Chapter 771: 【Set the tone】

Being able to participate in such a magnificent cause really excites everyone present. Everyone present has already realized the freedom of wealth in life. The increase in wealth is only a change in numbers in the eyes of everyone. , I don’t care too much at all.
Only this kind of business can stimulate them.
In the end, the turbulent hearts of Yao Jianhong and Ding Ping were finally calmed down. After returning to calm, they returned to reality from the ambitious goal of that grand goal.
In any case, the ideal is to keep your feet on the ground. This is not an easy task. There are many problems, and they must be solved one by one, step by step.
The core issue is still the integration of resources, and the content of the discussions has once again returned to the current top priority, which is to use some obstacles in financing the whole society to solve the public's fear of their unemployment crisis.
Yao Jianhong said: "Mr. Luo, whose money will be allocated for the redistribution of wealth?"
Everyone is waiting for the BOSS to conclude.
Yes, there are too many problems. The current social ideological trend must solve the corresponding problems. If the society does not oppose the progress of science and technology, does not oppose the white robots, and does not fear unemployment, Luo Sheng has already given a solution-wealth Reallocate.
As long as the general public does not object, there is a solution.
But it caused new problems.
Whose money is allocated?
The majority of people at the bottom of society spend future money to buy Dabai, but the future money will not be changed for no reason. Once the time comes, it will be cashed out. After all, it will be someone, or a certain time node, or a certain group. Pay the bill for this.
Luo Shengyan said concisely: "Whose money is divided? Of course, it is the money of the elites of human society. Wealth has been continuously gathered in the hands of a small number of elites, and the polarization between the rich and the poor has been increased. Then take it out. Robots can penetrate past industries and enterprises, and they are all targets of harvest."
"For example, in the logistics industry, food delivery industry, low-end service industry, etc., they want to replace humans with intelligent robots in order to reduce costs and increase profits. It’s no problem, but if they want 30%, 50% or even higher Don’t think about cost reductions."
Ruthless enough, everyone secretly smacked their lips, the big boss is really unambiguous, it is really the person at the helm who does big things.
Luo Sheng went on to say: "There will definitely be resistance and resistance, but it is meaningless. If the industry leader does not want to separate profits, then we will support his peers' third and second-fifth competitors and use our core technology to authorize Give the company stronger competitiveness than the industry leader in which it belongs, thereby destroying the industry leader and taking the lead."
Everyone at the meeting nodded secretly. Technology is the core competitiveness. This is where the greatest confidence lies in the Blue Coast.
Those industry leaders that have been impacted by the great white and can even be subverted have no bargaining power, and no pricing power. These are in the hands of the Blue Coast, or Luo Sheng.
If they compromise, it’s better. If they don’t compromise, let their competitors break them, break the factory and close down.
Whoever lacks in this world will continue to turn.
Let’s just talk about the leading companies in the logistics and express delivery industry. If they are unwilling to share profits, Luo Sheng can acquire or invest in another express company, or even set up an express company, and then exclusively authorize Dabai robots for unmanned delivery. Service, the strong competitiveness brought by subversive technology defeats those old leading companies.
The scale of the current couriers has tens of millions. If they replace them with tens of millions of large white robots, the Blue Coast itself certainly does not have that much money to make 10 million large white robots to invest in an industry.
But it doesn’t matter. The solution is already available, which is to raise funds from the society and let the common people pay for the big money. The money is not enough to borrow money for the future.
Fully mobilize the power of the human sea tactics, the large number of people means the large power.
After destroying the old leading enterprises, the common people can also get a share of the cake. After all, after buying Dabai, the Dabai robot can be sent to deliver the express to make money for him, lying down and counting the money. Few people will refuse such benefits.
Ding Ping was slightly worried and said: "It's just Mr. Luo... We are almost antagonizing the entire elite class of society. Those elites are not fools. Will they not be able to see? The trend has come out. If we only have As long as they act, they can guess what the future will be like, and feel the threat, in case they hold together to resist..."
Suddenly offended everyone, Ding Ping felt a little inexplicable. After all, the influence of a leading company in the industry cannot be ignored, let alone more than one or two, but a group.
The senior executives on the scene knew what Luo Sheng meant. This is to take the wealth of other wealthy people, put the money in their pockets into their pockets, and then divide a portion of it to the ordinary people. That's it. .
"Haha, don't worry. Since ancient times, the people who rebel have been poor people. Only if they can't survive, have you ever seen the rich rebel? Do you guys?" Luo Sheng smiled indifferently and looked around the screen. The viewers' images asked rhetorically.
Ding Ping was speechless for a while, this was soul torture.
Of course not, it is impossible for any retreat to make such an extreme choice, and the rich have more retreats than the poor.
Luo Sheng continued: "I am cutting the flesh of the rich and sharing it with the common people. Then who do you think the common people will support? To whom?"
A core executive who attended the meeting smiled and said, "That's not enough? You don't need to think about it to know that it must be towards us. This is a problem."
Everyone also nodded in agreement.
At the moment, there is a controversy over the idea of ​​Dabai robots robbing humans for job opportunities. Many opponents were Luo Sheng’s "congregation" and an iron fan of the Blue Coast.
But it is related to the time when his own job is threatened... What the archbishop called the fanaticism before is now a bullshit.
If the opposite is the case, Luo Sheng can give them a stable income if they lie still, and whoever speaks badly about the archbishop will be anxious.
Vested interests, a real group.
Luo Sheng looked at everyone with a smile and said, "Yes, this is what the people want, this is what everyone wants. This is the general trend. I take the general trend, but the power is unstoppable. Other rich people or rich families can only cut meat, and our methods You can be gentle, don't just cut them off one of their arms and legs, but cut them little by little, for a period of time."
"In this they will choose to lose money and eliminate disasters. For the rich, they cannot eat big fish and meat, but small wine and small dishes are also okay. They can't make waves. The so-called elite class 99% It is the group that runs the fastest and the bones. If you want to do practical things successfully, you have to rely on the middle-lower group who are hungry or may be hungry at any time. The more hungry they are, the more effective they are."
Everyone felt a chill out inexplicably as they listened. Fortunately, they were in the same group as Luo Sheng, and sometimes the right person can really determine their destiny more than their own strength.
Luo Sheng pondered for a moment and added: "This is the general basic direction, but the international market must still try to get as much market share as possible under the premise of ensuring risk control, so as to gather the world's wealth and resources for our use. It’s hard, but it’s hard to do."
The wool of all mankind is really not concealed at all.
The source of overseas income is also not a small sum.
However, after seeing Luo Sheng's grand blueprint plan for the first time, it also stimulated the fighting spirit in his heart. The helm set the tone, and he had an executable direction and goal.
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