Chapter 723: [Commercialization of 1 series of application scenarios is imminent]

Under the gaze of the audience, a cylindrical platform was raised on the floor of the main stage. A piece of "artificial electronic skin" was placed in a transparent glass box on the table. Because it was too light and thin, it was necessary to put some labels on the surface. It can only be seen under close-up shots.
At the side of the column where Luo Sheng came, he looked at the objects inside and said,
I want to enable people with disabilities to really do the seemingly simple but almost impossible thing like'take out an egg from the bag'. This "artificial electronic skin" developed on the basis of graphene solves this problem. It can sensitively sense external pressure and give correct signal feedback."
This is indeed a very distressing place for many disabled people with prostheses. The tactile system does not extend beyond the prosthesis, and it seems to be insignificant. Although the prosthetic products produced by Chen Xin's Borch Technology have far exceeded the industry peer level, and the price It's nearly 10 times cheaper, and it's a rare outstanding product in recent years.
There have been researches and breakthroughs on this issue, but it is still a difficult problem. The product experience is not satisfactory. Many people know that Borch Technology is a company invested by Luo Sheng. This technology will definitely be applied to Borch. Prosthetic products under Technology.
Having said that, Luo Sheng looked up to the big screen, and everyone also saw the demonstration video.
"After attaching this kind of'artificial electronic skin' to the prosthetic limb, the prosthetic limb can sense and hold those soft objects like normal human limbs instead of crushing them directly."
In the video demonstration screen, a disabled person is wearing a prosthetic leg produced by Borch Technology. The difference is that his prosthetic leg uses this artificial electronic skin.
Not only did he lose his left hand, he also lost a leg, but at the beginning of the picture, he had both hands and feet and he was still playing basketball on the playground, running, jumping, walking and turning flexibly, completely moving like a normal person. To the appearance of a handicapped person.
In the subsequent screen switching, he used his left hand prosthesis to hold soft and fragile items such as eggs. At the same time, the shots also compared the counterparts' prostheses, and staged a scene where there is no harm without comparison.
The researchers and prosthetic carriers in the picture celebrated, and the audience also gave warm applause to the cheers.
These images all made the people present admire the charm of technology and praise the progress of technology.
The giant screen on the main stage ended the video screening, and the logo of the Cote d’Azur appeared again, and Luo Sheng’s hearty voice spread throughout the audience again.
"In addition to prosthetics, this kind of'artificial electronic skin' actually has many applications. For example, it can be used in wearable electronic products to achieve more convenient and accurate health detection. As early as this year, our Researchers began to apply graphene chemically modified coatings to clothing through 3D printing to detect blood sugar in diabetic patients."
The giant screen of the main stage played a documentary video again, and an audience off the scene exclaimed: "Graphene is really a magical material. How wide is its application range?"
Luo Sheng on the field paced back and forth, and then said:
In view of the current mainstream peeling method of graphene, it can only be through a few methods such as micromechanical peeling and chemical vapor deposition. The difference is that the Blue Coast Laboratory We have successfully developed a brand-new stripping technology, which initially has the conditions for commercialization and mass production, but we are not satisfied with it. Not satisfied is very good, which means that there is huge room for improvement, and this is also Our research team is currently working to solve the problem."
The biggest problem with graphene materials is that they cannot be mass produced on a large scale, making the cost of this new material high and hindering its commercialization process.
Unexpectedly, the Côte d'Azur has already found the technology that initially has mass production. Is this still going to happen?
At the end, Luo Sheng's voice came again.
"Water is the source of life on which we humans depend. Although 71% of the surface of our planet is covered by water, 99.99% of the water is seawater that cannot be directly drunk."
"According to incomplete statistics, there are about 660 million people living in areas without drinking water supply. Although many countries in the world are trying to develop seawater desalination filtration systems in coastal areas, the high cost of these technical solutions Can't really realize the development of mass production."
Obviously, everyone heard it, and Luo Sheng began to introduce the next technology.
"After all, most people and most countries are not as rich as the local tyrants in the Middle East. Even the local tyrants cannot use the existing desalination system on a large scale to solve all the water problems."
This remark caused everyone to laugh, and even the world's richest man said that the local tyrants are super rich, that is, they are really rich.
Some media reporters from countries in the Middle East heard his words, and they immediately pricked their ears. Their country is rich in oil, but it is highly lacking in water resources. They are pumped into the bottom and cannot pump out the groundwater, but the dark crude oil. .
After the episode, Luo Sheng methodically introduced with a smile on his face:
Another technical research team of the Côte d’Azur Lab has made a major breakthrough recently. We will launch a new cheap and efficient seawater desalination solution. The team hopes to change some of the status quo."
"It uses a technology that we call'graphene membrane filtration'. The chief technical expert of the team, Kane Sachs, is an authoritative scholar in the field of graphene. He has joined the Côte d’Azur laboratory for seven years. He has published more than 200 scientific research papers in the field of graphene so far."
It is another person of the big touch level who works for him. The Côte d'Azur Labs is really full of talents.
The scientific research institutions under the Cote d’Azur company are spread all over the world and involve too many frontier fields. Some college students have also found that the most cutting-edge academic research that is difficult to see commercial returns in the medium and long term is funded by the Cote d’Azur. .
North America is a little better. The most accepted scientists on the Côte d'Azur are from Europe. The research funding of countries in the European continent is being cut. The scale of R&D investment in the Côte d'Azur has exceeded that of the entire United Kingdom.
In fact, no matter whether it is the United Kingdom, France or Germany, European countries do not spend as much research funding in a single country as a Côte d’Azur company. Only the entire European Union as a whole can be suppressed.
The funding input of the entire Western academic community has been reduced as a whole. Luo Sheng has naturally accepted these talents on a large scale. Not only does he want to accept these "research refugees", he also has to dig into walls.
It is no exaggeration to say that in addition to state capital, Luo Sheng is the only one in the world who supports basic scientific research with private capital on a large scale. For the past 15 years, he has worked tirelessly and deeply, and invested when his early income was low. Less, UU reading www.uukanshu. With the gradual increase in income, the investment in scientific research is also positively correlated with increasing investment.
Now it is finally starting to pay off.
Many people in the industry have nothing to say. This is not something that ordinary people and ordinary companies can afford. From 2004 to the present 2018, even the Côte d’Azur has suffered 14 years of crazy investment before seeing it today. Achievements, and up to now, it has not really started to make money to recover R&D costs.
Other companies have not been nearly fifteen years old, and they may not be able to sustain it in two or three years.
Industry insiders are very clear that monopolistic high-tech products are indeed huge profits, but the risks are also exploding. If the R&D of the Côte d’Azur graphene project fails, the capital cost, time cost and sunk cost invested over the past ten years are unimaginable.
On the stage, the second cylindrical platform rises from the floor, and the close-up shot again focuses on a piece of film material placed on the round platform.
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