Vol 2 Chapter 920: [I want stud! ! 】

[Renren Novel Network]
After the meeting, Meng Qiu and others left one after another. Qin Weimu was still there. Luo Sheng turned his head to look at her and asked, "How much money can the family fund use now?"
Qin Weimu replied: "The total assets of the family fund have exceeded the current nominal value of Shengfeng Capital, and the scale is close to RMB 50 trillion, of which about 30 trillion RMB can be used at any time."
The family fund used to be the largest creditor in North America and one of the institutions that hold the most U.S. debt in the world. However, it has already been shipped out. At the same time, the family fund also holds a certain share of Shengfeng Capital. The largest single institutional shareholder outside.
"I hope that those investors who call for refunds can all exit and let the family fund pick up the low-cost chips they throw away." Luo Sheng said with a smile, the family fund’s liquidity funds can undertake all overseas investments The throwing pressure of the person without pressure.
In addition, another thing worth mentioning is that the family fund now has 15 trillion yuan in chip hoarding assets waiting to appreciate, and it invested more than 2 trillion US dollars at that time.
"Since we are going to harvest the leeks of foreign capital, I think it can be delayed and the valuation can be further reduced. Half-price financing should not be a big problem." Qin Weimu said.
Luo Sheng was dumb, and never thought that this woman was more ruthless than himself, and wanted to reap in the middle. This is equivalent to a loneliness with the funds from the latest public offering. Not to mention, an investment institution subscribed for 1 billion and lost blood directly. Five billion is out.
"You don't have to delay deliberately, this matter has to be discussed, and it will take time. Now that the announcement of this situation is issued, the capital market will naturally dive down." Luo Sheng said slowly: "Cut him in the middle, the difference is not bad. ."
An Qingxue flirted with her hair on her lower side, and said, "This time the treatment plan can be called a century-level dishwashing. Those who hate us are estimated to have more than doubled."
Luo Sheng didn't care: "Isn't there a lot of debts..."
At 17 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, Shengfeng Capital held a press conference and invited all the media reporters in the headquarters building to the reception hall.
The reporters who had been blocking the gate for a long time were quite excited. When they saw Luo Sheng showing up, all the reporters were even more excited.
Sure enough, it is a mobile headline hotspot, and it is a world-class headline hotspot, well-deserved.
At the press conference, Luo Sheng sat in the middle of the speech table, Qin Weimu and Meng Qiu were also in the list, and the leaders of Shengfeng Capital were basically there. Such high-standards are basically not seen.
Even the disclosures of matters that seem to be quite important to outsiders were mostly attended by Meng Qiu.
But this time is indeed extraordinary, and Shengfeng Capital is also at the center of the storm.
"Mr. Luo, relevant reports claim that you have known about the solar storm event two or even three years ago, but you have concealed the truth from the world. What is your response to this?" the reporter who was selected first asked the question. .
Luo Sheng knocked on the microphone and looked at the reporter who asked the question methodically, "How do you want me to respond? I know there are many things you don't know. There is no law that requires me to know things. Let me announce it to the world? In addition, I will not comment on this so-called related report, but what I want to say is that there are no years in this world, but a group of people are carrying the weight of a group of people."
"Solar storms are not terrible. What is terrifying is the hearts of the people. This morning an article about'microwave ovens can protect against electromagnetic pulses' caused the people to rush to microwave ovens. This is obviously an overreaction. Of course, it is indispensable for those who make trouble to sell them. Make huge profits."
"The solar wind will pass after a while. It will not threaten human life, but life is not convenient for a while. The good news is that it is different from natural disasters such as earthquakes. Solar storms give us enough time to cope. To ensure that people's lives will not be greatly affected, and the operation of society will not be suspended."
"This is not the effort of one or a few people, but it requires the unity of the whole people. Are we experiencing fewer natural disasters? Haven't all of them come? This time I believe it will be the same."
Reporter: "Mr. Luo, Shengfeng Capital has been criticized by global investors because of the'Ladder Project'. They demanded to redeem the funds. How about Shengfeng Capital's response?"
Luo Sheng responded in a hurry: "My phone calls and emails have been blown up by investors. We have specifically discussed this issue. The board of directors has passed a decision and agreed to invest in Global Investment. Dialogue is also in the process of drawing up an exit mechanism. We are confident, so we don’t need to force it to leave the problem and return the option to investors. However, I still recommend that you choose carefully."
What a straightforward response.
Luo Sheng's words caught everyone in the outside world off guard, thinking that Shengfeng Capital would definitely not let go of the funds, and could even go to court, and Shengfeng Capital would basically not lose.
It hit everyone in the face.
This is definitely explosive news.
Reporter: "Mr. Luo, does this mean that the'Ladder Project' has failed?"
Luo Sheng smiled and smiled calmly and confidently: "The opening of the exit mechanism does not mean that Shengfeng Capital will be liquidated. The'Ladder Project' will proceed as scheduled and as planned. A gust of wind will not blow the ladder, even if it is a solar wind."
At the press conference, Luo Sheng patiently answered questions for more than half an hour. The entire press conference lasted more than two hours, followed by Qin Weimu, Meng Qiu and others taking turns to answer.
At the same time, the main sf contract tracking Shengfeng Capital plummeted by 16.28% to show its sincerity without saying anything. It had already continued to fall. Luo Sheng personally announced the proposed investor launch mechanism in less than ten seconds at the press conference. The sf main company reacted immediately.
The Nasdaq futures and the a50 futures index are not nonsense either. One word means a fall. If it collapses, it continues to collapse. Both fell by more than 5 points.
On the top floor of the Science and Technology Complex, Luo Sheng got off the plane and his cell phone rang. It was a private call from Liu Wen from the Venture Capital Fund.
"Mr. Liu, should the venture capital fund also withdraw? If I want to withdraw, I will ask you to settle the settlement with you first." Luo Sheng answered the phone as he walked, and Liu Wenyi at the other end quickly responded:
"It’s not Mr. Luo... Frankly speaking, the current situation is really impossible to analyze. To be honest, I am anxious, panic and greedy. Mr. Luo, I would like to ask you emotionally, the solar storm will not affect the ladder project. Does it matter?"
Hearing Liu Wen's reply, Luo Sheng's face showed a silent smile, and the other party's words revealed a panic and anxious, and he was at a loss.
Luo Sheng still has an impression of Liu Wen. When Wall Street shorted the Bluestar Technology Group in a high-profile manner, Shengfeng Capital was not as strong as it is today. money.
"Mr. Liu, I think you want me to help you make a decision, but you know that the answer I give you must be a very official response, and I think you have already made a decision, so why bother to ask? "Luo Sheng replied. He actually understood that Liu Wen's call was more for peace of mind and comfort.
After speaking, a sigh came from the other end of the phone, and Liu Wen gritted his teeth and said: "I don't want to fall twice in the same place. I want to fall in a new place, so... I did it, Venture Capital. The fund doesn't withdraw, and it follows all the way to the black with the results."
Luo Sheng smiled and said: "Mr. Liu, this decision of yours is equivalent to betting your entire career, and you may even go in."
Liu Wen smiled helplessly: "I admit that I have a gambling element... but there is no better choice. If the ladder fails, I won't be able to give me extra points. If you are out of the game, you are losing stably. If the ladder is If I succeeded, it would be even worse if I was out halfway, I might as well take a gamble."
Luo Sheng: "Haha, I didn't see that Mr. Liu has turned into an old gambler..."
Liu Wen was embarrassed.
Luo Sheng entered the elevator and smiled: "Old friend, I'll give you another news."
Liu Wen's eyes lit up, and he straightened his ears for fear that he might miss a word. He suddenly realized that at the moment he had just decided, his destiny had reached a critical turning point. There was no reason, but it was a strong intuition. .
In the end, Luo Shengyan said concisely: "The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office took five trillion yuan to buy the bottom."
As soon as the voice fell, Liu Wen's heart suddenly jumped wildly. He didn't even know about this. With such a simple sentence, Liu Wen realized that the ladder project had been injected into the national will.
what does this mean? It means that it is impossible to fall, and it is not allowed to fall.
A simple sentence contains this extremely rich information.
Liu Wen realized that those who are now clamoring about redemption of funds will probably cry in the future. No wonder Shengfeng Capital will agree to amend the agreement at today's press conference.
Luo Sheng is washing dishes.
Liu Wen suddenly realized it, and felt extremely grateful that if his will is not firm, the venture capital fund may be washed out.
When Luo Sheng revealed the news of 5 trillion yuan, Liu Wen basically believed that he had bet half right this time, and said without hesitation on the spot: "Mr. Luo, I still have some money in the venture capital fund, about 800. 100 million funds, I want stud!!"
Luo Sheng clearly saw that he gave himself benefits for the sake of betting on dogs and for the sake of years of friendship. This is not a stud. Liu Wen felt that he would never forgive himself after ten years.
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