Vol 2 Chapter 908: [Excited like a chicken blood]

[Congratulations, Mr. Wang.
The project solution you have declared has passed the review of our strategic investment department. On Thursday, January 21, our company will send a contact person to the University of Science and Technology to meet you and have further understanding. The contact information is in the attachment in.
Star Arrow International looks forward to cooperating with you in the future. 】
"Oh yeah~~Nessnas!!!"
Wang Chen was dancing with excitement at the beginning, but now he is alone and can let himself go freely.
After downloading the attachment and looking at it, Wang Chen became even more excited, as if he had been beaten with blood.
The attachment has a size of 50 megabytes. In addition to some detailed replies, questions, contact information and contact information for the declared project, there are two other pieces of information that made Wang Chen overjoyed.
The first surprise was that Star Arrow International decided to invest 300,000 yuan instead of the 150,000 yuan declared by itself, but at the same time the valuation of Chenxi Studio increased from 3 million yuan to 6 million yuan.
In other words, the investment amount given by Star Arrow International has doubled, but the equity transfer still takes 5% instead of 10%.
But what really excites Wang Chen is the second surprise. The appendix additionally mentions that this project was approved by Luo Sheng, and also sent a concise message with only ten simple words: Very good, keep your feet on the ground!
Wang Chen never thought that he would be paid attention to by the idol in his mind, and he personally approved the application project.
These ten-character messages were more exciting to Wang Chen than ten shots of chicken blood.
For a long time, Wang Chenping recovered the excitement in his heart, and once again browsed the other content in the download attachment, Star Arrow International raised five major questions regarding the project he declared.
Question 1: Direct ablation lasers can only destroy very small space debris. Can larger space debris be disposed of in a harmless manner?
Question 2: The logistics and transportation work of creating orbital laser stations is also very complicated. Who will build them?
Question 3: How many laser stations need to be built to use?
Question 4: How to deal with international political disputes that laser stations may be interpreted as being used as space weapons?
Question 5: Can the above problems be solved?
Seeing the five major issues raised by Star Arrow International, Wang Chen finally calmed down and gradually raised his brows. On the one hand, he sighed that it was the company founded by the idol god. None of the five issues mentioned the question of whether it will be profitable in the future.
On the other hand, Wang Chen was a little confused. He hadn't considered these five questions, and they were more difficult than the other.
Especially for the fourth question, he hadn't thought about it at all. He just felt that if something was made, it would be successful. Until now, he realized that many key things had not been considered and thoughtful.
Wang Chen sighed inexplicably: "I thought I had considered it comprehensively. I didn't expect that there are so many problems or even not discovered. Starting a business is really not that easy to succeed. After all, it is a big company, and all the pain points are deep. Crucial."
These questions are considered super-class for the current Wang Chen. In fact, he is already very good. Most of the college students at his age are Xiaobai.
In the face of intricate international wrestling, it is really silly and sweet to be sold without knowing it. It belongs to the knowledge point of serious transcendence, which is not something he can control at his age.
After all, Luo Sheng has only one on earth.
However, Wang Chen did not retreat because of this. Now that Star Arrow International has found the problem and arranged it from light to heavy, all he has to do is to solve the problems one by one.
The scary thing is not that there are problems, but that there are problems that have not been found.
Thinking of Luo Sheng's message, Wang Chen also ignited again, and suddenly there was a determination to go forward despite the thousands of people ahead.
Can not live up to the high hopes of the idol god.
It's not bad to be simple. It's good to fool the young people to burst their livers for their dreams. If from top to bottom there are top old folks like Zheng Tao, Yao Jianhong, and Zhang Bowen, the team may not be easy to bring.
Entering the mid-January node, the annual reports of major companies have also been released, and the annual reports of several companies such as Bluestar Technology and Azure Coast have also been sent to Luo Sheng.
The Côte d'Azur Group’s full-year sales in 2020 were $1,195.146 billion, a year-on-year increase that greatly exceeded Wall Street analysts’ expectations.
We must know that in the first half of last year's performance, the overall revenue of the Côte d'Azur declined due to the international sequoia pandemic, but the performance in the second half of the year maintained a strong growth momentum.
The reason is the continuous shipment of Dabai robots and the popularity of virtual brain machines throughout the Asia-Pacific market. These two major businesses have contributed to the core growth points.
It is worth mentioning that virtual brains have not yet entered the European and American markets. This also shows that when the future potential is far from reaching the ceiling, the horrible growth expectations are still there. In addition to civilian use, the attributes of virtual brains are also With powerful military training functions, this is obviously also a major business growth point.
The Côte d’Azur’s net profit margin last year was 338.345 billion U.S. dollars, and profits have exploded.
There have been reports commenting that China is a civilized foreign media organization disguised as a country. In the comment on Luo Sheng's duopoly companies Bluestar Technology and the Blue Coast, they also described it as a powerful economy disguised as a company.
Judging from the performance report, it seems that there is nothing wrong with such an evaluation. The enterprise is rich in the enemy's country, and the enemy is not an ordinary country.
Bluestar Technology Group's total global revenue in 2020 is 575.3 billion U.S. dollars, and the year-on-year increase in net profit margin has once again stood above the 30% mark after many years.
The net profit attributable to the parent company also set a record for the company's eighteen years of existence, at 183.233 billion US dollars.
It is also far exceeding the expected target of $178.5 billion by Wall Street analysts.
Although Bluestar Technology Group likes to be named the global social hegemon when reported by major media, it has successfully transformed into a data cloud service company. The global pandemic of Sequoia virus has given Bluestar Technology Group's data cloud Services have brought strong business revenue growth.
Shengfeng Capital’s full-year revenue in 2020 is 118.8 billion U.S. dollars, a year-on-year increase in net profit of 68.327 billion U.S. dollars. Its strong increase in net profit margin is mainly due to last year’s public offering activities, and revenues such as subscription fees, management fees, and custody fees have risen sharply. .
The scale of its assets under management has reached a nominal value of US$12.28 trillion, which is twice as much as that of the BlackRock Group. Profits and revenues are even more direct to kill the BlackRock Group. The latter's revenue last year was only more than 20 billion U.S. dollars, although it managed five or six trillion U.S. dollars in assets.
For Shengfeng Capital to make money like this, it is sought after by investors. It basically makes money while lying down. The subscription fees, management fees, and custody fees all require investors to pay, especially the management fees every year. It must be paid regularly, and the income will be guaranteed during droughts and floods.
Anyway, it is impossible for Shengfeng Capital to lose money. Although investors cannot redeem fund shares due to the long-term closed period, Shengfeng Capital brought an annualized rate of return of 22% to its investors last year, which is quite Exaggerated figures.
Of course I am happy to see my wealth grow. If you want to make arbitrage, you can now follow the SF main contract transaction of Shengfeng Capital.
Nowadays, the SF main company, the futures contract has not only broken through the previous high, but also set a new high. This is indispensable for Wall Street to help Luo Sheng wipe the blood of the bottom. Shengfeng Capital said nothing must not collapse.
But the release of this 22% annualized earnings performance is extremely important for restoring the confidence of global investors. Wall Street can finally breathe a sigh of relief, and the saved breath is used to curse Luo Sheng.
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