Chapter 796: [I have one sample]

The video of Luo Sheng's speech at Jinzhou University was later published on the Internet, and it was not surprisingly becoming the focus of hot topics. This speech is the most authoritative response of the Blue Coast company to its last elimination system.
After all, this is what Luo Sheng said personally, it's true.
No one thought that he would say his company on the issue of "layoffs" so unabashedly. Compared with other bigwigs who use gorgeous language to decorate, Luo Sheng is simply a "straight man" in this matter. "Don't be too upright.
Netizens who eat melon are also a top "master of rhythm." The so-called watching the excitement is not too big, and netizens who eat melon must compare everything.
Therefore, as soon as the news came out, the arch-fire mode was activated, and other bigwigs were used to discuss the issue of
on the Internet. The rhythm was flying, and the battle was fierce.
"There are often layoffs. How can the big guys make the layoffs fresh and refined, and still attract cheers on the Internet? [Fear, rhythm limited edition]"
"Brother Dong said that he had something to say. When Jingdong layoffs, Brother Dong said that he would eliminate some people who could not work hard for his own reasons... Brother? [doge]"
"Haha, these words all sound like Dong Ge is complaining that some of the'brothers' are not working hard enough.'Brothers' will definitely be very unhappy when they hear such words, and feel that he was fired without recognition...[Manual Funny ]"
"Brother Dong's rank is still one level lower than Mr. Ma. Mr. Ma said: Every year in the future, one thousand talents who have worked in Ali for more than ten years will be exported to the society. Look, look, look, there is a lot of talk. Beautiful, 103 points are not too much."
"Haha, at first glance these expressions seem to have shaped me into a good boss with a particularly socially responsible sense. I have to say that Mr. Ma is really good at talking, fresh and refined, and wonderful."
"However, these fancy operations by Hu Li are no match for the unpretentiousness of the archbishop. This is the highest state. The archbishop is the hot man who really stands on the fifth floor. The layoffs are layoffs. Don’t trim those gorgeous rhetoric. It can also make you convincingly offer your knees, and even hope that he can increase the intensity of layoffs 2333..."
"This is the first time I have seen someone actually understand and use the liquidity of employees and use the liquidity of currency to create value. The key is to achieve outstanding results."
"Yes, the best thing about this strategy is that this strategy can revitalize all aspects. Needless to say, the benefits to his company. The mobility of employees ensures the vitality of the company and can also play a role in the redistribution of wealth, at least in the Riviera. To curb the phenomenon of getting richer and get richer, to ensure that the vast majority of people are relatively benefited, and the money is dispersed in the hands of more ordinary people, which releases dozens or even hundreds of times the consumption potential to benefit the society, and ultimately in the triple structure of enterprises, employees, and society The upper interaction forms a virtuous positive circle."
"Tsk tusk tusk, this is the gangster level pattern~~"
"If other wealthy people and other company bosses can have the pattern and height of the archbishop, why worry about not stimulating consumption? Why not worry about the economy not taking off? GDP not taking off?"
"Satisfaction, it would be nice to have one such ‘alien’. The archbishop’s doing so can be said to offend the elite of the entire human society, including Dabai robots, which cut the flesh of the rich..."
"Please type'protect' on the message board."
Since the courier brother Xu Lecheng has a Dabai to work for him, the recent days have also been beautiful. Every day he goes online to find information, browses forums, and plays games to help his friend Ning Kuang analyze the next industry that may be banned by Dabai.
At this moment, Xu Lecheng is visiting the forum to see netizens’ comments about Luo Sheng’s speech at Jinzhou University, and he likes from time to time.
As he continued to scroll down the comments, Xu Lecheng saw the discordant message.
"Hehe, Luo Sheng himself is getting richer and richer than ever before. What is ridiculous is that the general ignorant PM is still desperately defending him."
"Look, he's anxious, he's anxious."
"Haha, you are clever and clever thinking that you can see through everything. Others are fools. I only know that in the past, the gang of rich people used to cut the leeks of the poor. They got richer and the poor got poorer, the archbishop It is cutting the leeks of the rich and sharing it with the poor. Although he gets richer, the poor also benefit relatively, and the overall gap between the rich and the poor has been reduced."
Xu Lecheng, who read this message, couldn't bear it anymore, so he shouted "Key to come" in his heart, and then quickly typed and edited a paragraph of text:

Anyway, I support the archbishop. Last month, Dabai finally got his first month’s salary, deducting taxes and 30% of the share with Dabai’s fund, and also including removing Dabai’s electricity and maintenance expenses. Bring me Here comes a monthly net income of 10.06k. If you earn more than 10,000 a month, you can directly earn it. When that time comes, you can find a more relaxed job. It is not a big problem to increase your monthly income by three to five thousand. .
If it weren’t for the archbishop, the money must have gone moldy in the accounts of a few wealthy people. I didn’t dare to spend before and now I can spend it boldly. I also dare to get rid of the title of Azure-4 nail account. I dare to think about it, so I didn't hesitate to vote for the archbishop with my feet. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have felt how wonderful life is.

Xu Lecheng edited a long article and clicked to send it out. After a while, someone left a comment and post.
"Don't bother about it, it's not a spiritual capitalist or a navy supporter... I am envious of my real name. I don't know when the Dabai robot will come to our factory to replace the worker assembly line. I also want to live a day of lying down and making money, without a monthly income of over 10,000. Contented too."
"It's the same for me... [doge]"
"It's the same for me... [doge]"
"It's the same for me... [doge]"
Luo Sheng doesn't know about the online discussion, and even if he knows it, he won't care. Although the rhythm of eating melon netizens is flying, the big men like Luo Sheng and President Ma are not unhappy about this kind of thing.
However, not long after Luo Sheng came back from Jinzhou, Ding Ping, who was in charge of the Blue Pure Electric Automobile Company, immediately started video communication with him.
In Luo Sheng's private office in the Science and Technology Complex, the main screen in front of him at this moment is a live video of Ding Ping.
"Mr. Luo, I want to ask Pinduoduo whether you have invested in this company?"
When Ding Ping came up and asked like this, Luo Sheng shook his head in surprise: "No, Jingdong has invested a sum of money and has 20% of the shares. Why do you ask? Wait a minute, I will check."
After finishing speaking, let Xiaona search for it immediately. Luo Sheng himself did not take the initiative to order the investment in Pinduoduo, but he is not sure whether some of the strategic investment departments under his jurisdiction have invested in it.
After a while, Xiaona sent a reply: "Master, none of your major institutions holds shares in Pinduoduo."
Luo Sheng looked directly at Ding Ping in the video, and the latter immediately said: "I think what Pinduoduo has done recently is your acquiescence. Since you haven't invested in the company, it's them."
"what happened?"
Ding Ping immediately explained: "This is how it is. Just the day before yesterday,'' launched 10 second-generation blue pure electric vehicles on Pinduoduo to participate in the so-called'ten thousand group carpool activity'. The difference between the price and our official guide price is 35,000 yuan, which is equivalent to a subsidy of 35,000 yuan for each vehicle."
Luo Sheng directly asked: "Have these 10 cars been delivered?"
Ding Ping shook his head and said, "It's pressed."
Luo Sheng nodded and said: "Well, well done, and there is no need to press down. Let's just cancel the order for these 10 cars. The other thing is to say hello to the management of Pinduoduo and warn them. Don't try to touch the red line of the blue pure electric car. The pricing power is the red line they must not touch. Anyone who dares to touch it will die."
This is extremely serious.
Ding Ping replied: "Understood, I will make a private call with the head of the person in a while."
The video screen was closed, and Ding Ping, who ended the communication, called Pinduoduo directly.
The value of these 10 cars is less than three million yuan, but it reveals the prudent thinking of Pinduoduo. It is not Ding Ping who just contacted to talk about this matter. Luo Sheng doesn’t know yet, but Ding Pingyi said he I saw the key point almost instantly.
Obviously, the management of Weilan Pure Electric Automobile also saw the key point, but it was not clear whether it was authorized by Luo Sheng, so the list was suppressed first.
It is reasonable to say that this kind of thing is impossible to alarm the senior management of Weilan Pure Electric Automobile Company, and now it has passed the matter to Luo Sheng.
The reason lies in the fact that they are trying to get the pricing power of the blue pure electric car in the name of obviously with a certain fluke mentality, thinking that Ding Ping and other management personnel will not care or notice. To.
Pricing power is the lifeblood of a company. If the blue pure electric car purchased by Pinduoduo on this platform has been 20,000 to 30,000 yuan cheaper than the one sold on the official platform and offline stores of the blue pure electric car, then consumers will fight for it. Dodo carpool.
Once consumers have reached a consensus and consumption habits, at that time Pinduoduo can not only terminate the subsidy behavior, but can even use it as a bargaining chip to ask the Blue Pure Electric Automobile Company to give him a rebate subsidy for the Pinduoduo, and the price is still that much.
It's not that this kind of thing has never happened. You don't know that the two giants in the food delivery industry have already mastered the lifeblood of the restaurant owner and thus the pricing power.
Today’s Meituan is harvesting wildly among restaurant owners, delivery riders, and consumers. Those restaurant owners have no right to speak, and the pricing power has been taken away by Meituan’s warm-water boiled frogs.
Now just go to a city and ask those restaurant owners if they really like Meituan. The answer is very annoying.
Before the harvest, Meituan Waimai relied on ground subsidies and allowed consumers to develop a habit to control the lifeblood of restaurants. Now the harvest has begun, and the stock price has risen to 1.5 trillion Hong Kong dollars.
The reason is the same. Pinduoduo also wants to copy the successful model of Meituan, trying to reap profits on the consumer side and rebate subsidies on the supply side. The idea is pretty pleasing.
It was just a test, and it was directly noticed by the senior management of Weilan Pure Electric Automobile Company, and it was passed to Luo Sheng.
It goes without saying that the direct arrangement is straightforward.
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