Vol 2 Chapter 950: [Intensified chaos in the periphery]

At present, the whole world, except domestically, is basically a mess in the world, especially in the Western world. Everyone is in a mess, and there is no time for other people.
The whole world is currently in a state of huge fragmentation, and every family is busy saving themselves.
This morning, Luo Sheng got up early, went to his office and asked, "Xiao Na, what is the current internal and external situation?"
The solar storm hit ahead of schedule, and Luo Sheng was also very troubled, because the whole world is now a mess, and his own business empire is spread all over the world. If such a big moth is produced, the income of the major companies under it is not required. Avoided drastic reductions.
For this kind of thing, the larger the size, the greater the loss and the greater the impact.
After a while, Xiaona responded: "There is currently no major social unrest in China. All citizens have generally followed the arrangements of relevant state departments in an orderly manner. There has been a rush to buy necessities in some cities, which has promoted it to a certain extent. Local prices are rising, but price fluctuations are within the normal acceptable range."
Luo Sheng couldn't help but nodded. The preparations for precautions in advance are now seeing the effect, and there is no major turbulence in the social order.
There is a reason for this. One is that it has a strong government to coordinate and control the overall situation. The other is that all citizens abide by laws and regulations. There is also a huge difference between foreigners. The people in China know that they cannot add chaos to the country at this time. Just do what the department instructs.
Of course, all kinds of rumors were flying in the sky during the period, but this kind of information about spreading fear and rumors has not been spread on a large scale, and Xiaona's contribution is indispensable.
The contemporary public mainly obtains information through the Internet, and Xiaona monitors public opinion on the entire network, and secretly isolates related rumors and spreading anxiety and fear. Most of the posts are basically deleted by Xiaona quietly. At the same time, it is reflected in the internal system processing of major network platforms, no one knows that Xiaona did it.
Luo Sheng made a cup of morning tea and asked, "What about the external situation?"
Xiaona: "The international situation is not optimistic. The global stock market continues to flash crashes. As of today, it has been a big fuse for three consecutive days. The North American Nasdaq Composite Index has fallen from 17,000 to 8,700, and the market value of Bluestar Technology once again fell below 10,000. Billion U.S. dollars, more than 3.5 trillion U.S. dollars evaporated in three days."
Luo Sheng: "Tsk tusk...what else? Go on."
The global capital market is basically finished. The unprecedented Great Depression and financial tsunami are just around the corner. Even Luo Sheng, who has collapsed the global economic order, can hardly describe it.
Xiaona: "The current situation in the periphery is that chaos and conspiracy theories are intertwined with each other in a spiral increasing. The negative sentiment index has risen exponentially, which is manifested in the extreme distrust of the Western people in their authorities."
Luo Sheng was surprised: "Oh? To be more specific."
Xiaona: "At present, as the Internet service facilities under Bluestar Technology have resumed normal use, the latest data I have collected show that the public in Europe and the United States is currently spreading a view that they believe that the'sequoia epidemic' and'solar storm' 'It's a shocking conspiracy created by the joint efforts of global righteousness, capital, and the media. It is a scam involving global elites and scientists including scientists."
Luo Sheng was very interested: "Go on, go on."
Xiaona: "The general public in Europe and the United States thinks this is a huge conspiracy involving the whole world and a ruling group hiding behind the scenes? It is a lot of money. You are also one of their targets. They think you are Representatives of the global elite feel that there are too many humans? Some of them need to be eliminated and replaced with robots under the Cote d’Azur. Therefore, the Sequoia epidemic is flooding to clean humans."
Luo Sheng: "???"
The era of cosmic navigation is just around the corner? By then, population resources will face an extremely scarce state? Do you dislike too many humans?
Xiaona: "The bad news is that your offline store has been smashed by more than a dozen local angry people, including the Dabai robot, which became a street mouse in the local area? If it is found, it will be demolished by angry people. Eight falls."
Luo Sheng: "..."
While Xiaona was telling her, she also called up some video images and put them on the main screen for Luo Sheng to see. In the video, several men were holding baseballs and water pipes and iron rods against a big white robot. Beaten up.
This great white robot didn't make any resistance? It could actually resist, and was eventually dismantled into parts by those men.
Xiaona: "Big data analysis results show that the current chaos in Europe and the United States reflects the extreme disagreement among the local mass groups towards their experts, the government, the media, and the hidden big capital and multinational companies. The state of trust? Ouzhou has long been polled showing that the people of Ouzhou do not trust the local mainstream media? Most of them have instinctively questioned everything the mainstream media says."
"Moreover, this distrust has been reflected in the behavior of social groups. The general public in Europe and the United States is questioning all the righteousness, scientists, capitalists, and the media in the world, thinking that they have jointly sed a big lie to the public, this lie The ultimate result is that the global elite group is trying to eliminate the civilian class."
After listening to Xiaona's brief description, Luo Sheng felt speechless, really worried about their IQ, to eliminate the civilian class? Who else is being exploited by the elite? Exploit yourself? In the end, will a new bottom of society differentiate from the elite class and form a new class of civilians?
Luo Sheng didn't care how they were making noise, but he felt distressed about the dozen or so stores that were smashed, and the seven to eight billion were gone.
"Notify the bionic person Auguste Fran, and send more people to protect my local assets." Luo Sheng said, of course, the Côte d'Azur has to go through a commissioning process.
Cortana quickly passed his instructions to Auguste Fron, the head of Horizon Security in Europe.
At this moment, Luo Sheng's personal phone rang, took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID. It was Zhong Yuanhong who called, and immediately connected the phone: "Minister Zhong, call me at this time, any instructions?"
The other end of the phone was stunned for a while, and suddenly laughed: "Instructions? Brother Luo, have you been out of touch?"
Luo Sheng smiled and replied: "You have always been in the Three Treasures Hall without any problems. In extraordinary times, you can just speak up. What I can help will not be delayed."
Zhong Yuanhong did not greet him anymore, explaining his purpose directly: "In order to deal with the solar storm, it is a bit too much to press the economic pause button one after another. The money shortage has come, and the country intends to issue 11 trillion special treasury bonds for solar storms."
Luo Sheng was surprised: "11 trillion? So much?"
Zhong Yuanhong sighed: "It won’t work if you don’t release the water. 11 trillion is enough, maybe 15 trillion. This is the price of pressing the economic pause button. Otherwise, waves of corporate defaults and personal credit defaults will follow one after another, especially loss. The common people who are burdened by mortgages with their sources of income are quite vulnerable to risk and will soon default. Banks will have no money to lend to them unless the floodgates are opened. If the wave of defaults continues to spread, systemic financial risks will inevitably spread to the whole society. ."
Luo Sheng pondered and said: "11 trillion, for the country's total economic output of more than 100 trillion, it is really a bit big."
Zhong Yuanhong replied: "11 trillion is indeed a huge number, plus the current special time node, how many people will buy it, frankly speaking, there is no bottom right now. Foreign capital can't count on how much they can buy. It’s a pot of porridge, but I’m grateful if you come to trouble us, and now you are the only local tyrant in the whole world."
Upon hearing this, Luo Sheng said: "Minister Zhong, wait a moment, I will check how many assets I have for turnover."
After speaking, Luo Sheng covered the microphone: "Xiaona, check how many assets and liquidity the family fund has now?"
After a while, Xiaona responded: "The total assets of the family fund are 47.2 trillion yuan, and the liquidity is 16.88 trillion yuan."
Luo Sheng released the microphone and replied: "Minister Zhong, I will buy 7 trillion yuan in this bond issued by the state, do you think it is enough?"
Zhong Yuanhong was overjoyed when he heard it, and his spirits lifted: "Well, it's enough. It was originally planned that 4 trillion will be enough."
Luo Sheng smiled and said: "In addition, I have a lot of friendship with Liu Wen, the head of the venture capital fund."
Zhong Yuanhong: "Oh? That's the Liu gambler? I have heard of it."
Luo Sheng: "Haha, right Liu is a gambler, but people should be nicknamed God of Gamblers. This guy has made a lot of money recently. He wants to increase the investment in the ladder project, but I will not let him in. I guess he has it in his hands. With a large sum of money, I am now worrying about how to find a place to live. When I turned back, I called him, UU reading www.uukānshu.com and it was not a problem to spend trillions of dollars. I sang a black face in the capital circle. How can I get the 3 trillion yuan that I have put down."
As a result, the issuance of 11 trillion yuan of national debt, 8 trillion yuan was solved internally in advance, how can the remaining 3 trillion yuan be handled, and it is done quickly.
If it is in normal times, treasury bonds are still very popular investment and financial products, and ordinary people may not be able to buy them.
The yield on the three-year treasury bond is 4%, and the five-year yield is 4.27%. Such an annualized yield is much higher than that of bank time deposits in the same period.
However, the current situation is very special. Cash is king. Everyone will hold on to safe-haven products such as cash or gold. The people themselves don’t have much money to spend. Where else can they lend money to the country, most people are counting on Money has weathered the storm.
And that group of billionaires and smart social elites will not pay, and even cry for poverty. They will not buy national debt when they have money.
What time is it now?
We are experiencing an unprecedented global financial tsunami, major capital markets are falling apart, and stocks are all gentle. How many high-quality assets are seriously undervalued at this time? How many golden pits were smashed? How many high-quality companies were originally good results were dragged down by the general environment, resulting in the current share price of cabbage?
Those wealthy social elites are now staring with their eyes wide open. It is indeed an unprecedented global crisis, but it is also an unprecedented historical opportunity. Will their egoists let go of this opportunity?
As long as the time is right and you can buy the bottom at any time, the return is comparable to the national debt?
So these people are now holding cash in their hands. It’s no wonder that Zhong Yuanhong came to Luo Sheng to borrow money. The world’s richest man took the lead. This is very important. Now Luo Sheng alone takes care of the big head. How can it be done.
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