Chapter 791: 【Life Anti-aging】

Among the numerous media reports, Western media reporters commented on this press conference that it was the Côte d'Azur showing itself as a leading innovator in the field of smartphones at an extremely confident and even extremely arrogant new product launch.
The summary is quite in place, worthy of relying on the pen to eat.
In fact, the Côte d’Azur is still low-key. If Western multinational corporations do this, they might be proud to break beyond the earth’s atmosphere.
However, over the past decade or so, the West has become more adaptable to this change than before, or is relatively more able to accept the fact that multinational companies from the East are leading the technological trend.
This fact cannot be changed without accepting it.
If 15 years ago, technology companies from the East led a trend, Westerners would be surprised and interested; if it was 10 years ago, the West would be surprised and studied carefully; if it were five years ago, the West would be shocked and excited. disturbed.
As for now, Westerners have begun to commit citric acid and secretly envy them.
In the early morning of October 1, in a prefecture-level city called Jinzhou in the central region, most of the citizens of Jinzhou who strolled on the streets this morning saw a row of luxurious business fleets entering the city. Judging from the license plate, it was obviously from immigrant.
"Fuck, I don't know who is coming to our city with such a big battle?"
"It should belong to a certain rich man."
"Looking at the degree of luxury, I am definitely not the rich man in this city."
The convoy drove from a main road in the city center, where there happened to be a flagship store under the blue coastline. Today is the launch date of Azure-5X folding screen mobile phones and AzureBook laptops.
From the perspective of the popularity of queuing outside the store, it is somewhat less than when Azure-5 was launched three years ago, but it is also relatively speaking. In fact, there are already two to three hundred people waiting to buy new products early in the morning.
These consumers who were waiting in line to buy products were curiously talking when they saw the train fleet. After a while, there was another luxurious business fleet coming in the same direction as the previous fleet of vehicles.
"That direction is..."
"It seems to be the direction of Jinzhou University."
"It may also be related to biotechnology. Wasn't there a large life science research institute that landed there many years ago? It seems to belong to a biotechnology research and development company."
"Oh~~, I remember, it's called Bokang Biomedical R&D Technology Co., Ltd. I heard that it is a very good existence. It is invested by the life science fund of the archbishop, and it is also a card that our city can play in the technology industry. Noodles, it directly drove Jinzhou University. At that time, the leaders were promoted because the company was attracted by investment promotion and landed in our city."
"Could it be... the archbishop came to us?"
"Fuck, it's really possible, there are not a few big players in China that have such a card face in this battle."
"I have a hunch that there might be big news in Jinzhou."
On the other side, the luxurious business convoy that first arrived left the main road of the city and entered a branch road towards the edge of the city’s suburbs.
With the continuous progress, the surrounding high-rise buildings are gradually decreasing, indicating that they are leaving the city center.
After about a few minutes, the train team arrived at a low-rise building area with more than 70% green area and an independent science and technology park.
There is a huge sign at the entrance and exit-Bo Kang (BO) Biomedical R&D Technology Co., Ltd.
The security immediately opened the door, and the convoy slowly drove in and came to the main entrance of the local office building headquarters. These buildings are not high, only six stories high.
A bodyguard worker got out of the car and ran towards one of the commercial cars in small steps. He came to the car and opened the rear door. Only a man got out of the car and looked around for a while.
It was Luo Sheng impressively.
An Qingxue, who was re-serving Luo Sheng's assistant and secretary, came to him and briefly reported: "Mr. Luo, the person in charge appointed by the North American Anti-Aging Association is behind and will be here soon."
"Oh, I see."
At this time, a few people walked out of the office building, including Chinese and European and American faces.
"Mr. Luo, you have finally come. You were not able to come out in time to meet you. I am really sorry." The headed man with a European and American face greeted us, and he was still speaking Chinese with a poor pronunciation.
Luo Sheng couldn't help but smile when he saw this, and immediately shook hands with him: "Mr. David Levinson."
This assassin named David Levinson has basically been "sinicized". Not only has his oral Chinese ability become more standard year by year, he also understands some Chinese communication methods. He is also quite obsessed with China. The Chinese "Book of Changes" is a classic of Chinese studies. This scripture is not a fortune-telling ancient book. It can be said that the cultural codes of the Chinese nation are hidden in this book.
But there are very few people who can read this book.
David Levinson is the CEO of Bokang Biopharmaceutical Company. He is a senior talent that Luo Sheng worked hard to dig in 2012. He was the chairman of the famous Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche. He was an executive at the core of Apple's Jobs era, and was evaluated by the media as the "best CEO" in the field of biochemical technology, able to bear the title of a great figure.
After waiting for a while, another train team also entered the company, and a group of foreigners also rushed over. It was the people from the North American Anti-Aging Association that An Qingxue just said. In addition to this heavy identity, this group of people also represents those in Europe and America. Here comes the super rich.
The wealthy foreigners attach great importance to the achievements of Bokang Biotech.
Luo Sheng also shook hands with his person in charge, Pilson Paterno, and greeted a few words. After a while, David Levinson smiled and said, "Everyone, please follow me to the R&D laboratory building."
At this moment, there were already several reporters at the entrance and exit of the company.
This speed is almost impossible. The HK reporters are not so fast, right?
Luo Sheng didn't care too much about these, UU reading www. immediately followed David Levinson to the laboratory building.
The four words birth, old age, sickness and death can be said to be an unchanging natural law. Having said that, there are still countless people expecting to extend their lives.
And Bokang Biomedical Company was born because of this. Unlike other peer companies that mainly study human health, prevention and treatment of diseases, Bokang Bio has a very clear goal since its establishment and there is only one goal, which is to focus on the research of living organisms. Anti-aging issues.
This company has actually attracted much attention since its establishment in 2012, but it has not been out of the circle.
One is because of the background of its life science fund, and the background of the life science fund is Luo Sheng.
Second, because of the previous one, many famous star scholars in the life science field have joined the company one after another.
For example, CEO David Levinson; the company's chief scientist Ms. Han Wen is a well-known geneticist from Princeton University. In 2013, she accepted Luo Sheng's invitation and returned to China to join Bokang Biotech.
Han Wen's housekeeping skill is to track aging cells and fully analyze their genes.
There is also Heya Catherine, deputy director of the company's anti-aging research. This great scientist has successfully extended the lifespan of roundworms from 25 days to 50 days in the laboratory by changing a single DNA as early as 15 years ago.
In addition, Luo Sheng also transferred a young artificial intelligence expert Huang Xuewen from the Blue Coast Laboratory who was brought out by him himself as the chief computing officer.
It can be said that the joining of this series of star-rated experts is the biggest reason why Bokang Biomedical Research and Development Company has attracted the attention of the industry. It can be called the Galaxy battleship-level scientific research team in the field of life sciences.
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