Chapter 2493: Ninth god

The time was almost paused, and when the sea heard that they had come back, the pupils contracted.
Each of them rushes to the Supreme Immortal, and each weapon is facing each other, and the power that lingers on it is absolutely terrifying.
It is their strongest killing trick.
After seeing the Supreme Immortal, they were all obsessed, their consciousness was completely uncontrolled, and they were almost taken over by the instinct.
And at this moment, everyone is scared out of a cold sweat. If this attack falls, then all of them, I am afraid they will die at the same time!
Fortunately, they responded in time.
"Damn, what happened!" The sinful face was pale, and the double scorpion of Tianzhu was facing him, and the pupils were rotated, and the void was difficult to carry.
"It seems that any creature can't resist the instinctual temptation for these forces, but fortunately, our minds are all good," Prometheus also sighed and sighed for a while.
After all, the purple condensate has been stabbed in his head.
"This temptation is still there. If this continues, it is estimated that it will not be a battle." Purple condensed his eyebrows and retracted the long squat.
"Do you have to rely on the ability?" The sea listened to the eyes and turned around, intending to lie.
However, at this time, it was a sound.
"Is this thing worn on the head?" Catherine asked in confusion.
It’s a shock to hear everyone.
Then I saw it and suddenly my eyes widened.
Catherine had already taken the Supreme.
At that moment, everyone almost lost their senses, but Catherine was not affected.
Do idiots still have such an advantage?
Everyone feels for a time, and when they know this, they give up IQ.
"You, how do you feel?" Everyone was nervously watching Catherine, even hesitating to grab.
After all, although everyone knows, this is really too horrible.
Fortunately, everyone is still rational, and there is no guilty situation.
"Fortunately," Catherine said, and then smiled. "I wear it!"
Look at her like that, how can I get the excitement of going against the sky, but it is the feeling that a woman gets a beautiful jewelry.
Everyone is shaking their eyes, why is this silly girl getting the supreme.
Is it really a fool to have a fool?
And everyone’s heart is also awkward, and it always feels unreal. So it’s so good, is it got it?
"This is the end of the matter, don't think about anything else, help her to wear the supreme!" Prometheus Shen Shen.
Even if this supreme is taken, it can be taken down, but it is extremely difficult to take it away.
It can be seen that the guys who have just been forced to retreat have gathered, and mustard cliffs are also watching.
"They are okay, be careful not to die!" The flying eagle sighed, and the wings behind it became apparent. Anyone who shot them, and his ability to be unhurried, could catch up.
The battle broke out again.
Supreme 冕 has been earned by Catherine. If you don’t fight now, there will be no chance. Even if it is dangerous, you must take it.
And Catherine, there is no such thing, she simply wants to put the supreme squat on her head.
And she, also successfully put on.
Seeing this, everyone's war is one of the slowest, everyone wants to get this creation, but at the moment, but also want to see, this effect in the end.
Catherine put on the supreme, and all of her infinite glory poured into her body.
Is this combined with the Supreme Immortal?
Not right!
Even Catherine was stupid, but at the moment it changed her look. After she was put on, she couldn’t get off.
And the Supreme Majesty, who walked in her body, seemed to be separated from the shackles and turned into a wild horse!
Through her body, the Supreme Immortal, began to change, from the most pure state, gradually become more complicated.
Of course, this kind of miscellaneous is not a development in the wrong direction. On the contrary, it is a feeling of a fairy.
It can't be touched, it can only be seen from a distance, and it is within easy reach.
Such a fairy can be obtained by others.
But Catherine had no way to absorb the power of the fairy for a time. She was like a medium, paving the way for the change of the Supreme Immortal.
At this moment, it is considered to be the state that the Supreme Majesty can really be captured.
Of course, if Catherine can always hold it, then this supreme singer is still her!
However, how is it possible!
The attack on Mustard Cliff suddenly changed.
All the attacks seemed to be inaccessible to him, and he passed by, and his body shape suddenly broke through to Catherine.
"Don't think about it!" Sheng Xu has been beware of him, naturally the first time to react, after a roar, the sacred even turned out the body.
The huge body of the Voider filled the space, and the mustard cliff was fast and blocked.
But the mustard cliff at the moment, but it is uncharacteristic, a finger forward, eyes focused on the point, the point of the fingertips, the strength is extremely sharp!
This point of pointing out, actually broke the body of the sacred, directly through!
The ninth hides - nothing is broken!
Originally, I only thought it was the Eight Gods, but I did not expect that it was actually Jiu Shen Tibetan, and this last god, the power is so terrible.
The mustard cliff, one person can get two unique gods, and even get the ninth gods that all those who should be recruited do not know.
This person, hidden too deeply, the strength is completely unexpected!
The scream of screaming, he did not expect the attack of the mustard cliff to be so sharp, but did not show it before.
Who can think of this moment, the mustard cliff will hide the strength!
However, the sacred is not the only loser!
"Looking for death!" The sacred roar, the concentration of space in the mouth is concentrated, and then spit out.
The mustard cliff hits the body of the sacred, the power is indeed terrible, but the consumption is not small, the counterattack of the sacred, can not avoid.
He can only return to a blow, blocking most of the power of the sacred, vomiting blood in the mouth, and being heavily injured.
Even so, the sacred still does not block the mustard cliff.
In spite of this injury, the mustard cliff has no restrictions, and any restraining power has no effect on him.
He has already deceived Catherine.
Catherine is stupid, but the battle is not vague, Pandora's Box opens, and countless evil spirits are shocked. The power is not small.
But the mustard cliff once again stretched out a finger, nothing to break!
Catherine snorted and retreated.
The mustard cliff is unreasonable, his time is not much, and the moment he catches up quickly, at the speed of Catherine, he can't escape.
Just fiercely, the mustard cliff suddenly stopped, and the life reversed one direction.
And in his position, the law rotates and tears everything!
In the distance, Tianzhu is looking at this side, a double shackle, and turns a terrible light.
Unfortunately, it was avoided by the mustard cliff.
The intuition of mustard cliffs is terrible.
And avoiding this, Scorpio is also an eyebrow, and the eyes are exhausted. The power of heavy suspicion is difficult to sustain.
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