an important intelligence message from North America. The forces started."
"Hafnium? Do it? How are they going to intervene?" Luo Sheng immediately thought more about the matter.
"Using a fixed-point strike with a drone, according to the information from No. 3, Lyell Binary Company has undertaken the first batch of purchase orders worth US$1 billion, which was used for the operation." Xiao Na responded.
Upon hearing this, Luo Sheng immediately opened the panel and browsed the information sent by Xiao Na.
The other party changed its coping strategy again, and decided to disguise itself as a local gray gang to create a black and black illusion. The strategy is not very clever, or even very simple. The local gray forces got some cheap but some Very useful drone, and then attack the opponent.
Then use these drones to attack their own hostile forces, the purpose is to grab the other party's business, expand their own market share, the target of the attack is the warehouse of the hostile forces and after the other party completes the delivery of the goods, use it directly in the middle Drone destroyed.
If the product is directly destroyed, it will naturally be impossible to resell it to North America. At the same time, the huge loss will make the local gang forces unsustainable.
Without this middleman, the products of the Côte d'Azur can't be resold.
After reading the news, Luo Sheng said to himself: "They are still a little sane, and they have no choice to directly kill my employees."
For the black hands of the Cote d'Azur employees or the storefront, if the matter is not contained, it will be a big deal later. This old beauty also fears its rebound strength, fearing that the deterioration of the situation will exceed its own control, so I dare not do it. That's it.
However, there will be no such scruples against the local gray forces in Mexico. It was originally a group of black and evil forces. Everyone must be blamed. Even if they are shaken out at the time, at most they will be condemned. The means are too rough. .
As for prosecution, the Mexican side did not dare to put one, nor could it stand up and say anything. To say this is to help the black forces speak, which is equivalent to indirectly admitting that it is its umbrella, and it has been morally stuck.
The gray forces have their unscrupulous advantages, but their moral disadvantages are also fully revealed. They are unclean and will not be helped by someone who has been killed.
At best, it is just a chess piece, but it is just a fan of the authorities, producing the illusion that he is the one playing chess.
Luo Sheng swept the panel, closed all the information, and said, "Xiao Na, retrieve the contact information of the leaders of the small and medium-sized gray forces in Mexico as soon as possible."
Xiao Na: "Do you want to inform them in advance to avoid danger?"
Luo Sheng: "It's not right, half and half."
This feeling of controlling everything from the perspective of God behind the scenes makes Luo Sheng feel at ease. Since the other party has made new moves, Luo Sheng will keep up with the plan, and the plan is very simple:
It is necessary to let Lao Mei blow up a part and let the other party see that the results are good and increase their strength; at the same time, they must secretly send an early warning signal to the local gang forces and run away a part.
In this way, Lao Meibian has the determination to increase its strength, and the local gray forces have the luck. Although they have lost a little goods, they can continue to "take the goods" to earn money as long as they are careful.
If the direct regiment is extinguished, UU reading will completely die, which is not in the interest of Luo Sheng.
Therefore, both sides must be lucky. As long as they are lucky, the old and beautiful sides will increase their efforts. The gray forces in Mexico still have the chance to take chances and take risks, so that they can unconsciously invest more in sunk. cost.
The goods were blown up, the demand of consumers in North America is still there, and as long as there is demand in the market, there will be supply. This is the basic market logic.
For the Côte d’Azur, anyway, the product has been delivered, and the goods are delivered in one hand, and finally the goods are blown up. The Côte d’Azur will not have any losses. Instead, it will create a larger shipment. Returning the loss and buying another batch of goods, of course the shipment of the Cote d'Azur is even higher.
The profits of the local gray forces are also cashed out until the last profit is completely squeezed out. The layout of the Mexican market can be successfully completed, and these gray forces have no use value.
Only in this way is it in the interests of the French Riviera.
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