Chapter 71: [New ambitions]

Compete against Apple and compete with Jobs?
The battle line is getting longer and longer.
Everyone was caught off guard. After a while, Yu Jun, who was present, couldn't help but say, "General Manager Luo, you mean a new product ... If I'm not mistaken, are you competing with Apple's iTunes?"
Luo Sheng smiled and snapped his fingers, nodded in affirmation, and immediately said: "On October 23, 2001, Jobs took out the revolutionary product iPod from his jeans pocket, and iTunes was on the same day Upgraded to version 2.0 and supports simultaneous online management of the iPod. Soon after, the iPod swept the global market, and Jobs hoped to use the success of the iPod to build iTunes into an online music store and allow Apple to enter the digital music industry smoothly. "
"Boss, the key is that our Internet company, the core business is a social networking site, Jobs has an iPod but we do not have similar hardware product support." Xu Yong said straightforwardly but succinctly, can be described as a pain point.
"It doesn't matter, let's be the PC client first. As for the back, Shanren has his own tricks and allows me to sell." Luo Sheng said with great confidence. He didn't tell Xu Yong about their inner plans now.
Now reborn, Luo Sheng certainly uses his forward thinking and technical strength to decisively cut Hu Jobs. He must first launch the first real touchscreen smartphone before Joe launches the first iPhone, and then move No end platform?
Unsurprisingly, Jobs will secretly develop an iPhone this year. By January 2007, this sensational electronic product will be launched. The Internet will be put into a pocket, and the mobile Internet will strike.
Luo Sheng has prepared in his heart. This year, he must implement the plan. The start time is almost the same as Jobs's. He has the advantage of relying on Apple ’s technology accumulation, but Luo Sheng is not bad. As a genius traversal, His own technology development capabilities are inferior, which is his unique advantage.
After a while, Luo Sheng put all these thoughts together temporarily. Although time is urgent and there are many things to do, Ruth goes step by step.
Closing the laptop, Luo Sheng looked at the crowd again and said, "Our development plan this time is extremely huge. Strictly speaking, we have to make four products at the same time, separating video and audio, namely streaming online video and online digital. Music, followed by domestic and international editions, streaming video is the most important, followed by digital music. "
Everyone said nothing, listening to Luo Sheng's methodical statement: "Digital music project, the domestic version is called Blue Star Music, overseas version is MusicSpace (music space); online streaming video project, the domestic version is called Blue Star The international version of the video is called BluestarVideo, and this is the development task that our company will complete in the first half of this year. "
半年 "Six months?" Xu Yong suddenly took a moment and said quickly: "Boss, what kind of international joke is there? It can never be completed in half a year. Full play is equal to four major projects!"
"What four big projects are actually two." Luo Sheng calmly said: "Relax, you are in charge of the domestic version, I will arrange the overseas version of the project for engineers in North America to complete."
He did not forget that the three founders of YouTube, such as Chen Shijun, are now their employees, and let them lead the development of the international version.
As for YouTube, I have come to this age, so don't show up forever.

If you do n’t have to be responsible for the development of the overseas version, it should not be a problem in half a year.
Xu Yong nodded thoughtfully. The company now has about 2.7 billion in financing and has also moved to Sucheng. The expansion of engineers and Luo Sheng must also You have to join the development sequence, and it's not an impossible task.
At this time, Luo Sheng looked around and laughed: "If BlueSpace is a social website based on the rise of [web2.0 era], then the new project is an online streaming media sharing based on the rise of [web2.0 era] Websites, especially Bluestar Video, this time we are going to build a video sharing website based on UGC ... UGC stands for [UserGeneratedContent], which is user-generated content.
Luo Luosheng briefly introduced the mode and concept of the new project to everyone, and then said with very expressive words:
"The goal of our new project is to create another blue space or another Google, just as blue space will become synonymous with social networking sites, Google is synonymous with search engines, and Blue Star Video will become online video. Synonymous with service, and to surpass Netflix as the goal of contending the entire online video industry. "
Currently, there is only one online streaming video service platform that is eye-catching for Luo Sheng. It is definitely not the aero video that was launched last year, but has Netflix, which has been established for five or six years. This is a North American streaming media on demand Online provider.
But "Blue Star Video" is not a benchmark for Netflix. The era of web2.0 has only begun to rise. What Blue Star Video is to do is an online streaming video sharing site, and the target is YouTube. Of course, there is no YouTube thing now.
网站 This website can't even find a shadow now. Its three co-founders have now worked for Bluestar Technology. They do n’t have it now, and they wo n’t. There will be only one BluestarVideo video website in the future.
When I thought of the original world ’s YouTube traffic, it would become the second monster behind Google. Do n’t think of Luo Sheng properly remembering his original intention, keeping in mind his mission and leaving others with nowhere else to go.
And extremely convinced that his prophetic advantages can definitely do better than YouTube. UU reading books www.uukanshu. com
Uh ...
After getting the B round of financing, Luo Sheng can be said to be more busy, because time is money, slow steps will lead to slow steps.
He is now well-known in the industry. He can be said to be in the sky. A large number of media want to interview her. A lot of programs want to invite him as a guest. Although his experience is not long, it is too legendary. Sophomore dropped out of school to start a business. The bluestar technology company established in the Internet industry has risen lightningly, becoming one of the "BALT" four giants.
This year, Luo Sheng is only 20 years old, and he is 20 years old. The more convenient topic is his valuation, which has reached a valuation of ¥ 15.5 billion, and the current richest person in China is ¥ 12.4 billion. In other words, in terms of valuation, Luo Sheng is already the nation's new richest man.
In order to gain eyeballs and click-through rates, some media wrote that Luo Sheng's worth was already the new richest man in the country. Although the media exaggerated, it did not prevent him from becoming a hot spot in business and Internet technology. And the rise is a legendary story.
一年 I have achieved such a high level in a year of self-made. It also makes many people feel that the Internet field is really a land of wealth myths, but people who have been in the business community for many years do not have much feeling about it.
After all, in their view, the Internet is too virtual, and sometimes it ’s the worst to fall. Relatively speaking, Luo Sheng is in the eyes of many well-known businessmen, especially those in the industry. His foundation is too shallow, just like duckweed.
But this does not prevent the media from enthusiastically chasing, but Luo Sheng has not wasted his spare time to spend his time bragging, and he has been pushed out of invitations and interviews for any program without exception.
Uh ...
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