Chapter 2334: Top of the monument

Today's Zhongzhou is actually a bit bigger than the original one.
With such conditions and massive resources, if you only guard the scale of the original Zhongzhou, it would be too violent.
Do not think that the size of a major force does not make sense. In fact, there is a lot of attention.
Whether it is population, space, resource mix, etc., it is related to the size of the territory.
A huge territory can bring more buffer space and also cultivate more geniuses.
For example, in the various fields of the Taoist world, in addition to the richness of the middleland, the resources are abundant, and it is possible to raise several giants at the same time. Others are generally one domain and one giant.
The territory of Zhongzhou is naturally huge for individuals, but it is really small compared to the big domain of the Tao.
At most, it is just one corner.
Therefore, Zhongzhou wants to counter the giants of the Taoist world and needs to do a lot of things. This expands the territory, which is the same.
Therefore, the current Zhongzhou has already included a lot of land in the exile area, and used the ore veins to transform it to make it suitable for cultivation.
This process is not fast, but it is not slow. So far, the size of Zhongzhou has more than doubled.
A large number of people have also been diluted into these new areas to gain more room for growth.
Thus, the center of Zhongzhou has been offset from the Imperial City.

Is this the center of Zhongzhou now?
Qin Qi stood under a huge monument.
This is the monument that belongs to this place, and now it has become the center of Zhongzhou.
This piece of monument is bigger than the one that was encountered before. Standing there is like suppressing this piece of heaven and earth. The word "dao" on it is full of brilliance. Each color represents a kind of avenue. .
"You are here." At this moment, the of the Tao is sitting under the monument. The power of his body is mingling with the Taoist monument.
He is using the power of the Taoist monument to prove his own way, surrounded by inexhaustible radiance, and it seems that the rhyme is natural, and people can’t help but feel shocked.
"You have entered the country again?" Qin Qi unexpectedly said.
Didn't you see it for a few days?
"The two monuments have different strengths. Every time I come back from there, I can gain something."
"It is the first choice in the sky," Qin Qi praised.
God's Word is easy to say, but that is what he can do.
"Beyond you, I am still far away." The of the road shook his head and looked at his serious look. It was not modesty, but it was indeed.
Of course, he is right to say so, Qin Qi is indeed stronger than him.
Although Qin Qi relies on the system, but the Tao of the Tao also has a monument, so it is necessary to talk about talent, Qin Qi really does not lose.
"Of course, for her, the world is full of spirits, the heroes of the ages, nothing more!" God's Wandao looks to the top of the monument.
There, there is only one person.
Even the gods, the power and the monument, but never went up.
Not not allowed, but not.
"She is on the top, you go up," said God. "However, if you can go up, you must also look at your own strength."
"Thank you," Qin Qi took a ritual, then the body suspended into the air, slowly rising.
Soon, Qin Qi felt the pressure.
Sure enough, this road monument is not so easy to climb, but Qin Qi, but it is not so easy to block.
No matter how the pressure grows, Qin Qi is slowly going up.
A few years of time, separated by hundreds of millions of miles, the stars and seas ups and downs, Wanjie rotation, Qin Qi have successfully crossed over and arrived here.
And she is on top.
Then there is nothing to stop Qin Qi.
Qin Qi went up, his face gradually pale, his mouth slowly bleeds, however, his speed is not reduced, still up.
In his body, the origin of the universe, as the pressure continues to rise, began to gradually brighten up, and then there are several original lights, as if in the Qin Qi body, to form a starry sky!
Although it is only a tiny starry sky, if it accumulates, it will become a starry sea, and the expansion of the starry sea is the universe.
And that is the flesh universe.
In the face of the pressure of the monument, Qin Qi’s physical state began to rise and resisted.
Even though the body has been "squeaky", Qin Qi's back is still tall and straight.
He did not allow himself, in front of her, showing a wolverine look.
However, the road monument is too horrible, suppressing the world, Qin Qi wants to go up, this is not enough.
However, in Qin Qi's body, the dragon ring vortex began to run wildly, and the will of Kunlun burned, and the power of the monument was opened!
For example, Kunlun shocked the road monument!
God's way to look up, slightly reaching out, a drop of blood fell on it.
"Sure enough, you are stronger than me!" God's Wandao shook his head, Qin Qi did what he could not do, even if the Taoist would not recognize Qin Qi.

So desperate?
God whispered,
But it’s right, just, is she really your wife, or is it the one who has never lost?

Above the monument.
Here, the incomparably high distance, in the eyes, is the sky.
Nothing can hinder the vision above, and the stone pillars are all under the body. It looks like a stone forest.
But here, there is also endless loneliness and coldness.
Just like the extreme, it is not cold.
Qin Qi finally climbed the monument, and his feet stepped on the top of the monument, leaving a blood footprint.
There is more blood in him.
However, he did not care at all.
Because in his eyes, only that figure is left.
Familiar and strange.
The road monument is huge, the top of the road monument is naturally very large, and it is very empty. So when you come up and pass the line of sight, you can quickly lock it on the only person.
At this moment, she was sitting on the edge of the top of the monument, her eyes falling into the distance, and she did not know what to look at.
Qin Qi saw her, and her heart trembled.
But now, he can't be deterred, and now he is approaching step by step until he walks to her side.
Here, I can already feel her temperature, her taste, it seems that nothing has changed.
Qin Qi opened his mouth, but did not know what to say, simply did not speak, but sat down on her side, just sitting like that.
After all, it’s open, everything is different.
There is no sunrise or sunset in the place of exile, but the weather will change, with day and night.
Qin Qi sat like this, sitting next to her, accompanied her to watch the alternation of day and night, as if there would be no end.
At some point, Qin Qi felt that he was sitting like this.
But he knows that this is ultimately impossible.
However, the first to open, but not Qin Qi.
"No more blood, even if you are, you can't support it?" She spoke.
It is the voice of Fu Cai Xuan.
However, if it is to pay for the propaganda, it will not be opened until now, and it will not be like this. She, after all, is not paying for it.
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