Chapter 1004: Holy Advent

The first thousand and four chapters of the Holy Spirit
The origin of the nest is strong, and it often causes a thunderstorm, which is a big danger.
The mysterious deceiving Mozu, Qi Qi·Hermes, absorbed a huge amount of madness, and did not know what kind of realm, now hidden in the dark, is a huge hidden danger.
In addition, it is the power that is the least likely to resist, the one who has been in the Thunder madness for nearly a thousand years.
It can be said that as long as he sees that Qin Qi is not pleasing to the eye, the Qin Qi’s current income will be destroyed in an instant.
No one can disobey the power of the Holy One!
In these cases, Mo Ziqi also understands that the origin of the nest is not too much trouble, and deceiving the demon can be considered, but the saint, that is really no solution.
"Since the predecessor passed me a piece of Lei, I thought it would not be shot for us." Mo Ziqi said.
"I hope so." Qin Qi smiled, but he thought it would be unhelpful.
"Right, this new Lei Ge you have already seen, how, but a surprise?" Qin Qi asked.
After hearing this, Mo Ziqi couldn't help but smile. He said: "It is really powerful. It is more efficient than our hands, and it can further condense the madness, so that not only the Lei warriors can Great benefits, other warriors can grow fast!"
"But this design has the ability to strengthen blood connections, so it is still necessary to refer to the previous Leige, combine and redesign, in order to determine the final plan and build the great force."
"But no matter what, the use of the Thunder madness by the monarch is also the end!" Mo Ziqi glimmered, she had no feelings about the monarch, and she would not have the blood of the monarch in her body. The family of the family is merciful.
She will ruin the family, this family, it should not survive!
"This is only the first step. Their strong roots have been cut off. In the future, we are chasing them!" Qin Qi laughed. One day, he would personally bury this dirty family!
"Next, what are the brothers going to do?" Mo Ziqi asked.
"Go first will come to the nest." Qin Qidao, he wants to get the key, but also complete the main task.
The mission of the emperor's foundation has not been completed. It is necessary to erase the origin of the nest. This task rewards Qin Qi with a wish. Qin Qi said that he must do it.
"It is said that there is a sixth-order eight-star king of the beasts in the origin of the nest. Are you sure of the brothers?" Mo Ziqi was worried.
"No." Qin Qi said frankly.
Before the battle with Hu Runze, Qin Qi clearly realized the strength of the Seven Stars peak, and with his ability, it can indeed be surpassed.
But to be honest, although beyond, it is actually limited, can not be said to be crushed.
And the seven-star peak is still so, how strong is the eight stars?
A war may be possible, but if you want to win, you are afraid of being embarrassed and difficult to do.
Moreover, the origin of the nest is not only the owner of the beast, but also a lot of six-order seven-star powerful beast, must not be ignored.
There will even be a worst plan. If the two big nests join forces, Qin Qi can only run, and even the city of Chaos will be broken.
Therefore, this matter needs to be cautious and not reckless.
"Forget it, I will talk about it later, but it is you, the exercises I have given you before, so I must master it as soon as possible."
"Especially that god, if you can integrate it, the strength will be able to achieve skyrocketing, and it is possible to catch up with me!" Qin Qidao, referring to the blood Thunder in the mirror.
Mo Ziqi has merged two kinds of special thunders. The hybrid Zilei and Xuantian Shenlei are now like the arm, but if you want to go further, it is not so easy to integrate the third kind of Thunder.
Special forces, mutual exclusion is extremely serious, and no one wants to integrate with them. The last time Mo Ziqi was almost physically, this time will only be more dangerous.
But if it is successful, it is a feat of creating history. The benefits are of course huge.
"I will try it, and I have cultivated the article of Lei. I am not without a chance. Of course, my brother is also relieved. I will not do it very hard." Mo Ziqi smiled slightly.
Mo Ziqi said so, Qin Qi is also relieved. What he fears most is that Mo Ziqi is coming up with strength. If he wants to integrate, it is really ten cows that cannot be pulled back.
After all the things were arranged, Qin Qi planned to go to the origin of the nest to see the situation.
In fact, before him, Gong Sun Yilin had already set off.
This cargo, after witnessing the Qin Qi that was fought, was estimated to have been stimulated. He even took the initiative to open a large batch of high-grade materials to Qin Qi, and even a small half box for the cultivation of Yuan Jing, and then left alone. Said to go hunting hunters.
Obviously, he wants to become stronger soon!
He did not say that he joined the city of Chaos, and he did not say that he would not join. However, with his perseverance of perfectionism, since he was willing to open his mind to ask for things, he thought that the thoughts in his heart began to change.
Not to join the league, but at least it is a cooperative attitude.
And this is fine, Qin Qi did not intend to push too tight, he wants to become stronger, Qin Qi will satisfy him, provide him with the best quality conditions, so high and wide, will be able to squid and dragon.
By then, it is time for him to feed back to the league!
"This time in the past, it is estimated that he will not be seen. This goods will definitely hide from me." Qin Qi whispered, ready to leave.
However, it was about to leave, but the sky in the distance suddenly changed and became deeper. The cloud was forced to press, as if the earth was pressed down, it was extremely heavy.
Endless lightning pulsed between the clouds, thundering and resounding, and it was completely violent, emitting horrible power.
What is astonishing is that among these thunders, there is also the red light, the breath is absolute destruction!
Red Thunder!
And it is not a glimpse, but a large piece. This kind of power is too horrible. Qin Qi has no way to resist it.
"Damn, how can there be a red thunder here!" Qin Qi's face changed. If this day, the thunder came all the way, falling down, the entire thunder of lightning, including Lei Ge will be destroyed.
This is absolutely not acceptable.
Mo Ziqi is also discolored, but in front of these Tianwei, they are too weak, there is no possibility of blocking.
"No, there was someone in the day!" Qin Qi glimmered, and saw a figure in the red thunder.
Is that the Wusheng?
Qin Qi and Mo Ziqi looked at each other and looked complicated. This Wu Shengjue could not appear for no reason, but what would he do?
"What is going on, who is that?" Green Luo ran over, and she also noticed that the person in the red thunder was her, and could not help but be shocked.
Those who can do this step, I am afraid that only the Holy One.
"An invincible saint!" Qin Qi sighed and flew into the sky. "You leave first, I have a look."
After all, I didn’t wait for the answer, and I flew directly.
"Let's go first, he can handle it." Green Luo took a deep breath and took a look of worried Mo Ziqi left.
The red thunder appeared, and it was a large amount of pouring down. It was full of horror, surrounded by countless ordinary thunders, and filled with half of the sky. These scenes are like extinction.
This scene is too horrible, that is, the old people of the Thunder madfield have not seen it, the heart is shaking, they have retreated, and they dare not stay in the thunder of lightning.
"His Highness, don't come innocent, the last gift, the boy will have a thank-you in the future, if there is a sentiment, he will not dare to resign!" Qin Qi sighed, did not dare to be too close.
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