Vol 2 Chapter 927: [Foreign investment: My Nima mentality collapsed]

[Renren Novel Network]
The time has come to the weekend of May 23. Today there is a news that has attracted the attention of many people, that is, a well-known venture capital fund in the industry issued an announcement this afternoon, planning to increase its share of Shengfeng Capital with a capital of 100 billion yuan. m.
The announcement of this announcement directly sent the venture capital fund to the headlines of the day, and then the fund company was blocked by reporters, and Liu Wen's phone number was blown by his investors.
All this was in Liu Wen's expectation, so on Saturday, he ran out for a holiday, and the phone was turned off at home, but his investors were driven crazy.
This wave of headwind operations of venture capital funds has also been given the nickname "the bravest retrograde" by people in the world. Many people in the industry are teasing and watching Liu Wen's jokes.
Some colleagues even bluntly stated that Liu Wen is a gambler who is extremely irresponsible to investors, and he is not surprised at all of his behavior. Frankly speaking, Liu Wen is relying on tying venture capital funds to Shengsheng today. An achievement that can only be found on this chariot of Peak Capital.
He Liu Wen can hold his thigh without Luo Sheng, and that's it. The venture capital fund is just a mediocre asset management institution.
Incidentally, I feel sorry for his investors, and there is also a lot of gloating.
Asking you to give the money to the venture capital fund, this is silly! You have been miserable!
Liu Wen can only hide now, because he has been scolded by investors, and many investors even talk directly. If they continue to hide, they can only initiate a lawsuit against him.
As time passed by, Liu Wen was also suffering. He only asked Shengfeng Capital and Luo Sheng to explode Wang out quickly, and don't drag him any longer. It was not the taste of hiding like this.
On Monday, May 24, the Luo Sheng Family Fund announced that it would increase its share of RMB 3 trillion to Shengfeng Capital. At the same time, under the personal command of Qin Weimu today, it will undertake the sell-off of the sci-tech innovation board semiconductor sector. Single low-cost chip.
However, it is not a net purchase of ten thousand hands, but a lot of small orders, which are scanned as "hot money" vests. Reebok Technology, Jingchuang Technology, Ruitao Technology and other high-quality science and technology innovation boards The targets are all collecting.
At the same time, the funds deployed in the traditional energy, coal chemical industry, mining and other sectors were suddenly withdrawn in one breath, almost directly hitting the market, and they were determined to go without the slightest battle of love.
Funds for food processing, aquaculture, ecological agriculture and other sectors are also simply withdrawn.
A lot of hot money and big money have been trapped to death, and it is too late to run. Shengfeng Capital can't look down on the bargaining chip of Xiaosan. It eats hot money and big money, and these big money and hot money will generally carry out self-help pulls. Taiwan, Xiao San can get an escape window at this time, and if you miss it, you will really take it.
Shengfeng Capital must smash down the energy, mining and other sectors that shouldn’t be skyrocketing. These sectors have already over-increased severely. It will soon pull the science and technology innovation board. If you don’t smash them all down, or the science and technology innovation board will fly together. , The bubble in the entire market blows up terribly, and then the market will have its limit down again.
It is not that Shengfeng Capital wants to look for it like this, but the limit of the sector is better than the limit of the entire market. The two evils are the lesser of the trade-off.
But at this moment, investors are confused.
"I'm rubbing, Petrochemical and CNOOC have reached a heavy limit!"
"Oil is also green, and three barrels of oil are all green and two drops. Is this market over?"
"The main force is smashing the plate and fleeing, all of them are smashed and killed, and they are tricking the gun!"
"Haha, a certain hot money tycoon scolded the main dogbi on Weibo, 120 million was covered with 18 points haha!"
"Nothing is gone, the market is dragged down by three barrels of oil, and the consumer and agricultural products sectors are struggling to support it, and it feels like it can't stand it."
"Sure enough, this wave of backlash is to lure too many cannons, the main force is really Yin!"
"The Science and Technology Innovation Board has a lot of targets with signs of main attraction."
"Science and Technology Innovation Board? Who dares to go to that cemetery? Who dares to touch technology semiconductors? You are desperate."
"Seeing your comment, I went in decisively. When I fell to despair, did it mean that it was going up? But I don't know who the main force will pull. Forget it, just do a wave of science and technology innovation and 50etf."
"Warrior, good luck!"
Today, the flash crash of three barrels of oil once again caused panic in the market. In the end, the ham faucet was also smashed and stopped, and many hot money suffered a 20-meter machete.
The entire market believes that the main force cannot protect the market. The so-called positive over the weekend, that is, the 100 billion yuan of venture capital funds that are going retrograde is also in line with the "fraud". If the fundamental problem is not solved, the market will still collapse or will Find a location below 3000 points.
A big Yinxian of -3.75% was closed in the first session of the week, at 3080 points.
On Tuesday, May 25, the market opened low and killed, but the sci-tech innovation board was still not moving. Shengfeng Capital was still in the midst of low-key fund-raising. It reached 3016 in the intraday, but just before the break, it touched and gave The rebound went up, the intraday closed red for a time, then fell back to green again, and finally closed down -0.23%, closing a green cross star k-line.
At this time, a group of smart funds in the market realized that something was wrong. There was a situation on the Sci-tech Innovation Board, and it started to resume at night and finally found that someone was collecting funds on the Sci-Tech Innovation Board.
Dare to collect funds on the science and technology innovation board at this time. I am afraid there is only one institution in the world that dares to do so, and that is Shengfeng Capital.
These smart funds have not analyzed the confidence of Shengfeng Capital, but the inflow and trading volume of funds on the disk will not deceive people.
In this way, when the time comes to Wednesday, there are very small batches of smart funds in the market directly pouring into the sci-tech innovation board to rush to raise. Anyway, Shengfeng Capital is doing things here, regardless of his reason, Shengfeng Capital will definitely not Lose money and leave in this position.
It's all done.
The result is that the science and technology innovation board, which has continuously broken out of the negative line, has risen unprecedentedly today. Finally, today, the entire science and technology board has risen by +4.35%, and Ruitao Technology and Jingchuang Technology have their daily limit.
However, the market did not give a good look to the science and technology board and the technology semiconductor sector. This week, the three barrels of oil crashed and pulled the crotch to make market investors believe that the main force has issued a set again. This time it is more sinister and even wants to deceive people. Enter the cemetery of the technology sector.
So resolutely not follow!
On Thursday, after the opening of the market today, Shengfeng Capital has stopped beeping, so it directly pulled up in the early trading. With the daily limit of Ruitao Technology, the sci-tech innovation board was driven by the collective daily limit wave.
Yesterday, Ruitao Technology and Jingchuang Technology had daily limit, and today 16 companies have daily limit.
Since yesterday, Shengfeng Capital has felt that some smart funds can no longer be washed out. It will not be washed out of life and death. If it is washed again, it will only wash away the retail investors. Shengfeng Capital still focuses on eating institutions and hot money.
Those smart funds could not be washed out, and Shengfeng Capital saw that the funds were not large, so it tolerated. The next step was the rise of the bull market and the return of value. These targets were obviously oversold too much.
On the same day, the Sci-tech Innovation Board soared 12.26%, 16 tickets had a daily limit, and 43 tickets rose by more than 10%. The three giants on the Sci-tech Innovation Board, Xiongxin Electronics, Huachang Technology, and Borch Technology, are still closed in the small black room. , Otherwise the entire sci-tech innovation board is definitely stronger today.
Is the stock investor so bullish? It must be a scam. If you don't follow, continue to watch the show and see nothing!
The time has come to the last trading day of the week. On Friday morning, the Sci-tech Innovation Board opened with a huge amplitude of +4.28%. It was a complete mess. Ruitao Technology was again a three-linked board with a one-word board daily limit of 20%. , The stock price rose by +72.8% in just three days, and it was relatively easy to pull more than 30 billion plates.
If the Sci-tech Innovation Board is currently the most beautiful cub in Big A, then Ruitao Technology is undoubtedly the most beautiful cub in the Sci-tech Innovation Board.
The sci-tech innovation board became popular across the board, and investors who were bearish were confused.
Turning around and looking, today the market has reached 3465 points unknowingly, and it was brought up by the Sci-tech Innovation Board in two days, and it has broken through the recent high.
But still insist on the short view, thinking that this is a trick to lure too much, stick to the original view, continue to be short, not follow, see who consumes the other!
However, these bears simply don't know how strong the long-term momentum this time is. Shengfeng Capital is determined to pull it up, and will not even give a chance to pull back, and it will be in place in one step.
In the evening, an announcement issued by Shengfeng Capital made short-term investors dumbfounded, and even vomited blood from investors who withdrew halfway through.
This news is that the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office plans to increase its share of Shengfeng Capital by RMB 5 trillion, and the proportion of state-owned assets increased to a record high. The holding share has reached 62.85% of Shengfeng Capital’s overall ratio. This asset management institution has become A company under the skin of a private company has won the Guo Jia team organization, but the management power is handed over to Luo Sheng.
"It's uncomfortable, although I don't want to admit it, but it's really gone!"
"This wave of sci-tech innovation board leader Ruitao Technology has three consecutive boards. Do you dare to chase it? Can you dare to chase but can you buy it?"
"Inside! There is definitely an inside story! Hope to investigate thoroughly?"
"Old Tie upstairs is so clever, you found all of this, so what then?"
"Haha, no, then, accept the reality."
"Good guy, it turns out that the ladder project is infused with soul, and 5 trillion yuan has been poured into this knot. It is not only real money, but also a manifestation of the will of the country!"
"Fortunately, I am in Xiongxin Electronics. Fortunately, Xiongxin Electronics has been shut down in a small black house. Otherwise, I must have cut the meat. Thank you for not killing."
"The old irons who were locked up in the small black house are relieved. Although they did not make money, they did not lose money."
"Suddenly heavy, the archbishop's offshore fund has just announced that it will increase its 3+2 fund share of 5 trillion Shengfeng Capital!"
"Two 5 trillion is 10 trillion. It's a coincidence that foreign capital cuts more than 10 trillion from Shengfeng Capital. This wave of operations of the archbishop will definitely be recorded in the history of the global business community. It can be called an epic-level wash. See what a real dishwashing operation is!"
"Fuck it is definitely a werewolf!"
"Seeing that foreign investment is so miserable, I suddenly feel more balanced in my heart..."
"This wave of harvesting is really ruthless. I have witnessed history. The archbishop should stop going abroad in the future. I am worried that foreigners will be chased from Wall Street to K Street with a machete."
"Hahaha, foreign capital is going to be stupid, foreign capital is going to be confused, foreign capital is going to explode in place.
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