Vol 2 Chapter 961: [Preliminary connection of the 2 major economic belts]

The latest website: "Five, four, three, two, one ignition!"
At the southern rocket launch base site, a recoverable heavy rocket under the banner of Star Arrow International slowly lifted into the sky, fully loaded with 260 small satellites.
A lot of melon-eating people gathered in the outer area of ​​the launch site. They were cheering when they saw the rocket slowly lifted off. Now everyone has nothing to do. Listening to the radio today, I learned that the launch mission of Star Arrow International is to rebuild the global communication network. , Are also quite concerned.
After all, this is related to when most people who eat melon can go online.
However, not many people came to watch the rocket launch. On the one hand, the solar storm, a cosmic natural disaster, greatly restricted people’s travel. On the other hand, the rocket launches of Star Arrow International have been very frequent during the recent period, and it will be even more in the future. frequently.
It's no surprise to see too much.
"Open the fairing!"
At the same time, the auxiliary thruster has entered the recovery phase, and the fairing will also return to the ground for recovery and reuse.
As the spacecraft enters the established orbit, this is a cylindrical structure with more than two hundred small satellites embedded in the ring. While navigating along the established orbit, the small satellites attached to the spacecraft are ordered one by one. Ejection off.
These small satellites are also moored into their respective established orbits, and then coordinated with the flight control center and signal stations on the ground for orderly networking.
On the same day, Star Arrow International conducted three launch missions, all of which were very successful, sending 780 small satellites to outer space.
Star Arrow International officially announced the news in detail at the first time. In the event of a catastrophe, good news is needed to boost the confidence of the people. Whether it is big or small, as long as it is good news.
People living in the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta Economic Belt learned of this news through radio stations, and they were all excited that on December 3rd, they will be able to achieve what seems to be a certain fact.
In addition to the first batch of satellite clusters of the "Stars Program", this round of the launch plan also included a weather satellite and three Beidou satellites.
The Beidou navigation system must also be rebuilt. The satellites were built and sealed up long before the storm hits. In the days to come, the global network will be completed in succession with the "Stars Project", and then the global satellite navigation will also be completed. restore.
Basically, it can be confirmed that there will be only one navigation system worldwide in the future.
The GPS system in North America and the Galileo system in Europe are impossible to rebuild. At least in the next ten years, there is no need to think about it, because without this capability, the world is in chaos and the social order is still half-paralyzed. It is impossible to accomplish these major things.
The large-scale restoration of public infrastructure in Europe and the United States in the short term is basically a luxury. At present, most regions in Europe and the United States are still worried about how to survive the first cold winter after the solar storm.
Ten years later, the Beidou system basically occupied the absolute majority of the global market share, and basically it was difficult for competitors to stand up.
On December 3, Shanghai.
"Haha, there is an internet!" Lin Hai, who had just returned from get off work from a local food processing factory, immediately smashed his wireless network card. The mobile phone and the power bank are fully charged. Naturally, he got the electricity from the factory. .
The internal power supply of the factory where Lin Hai is located also uses diesel generators to generate power alone to supply the energy consumption of the entire plant. With such a toss about the solar storm, more than 90% of the fuel vehicles in the country are all lying down, and there is no shortage of oil, because cars are all Hiccup, the biggest use of fuel is to generate emergency power.
Quite extravagant, but there is no alternative. Key infrastructure, food processing, hospitals and other public products must be guaranteed to operate.
Even in December, even in a first-tier metropolis like Shanghai, ordinary households have no electricity, they are all lit by candles, and there are basically no people in high-rise buildings, all of them go to the countryside.
Without electricity, few people can withstand the stairs on dozens of floors.
Lin Hai's house is on the third floor of the local community, and climbing the stairs is harmless, so he stayed in the city to continue living.
"Bluestar Technology's family barrels are restored? Yes, yes, haha!" After Lin Hai's mobile phone was successfully connected to the Internet, he immediately tried out which Internet products could be used, first of all, the products of Bluestar Technology.
Weibo, Blue Space, and Bluestar Video Network can all be logged in and used.
In fact, Bluestar Technology is already ready here. After the successful networking, the Nebulas system was restored as soon as possible. Cloud computing was the first to resume operations to ensure the demand for digital technology in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta economic zones.
With the initial restoration of communication and network systems in these two places, the prospect of awaiting prosperity in various industries has gradually emerged, and some community services have gradually begun to recover. Since today, urban residents like Lin Hai can continue to enjoy themselves on the Internet. The tears forced a quarrel.
Netizens who eat melon in other regions are envious when they learn about it through the radio, but they all know that this is not anxious. It must be the two core economic belts first, and then the coastal areas are restored, and the inland areas are gradually Radiation, there is a gradual process in time.
Star Arrow International headquarters, VIP room.
At this moment, Zheng Taozhen personally received the visiting local tyrants in the VIP room. Faced with the request made by the local tyrants, Mr. Zheng also said with embarrassment:

It’s true that your Royal Highness, although our company has planned and prepared for a long time, the launch resources are still very tight. My country’s orders are already full, and our launch resources are also subject to state supervision. Greater China must give priority to ensuring supply. One is that the second phase of the ladder project will also be launched. There is really no redundant launch resources provided to the outside."
When the local tyrant prince heard this, he thought for a while and suddenly nodded his head as I understand, and looked at Zheng Tao and said, "I understand what you mean, the special period is indeed higher than usual. Okay, I doubled it. s price."
Zheng Tao: "..."
The local tyrant prince saw that the other party didn’t answer, thinking that the offer was too low, and immediately said:
Is it still low? Then double the price on the basis of the price just now. Your company will help my country undertake the launch mission, and the satellite will also Buy yours directly."
This is super double!
Zheng Tao roughly calculated the accounts in his heart, and the other party's frantic throwing of money, the amount of this launch order contract directly soared to 16.2 billion RMB.
It is worth mentioning that the current exchange rate ratio between USD and RMB is 1:1.5642, and RMB appreciation is an inevitable trend.
At this moment, Zheng Tao suddenly slapped his thigh, then turned his head to look at the local tyrant and gritted his teeth and said: "His Royal Highness is so kind, really embarrassing me. To be honest, our company does have a spare rocket. It was used for emergency, but with the sincerity of His Royal Highness, I can take this risk for His Highness as soon as possible."
What is a reserve? In fact, a lot of roots are stored.
However, the local tyrants were very happy when they heard it, and they were very useful. They reached a cooperation with Star Arrow International. This time the team jumped in and launched the direct purchase of ready-made satellites, which meant that Sate could soon resume basic wireless communication and network coverage.
The banknote capability is a good thing, and Star Arrow International cannot stand it either.
Local tyrants who are so generous are also making a fortune recently. The solar storm caused oil prices to soar all the way, nearly six times in just two years. International oil prices soared from US$31.22/barrel to the current record high of US$188.96/barrel. , It is foreseeable that oil prices still have a lot of room to rise in the future.
The local tyrants actually didn't want to make this windfall, but they couldn't help but were forced to make a fortune.
The reason for not wanting is to suppress the oil price of the Russians and the shale oil from the old American side. In the past five years, the local tyrants burned 400 billion US dollars to madly suppress the oil price, just to defeat the Russians and let them lose a barrel of mining. A barrel until it finally goes bankrupt.
The same is true for the shale oil and gas revolution in North America. Now it’s good. Both of these competitors have not been defeated. A solar storm brought the Russian oil industry back to life in almost a year. The shale oil and gas in North America. The company also took off.
Oil prices can't be suppressed at all, and local tyrants can't take care of so much. Now all three parties are selling oil crazy to grab money.
Regardless of the fact that cars all over the world are lying around now, burning oil for power generation and heating is a huge consumption.
For a long time to come, oil will become an indispensable energy and chemical resource.
Even under the solar storm, the world's largest consumer market is still Greater China.
Now I want to sell oil to Chinese people. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is to sell some oil to make some money to restore the economy. What about this? To build a good relationship, anyone who knows that China is bound to become the world The first country to recover full of blood?
It doesn't take too long. If it is as short as three years or as long as five years, it will definitely be able to recover to the level before the storm. If even China cannot recover within three to five years, then there will be no second country in the world that can do it.
This shows that regardless of the length of time, it is a globally recognized fact that China became the first country to recover.
No, the two most developed economic belts in the Greater China region have now achieved initial access to the Internet, and such a terrible rate of recovery has exceeded global expectations.
Who can be the first to recover with full blood is the father-level existence of Blue Star's surface.
At this point, can you offend?
If you want to recover quickly in the future, then you can't wait for it? You don't want to flatter, so many people all over the world line up.
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