Chapter 995: Double kill

The ninth ninety-five chapter double kill
"Qin Qi, don't you think that it is ridiculous to do this yourself, killing a person who will die, is to tell me that the people of the family will die in your hands?" Jun Qi screamed, a blood line slowed down. Slowly returned to his body. "Or do you think that this will stop me from absorbing his strength?"
Qin Qi puts no hate on the ground, and his body is constantly changing and becoming more and more fierce.
Jun has no hate, although the realm has regressed, but still has the strength of the middle of the seven stars, killing him, Qin Qi got 5000 purple shield, of course, successfully upgraded, became a five-star Wu Zun.
And to upgrade the level, Qin Qi's combat power, no doubt has skyrocketed again!
"As an elder, there are descendants like you, it is really difficult to look at the eyes." Qin Qi said indifferently.
"He is so stupid, still wants to look at the eyes?" Jun Qi screamed and laughed, and the blood line was constantly being recycled. "At the beginning, the prince ruined his track and took the nucleus of the blood worm, and found that it was not complete. If he died, The ability to connect with blood has fallen by at least 50%. This has been to hang his life and let him live for a thousand years."
"And he, even willingly, willing to let him have no hate, he really does not hate, such a fool, death is not at all obvious is to live!" Jun Qihaha laughed.
"In fact, the old man is not willing to kill him. He intends to let this new type of Leige stimulate his body's activity and let him continue to live for a few years. After all, the grandfather is sanctified soon, and he is still not sure whether he can successfully recover the residual blood nematode in his body. The core."
"But now, I don't have to worry about it at all. This power has been inherited by me very well. As I know so, why bother to spend energy to transfer him to this thunderstorm and kill him in the Palace of the King." Jun Qi war laughed and became more and more excited about the growing strength of the body!
"Oh, yes, there is this, this is the masterpiece of the second grandfather. Over the years, he has exhausted his heart and finally succeeded in sealing the blood gods into this mirror. It is not impossible to use. It is too Wonderful!" Jun Qihaha laughed, and he took a hand, and the mirror flew into his hands.
His eyes are full of hot colors. This blood is a special thunder. Like the mysterious god, it is the treasure of the monarch. Unfortunately, the blood is too fierce and can’t be overwhelmed. Take the helm.
Now, the blood Thunder can finally be used.
"I really admire the grandfather, there is such a 'good' brother!" Jun Qi war haha ​​laughed, shameless.
"Laughter enough?" Qin Qi whispered indifferently.
"You really don't know how to play. The reason why I stayed with you until now, I didn't kill you with heavy hands, just to share my joy with you. Do you want to die like this?" The blood Thunder is constantly roaring.
"But, just try the power of this blood Thunder!" Jun Qi war smiled, fully run the mirror, and release the blood Thunder.
This blood is more violent than the one in the hands of no hate, and the power is terrible.
Jun Qi battle loudly laughed, the soul force constantly poured into the mirror, more blood gods thunder roared out, this piece of heaven and earth are reflected in blood.
"Qin Qi!" Xiao Bai flew in, standing next to Qin Qi, feeling the powerful power of the blood god, Lei, ready to turn out the body to fight.
However, Qin Qi shook his head and gave her a wink.
"Is this little fox, just right, go to hell!" Jun Qi laughed, blood thunder poured out like a waterfall.
Only the next moment, the blood Thunder turned to turn into a chain of chains, trapping the army!
"What's going on!" Jun Qi was shocked and looked mad. He didn't expect it to be like this.
"The reason why I stayed with you until now, I didn't kill you with heavy hands, but it was not to share your joy." Qin Qi's voice was almost on the side of the battle of the gods when the blood gods locked the army. It sounded.
This is what Jun Qi war had just said to Qin Qi, and Qin Qi is now, and he has paid all the money.
Why are you listening to nonsense?
Because you want to kill you!
Qin Qi did not keep the slightest hand this time. For those who started the battle, they should kill him in one breath, so Qin Qi directly entered the form of the gods, and the whole property instantly rose by 1000%, while in the Dragon God’s Tears On the top, the seventeen golden dragons are roaring.
Golden Dragon Festival, seventeen dragons, 17000% attack bonus!
"Go to hell!" Qin Qi a sword forward, sharp and unparalleled, simply can not resist.
The battle of the monarch, now trapped by the blood Thunder, even if it can be shaken, but the time is too late, he is destined to bear the Qin Qi sword.
"Ah!" Jun Qi battle is crazy, and all the potentials of the critical moment have erupted together. The lightning rune on the eyebrows is the pressure of the Holy Spirit.
At this moment, the battle of the monarch, with the full strength of the seven-star high, seems to be able to crush everything!
"Boom!" Endless lightning strikes, the roar of the earth, the Thunder chain that has been trapped in the battle of the king has been shaken, the power shock, blocked in front of the Qin Qi sword.
Then, it was smashed by a sword!
Qin Qi Jiacheng’s strength on this sword is too strong. Jun Qi’s rush has rushed to the enemy. Although it has also erupted a strong force, it is still not enough.
Jianguang smashed the thunder and rushed to the key to the battle.
"You can't think about it!" Jun Qi smashed, the martial arts stunned, and his hands jerked together, and the dragon's tears were suppressed, and no more.
However, a white light flashed, Xiaobai with the strongest attack, she is also a seven-star demon statue, although there is a very long distance from the high section, but a blood is not a leisurely.
And at this moment, she has entered a state of boiling blood, and her strength has increased a little.
The rumbling of the avenue shattered all the thunder behind the squad and attacked him.
"Give the seat to death!" Jun Qi battle cough blood, all the thunders scattered a lot, but once again madly stimulate their own strength, regardless of disregard, even the blood vessels are cracked.
He took the sword of Qin Qi and wanted to go back and kill him.
However, Qin Qi’s sword was turned into pieces by him, and Qin Qi’s whole people were broken.
This will kill Qin Qi?
Is this, avatar?
Jun Qi war suddenly realized that it was wrong, but it was too late, Qin Qi has appeared in another direction, a sword.
Sword one!
Qin Qi will not give him any chance. This sword contains the necessary effect, and does not allow the monarch to make any dodge.
In the heart of the battle, the police screamed and all the potential broke out at this moment. He wanted to avoid this deadly sword!
However, the blood Thunder once again condensed, turned into a chain, locked him.
The last hope, it disappeared.
Under the sword, Jun Qi battle did not even have the ability to resist, and directly turned into dust.
Double Kill!
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