Chapter 76: [AzureCoast]

Bluestar Technology Headquarters, CEO Office.
"The youngest billionaire in the country and the world, the youngest individual who accumulates hundreds of millions of wealth the fastest, the news media have reported your news on the front page and become the focus of much attention ..."
Irene walked into the CEO's office and flipped through the door naturally, said with a smile, walked away, came to Luo Sheng's desk, twisted his hips, sat, and a pair of hands letting nature go. neck.
"... Both harvests of love have been harvested. In the year of the crown, they will become winners in life. What would Mr. Luo have to say?"
Luo Luosheng glanced at Jiao Qiao's face close at hand, and said solemnly: "Come again for gold? Didn't you have it the day before yesterday? So sooner or later you will be hollowed out, who can stand it?"
Eileen: "Isn't this the next day ..."
Luo Luosheng: "..."
At that time, when the sun and the moon were empty, Chibi nostalgic. During the laughter, Yu Fei viewed the scriptures, chaotic stones penetrated, Jingtao shot the case, and rolled up thousands of snow. Da Jiangdong goes, the waves are gone.
Uh ...
As the scene has been restored, Irene's face still has a touch of crimson, Luo Sheng recovers with blood, but there is really no drop.
"The budget for your trip to the United States has already been prepared for you. How long will it take for this business trip?" Erin said, there is a small grievance, which is less than two months after the last business trip in North America. Going to take a trip.
Aileen naturally hopes to be tired with him in love, but also knows that Luo Sheng's career and company development are at a critical moment. Now this life rhythm is also good, and there is a kind of sneaky excitement.
"It won't be too long this time, and I definitely won't go for more than half a month like the last time, at most a week." Luo Sheng thought for a while and said that this trip to North America has only one purpose.
Talk about audio and video copyright issues.
This trip is scheduled for early next month, in April.
And this month, Luo Sheng has more important things. The mobile Internet tide is about to hit. 12% of the shares have been transferred and cashed. Now that he has sufficient funds, he must make arrangements in the ICT field as soon as possible. The first task is to establish integrated circuit research and development laboratory.
Aileen left the office and Luo Sheng started to think about the research and development of ICT technology alone.
The goal is very clear, and the idea is very clear. It is to catch up with Apple first to launch the world's first truly desktop-grade smartphone before the iPhone is launched in January 2007.
Halfway through Jobs, Luo Sheng is imperative, always fulfilling his mission of "taking his own path and leaving others with nowhere to go".
Uh ...
While Luo Sheng was actively preparing, at that time, as far away as a place on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, two old friends who had known each other for years were talking face to face.
These two are Apple's then CEO Steve Jobs, and the man sitting opposite Jobs is called Edward Zander. In January this year, Motorola became the head of the company.
Not long ago, Edward Zander, who had just been in charge of Motorola, successfully rejected a major acquisition contract, staged what is perfect positioning, and successfully missed a historic opportunity.
That was about the acquisition of Weiwei. The two sides had already talked about it last year. Weiwei decided to sell himself to Motorola for $ 10 billion. Both sides have completed the initial check, but Edwards, who came down at the last moment, felt too expensive. It pushed prices down to $ 7.5 billion.
I was so angry that I stopped selling.
At this moment, the two old friends who have known each other for a long time seem to be quite happy. Both sides talked about some dialogues that Apple and Motorola should strengthen cooperation.
However, the situational conversation that Qiao helped the host at this moment is more with the old friends, and he should now be immersed in the joy brought by the great success of the iPod. The profits are full.
Edward Zander looked at an old friend and asked a question, asking: "I ask you Steve, when you go out, you will determine whether you have three things with you, your keys, your wallet and you Phone, your iPod is not on this list. "
Jobs has always used bullet-like language to impact others, but this sentence of a friend who has known for many years successfully hit Joe's gang.
Not long after Edward Zander took charge of Motorola, the new officer took three fires. He wanted to do something that he should consider now. Of course, the first major thing he did after taking office was to successfully turn him away from Motorola.
I am indeed an extraordinary CEO, and the operation is difficult to predict.
This year is a difficult transition period for Motorola. Since the bubble in the Internet and telecommunications industries burst, Motorola's performance has been terrible.
For Motorola at this time, the hardest hit is still from "next door". At the time when Motorola's stock price has plummeted, the stock prices of Nokia and Qualcomm are booming.
There is a saying: Happiness is not that you do n’t have anything, but that your neighbor next door hates it, but you do n’t.
Motorola is now in this state of mind.
"By 2004, Apple's iPod had been a hit in the US music player market. Market analysts also said that the global music player market size was close to hundreds of millions ..." Edward Zander said here, seemingly at Surely this work by Jobs is actually up first and then down.
Sure enough, Edward Zander immediately replied, adding: "But old friends, the sales of mobile phones will be ten times that number. If the mobile phone manufacturers turn the music playback function into a necessary function of the mobile phone, even If it can be synchronized, then the iPod will undoubtedly face life and death challenges. "
This sentence no doubt once again hit the heart of Qiao Bangzhu like a bullet. Qiao Bangzhu said nothing, apparently acquiesced to this.
My friends who have known each other for many years brought Motorola to the door to hope to cooperate with Apple. At this time, Jobs' mentality has quietly changed. If it was only a embarrassment, then it is really possible to cooperate with Motorola.
But the interlacing is like a mountain, at this time Apple under the control of Jobs is obviously unable to subvert the mobile phone market.
It is now 2004 ~ ~ Apple is still hovering outside the door of the mobile phone that people are 臾 must leave. If this is not Apple's crisis, there will be no crisis.
布 Jobs, who immediately wanted to understand, began to become more active and more patient than Edward Zander.
Uh ...
At the same time, while Edward Zander urged Joe to help the owner work together and made him determined to develop an Apple phone, Luo Sheng, who was far away from the Pacific Ocean, was intensifying his time to start a secret called the "Blue Core Project." Project landing.
Obviously, the "Blue Core" project is regarded by Luo Sheng as a magic weapon that can take him deep into the heart of the telecommunications kingdom.
这一 On March 21, 2004, Luo Sheng registered a new wholly-owned legal entity company, Azure Coast Technology Co., Ltd.
Luo Sheng transferred 12% of the equity of Bluestar Technology Co., Ltd., and eventually cashed out 2.64 billion yuan of disposable capital after tax. He took out 2.6 billion yuan of the registered capital of the new company's Azure Coast, basically all of them were left, leaving only I put less than 40 million in my personal account.
2.6 billion yuan is definitely an astronomical figure in this era, but for Luo Sheng's work, there is still very little. If this money is not saved, it won't take long to burn up.
所以 The reason why investors are not optimistic about Luo Sheng's entry into the ICT field is because this field is not a general burn-up. For a start-up company without foundation, it simply means that there is nowhere to spend money.
This is true under normal circumstances, but Luo Sheng knows what advantages he has, not to mention it is too big, but as a genius soul from the future, when he comes to this era, under his leadership, he must be able to take a lot of detours and realize cash. To save countless trial and error costs.
Uh ...
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