Chapter 2482: Funny

Until the millennium ago, the youngest forging guru of the gods was born, thoroughly mastering this extreme forging method, shocking the dark heavens.
This forging technique was finally finalized, and it was the first forging method in history!
Although Qin Qi said that he is talented in this respect, but wants to master it in a short time, it is extremely difficult and requires a lot of time to explore.
However, the biggest advantage of Qin Qi is that it is wearing a plug-in!
In addition to being unable to help Qin Qi fight, Yi Kunlun can be said to be omnipotent.
It is difficult for Qin Qi to master this extreme forging method in a short period of time. However, with the assistance of different Kunlun, some of the forged content will be handed over to him. If the two cooperate, it is possible to succeed!
"It seems to be deadlocked for a while," Qing Litian sighed.
"Qingwu, you are here, we will go back first," Qin Qidao, has already decided.
During this time, he was fully familiar with the extreme forging method, and He Kunlun also did a lot of simulations, the success rate was about 40%, and the difference was practice.
"Good", Qing nodded no objection.
Now everyone is going backwards, completely obscuring their breath with the chaotic power of the land of creation, waiting for the balance to be broken.
"Open and eat and eat!"
Just retired, the green radish was called up and lived off a food.
"I know that I have to eat, you husband and I have something to do, and I will eat it before I eat it." Qin Qi turned a blind eye.
"Cut", the green radish is dissatisfied, then the eyes turn, shouting: "You are planning to improve the combat power, but seeing you like this, it seems that killing is not enough!"
"Smelly, wouldn't it be that you want to double repair?"
Green radish screamed twice, a look I understood.
"But it is also feasible, but you have to find Xiao Huang back. Her body is in harmony with your dragon and phoenix. The benefits are huge. Maybe you can directly push you to the next level!"
"If it is not enough, you will eat the red lotus, then hahaha!" Green Luo haha ​​laughed.
The character of her person is indeed speechless and incomparable, unless she is not like Qing Litian. Otherwise, she does not care what Qin Qi does with her.
Qin Qi heard the words, the corner of his eyes shook, biting his teeth: "You don't talk, no one will treat you as dumb!"
"What do you want to do?" Green Roger pouted and licked a piece of beef jerky.
"Forging", Qin Qi did not have a good voice.
"Forging?" Green radish.
Other people can't help but be surprised.
"Is it still too late?" Qing Litian frowned.
The fairy palace may change at any time. Now forging, where can it be?
After all, what Qin Qi wants to forge is inevitably not a thing. The time required is not short, and it is easy to attract the attention of others. At that time, I am afraid there will be unnecessary trouble.
Now forging, it seems to be a little temporary.
Qin Qi could not have known this.
"You are forging now, it will only give others opportunities." Mephis spoke, and snorted. "I don't despise your world. With your level of forging, it is not suitable for this situation!"
At this point, Mephis is still emboldened.
Although she does not quite understand the level of the top forging in the Guangming community.
However, according to the records of the gods, even in the ancient times, the forging of the bright roads must be weak and dark, not to mention the present.
And even for the forging of the dark world, only the top class can meet the current conditions.
It is estimated that the forging master of the sacrifice will be able to do it.
"You look good," Qin Qi said faintly, ignore it.
Mephis snorted, but she wanted to see what Qin Qi could pull out.
Talent, she now does not recognize Qin Qi.
It has also accepted the failure.
However, she does not think that Qin Qi’s forgings can also have the level of forging masters.
Just wait for it!
"Qin brother, can there be a place to help?" Sheng Qianmo asked, he was actually confused.
This kind of mouth is really not suitable for refining!
"No, you just want to improve yourself. If there is a chance, I will help you upgrade the Emperor's clock." Qin Qi laughed.
"Big words!" Mephis was cold in his heart, but he did not dare to say it.
Afraid to be beaten.
Qin Qi is beginning to prepare.
First of all, use the limit forging method to refine a gadget, familiar with this method.
Qin Qi will take a hand, a few pieces of material will emerge, but the refining of the yellow grade of the next treasure - the boots.
This is the classification of the Tianyuan world, and it is still a very low-end treasure. If it is also a failure to refine, it will be a little shameful.
"What is this, the grade is too low!" Mephis couldn't help but stay.
The strength of the material is fluctuating, faintly scary, and Mephis has never been exposed to this grade of material. In her opinion, there is no difference between it and garbage.
In this case, what can be forged?
Forged, what can it be used for?
Mephis felt a little messy, but the teacher must have a demon, but she just looked up and planned to see what Qin Qi wanted to do.
Perhaps, there will be some surprises.
And the green radish and so on, are also slightly twitching in the corner of the mouth, do not understand what Qin Qi wants to do.
This level, when it was in the Tianyuan world, was completely invisible, let alone the present.
However, out of the trust of Qin Qi, everyone is holding their breath and expecting unexpected surprises.
Then, "嘭".
The material burst in the hands of Qin Qi.
Refining failed?
For a time, everyone did not respond, and all of them were thinking, thinking about what it was, and it was not linked to the failure of refining.
After all, this kind of treasure, that is, how to learn the refiner, for them to be able to refine the system.
Refining failed?
It is impossible to break hands and feet!
But gradually, everyone found that this is the failure of refining, and now, it is even more amazing!
"You are funny, right, want to ease the tension, right?" Green Lol.
Qin Qi himself is also somewhat unstoppable, which is too shameful, and I would think that the yellow-level treasures can also be refining failure.
However, Qin Qi's face is thick enough, and now coughs and continues to refine.
The same stepping boots, the same fried!
Everyone is completely stunned.
I don’t understand at all, how can this thing be defeated?
"This...this is impossible!" But it was Mephis, suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Qin Qi incredibly.
"It is impossible!" Green Liao grinned.
Only Mephis shook her head. She was also smashed by Qin Qi. She did not understand what Qin Qi was doing, but when Qin Qi refining for the second time, she finally found the difference.
Why is this refining technique more like their darkness? Moreover, the grade is only extremely high!
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