Chapter 1419: Extreme life

The first thousand four hundred and forty-nine chapters have a very long life
"The Great, did you lose strength before you were defeated by the dead?" Qin Qi couldn't help himself.
Emperor Yaodu, in the heyday, I am afraid that it is not as simple as the emperor's realm. It is a master of the gods. After the death, it is a character of nearly 100,000 years.
Although five or six thousand years ago, this piece of heaven and earth has had a great power explosion, such as the ancient ancestors of Tianyuan, such as the female emperor of the Terran.
But after that period of time, the heavens and the earth were silent, the martial arts were weak, and no strong ones were born.
Until now, the vast world of the ancient world has come to a complete end, and the martial arts of the heavens and the earth have truly recovered, and will surpass any previous one.
But at least before this, the strong gods did not exist at all.
After the death, after defeating the Emperor, he entered the Yellow River.
"Oh, although the Emperor is the great emperor of the capital, he is in charge of the world's dead spirits, but in fact, as long as the six reincarnations are not successful, even the emperor can not escape death."
"Ordinary Emperor, but the life span of a million years, the realm of the world, or the generation of anti-theft secrets, may live more than 10,000, but there are limits."
"Where the gods are strong, they can live for 50,000 years. Among them, the elders may have the ability to save the world for 100,000 years, but this 100,000-year-old is already a number, and it is impossible to surpass it!"
Qin Qi listened, and my heart was amazed.
It is a kind of horror to live for 100,000 years. It feels scary when you listen.
Even if you don't do anything, the accumulation of 100,000 years can also shake the world!
However, since ancient times, it has been more than 100,000 years?
In the ancient times alone, it has been more than a million years, so the emperor can survive to the end of the great destruction, I am afraid there is a big secret.
"And the Emperor, through the sacred method passed down by the Master, can live for millions of years!"
The life of terror!
Having this life is the strongest capital, even if the opponent is stronger, in the end, you are still alive, but the opponent, but only a loess left.
Millions of years.
However, it is not enough to let the Emperor Yao to live to the present.
The Emperor of Yidu knew the doubts of Qin Qi, and said, "This million years, but also to pay the price, the practice of the Nether, every 100,000 years, we have to undergo a transformation."
"This is equivalent to rebirth. From the past body, a brand new individual is born. It can be said that it is a second life!"
"But this process is very painful. It is better to say that the physical transformation of the body is reborn. But the life expectancy of a person is the soul. If you want to live 100,000 years, you must let the soul be reborn!"
"According to the law of the Nether, after the birth of the flesh, it is necessary to peel off the original soul, and to remove a layer of soul clothing, so that the soul is born again!"
"This is very dangerous. It will kill you, and it will be inevitable after a long period of waning."
"But even if it is the law of the Nether, the number of poles is only a million years, can not be exceeded, and each time the rebirth is over, the next difficulty will be doubled. Even if it is a master, I am afraid that I can't really have a life of millions of years!"
"In order to reduce the number of rebirths, the Emperor took the technique of the sleep of the Tianyuan Mozu, and spent the endless years in the sleep."
"The days of sleep are said to be alive, but in fact they die, and the cost of awakening is greater than once. In the end, it may never wake up again."
"That is already a miracle." Qin Qi couldn't help but sigh with this heart!
"Hey, kid, you look at the Emperor. Sleeping is just a sign of reducing the years left, not really ignoring the years."
"If it is not closed by Huang Quan, how can it be possible to live to the present with the ability of the Emperor to complete four times of rebirth?"
It turned out to be the case.
However, this is normal.
No one in the world can die, that is, there is no sky arrogance, and there is also the end of life.
This method of gloom plus the technique of slumbering is not likely to keep people alive.
Qin Qi exhaled a breath and then asked: "So, in the weak period of your fourth rebirth, you broke into Huang Quan after the death?"
It was said that there was a haze in the eyes of the Emperor.
However, there is not much resentment, but there is a kind of discouragement.
"As you said, she took the opportunity to annihilate the Emperor, but the woman is really powerful, and the Emperor died not too embarrassed."
A generation of great emperors, in the end is very human, self-satisfied and proud, it is dead, and it is impossible to hysterical.
"The great emperor knows how strong it is now after death?" Qin Qi said.
The Emperor of the capital looked at Qin Qi and snorted. "Do you want to challenge the undead?"
"It’s not that the Emperor looks down on you. It’s not enough for you."
"Things can't be done, the boy will not be very dry." Qin Qidao.
See Qin Qi see this, the Emperor of the capital has a cold sigh, said: "I do not know the height of the earth, this is the way to find death, but on the face of the teacher, the Emperor will only remind this time, how to choose, the Emperor will not ask ""
"After that day, when I first entered Huangquan, it was only the ten-star emperor, but now, I am afraid that I have already passed the virtual god."
"With your strength, it is not enough for her a finger."
The illusory is a realm similar to the semi-sacred and quasi-emperor. It is a gateway to the emperor and is divided into nine levels.
Above the nine-order virtual god, it is the true God!
Is it a after death?
What else to fight.
Qin Qi brows tightly.
But not right.
A is here, even if the bright king is even more powerful, I am afraid I will not dare to step further.
But he is still here.
Obviously he is sure.
It’s hard to be done, the bright king has also become a god?
This is even more impossible.
Qin Qi does not understand the Holy King of Light, but he does not think that the Holy King can have this ability.
From this point of view, there should be some factors in it. After the death, it is not that people will be killed. Otherwise, what should be done to test this?
It’s hard to be done. After the death, I hope someone will enter the depths of Huangquan.
Of course, these are just speculations, and the Emperor Yaodu died too early, but now it is only a will to survive, and little is known about the present undead days.
I can't ask anything.
"The Great, we have to pass the ghost gate, but also hope to give way." Qin Qi said.
Not staying here now, ready to go to the depths of Huangquan.
Emperor Yaodu looked at Qin Qi, or said that he was looking at the dark wizard.
Now, it can also be called the Nether Ghost Emperor.
It is a pity that the ghost of the Nether has no wisdom. At this moment, he is just a martial art.
It is hard to imagine that what has happened to the powerful man who has gone through the sky has turned into a human martial arts?
Emperor Yudu finally sighed and shook his head: "Which, since the Emperor has restored the memory of death, perhaps it is God's will, then you will be all."
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