Chapter 3103: Secret

When the punishment day breaks through the void, the momentum is going straight into the sky, and the two worlds that are in harmony can hardly bear the horror of this.
Qin Qi and Lin Bijun, even the strongest of the five-gas dynasty, at this moment, feel that they are exceptionally weak.
As long as the other party is willing, a finger should be able to crush them 10,000 times.
Is this the existence of the top of the chaotic fairy world?
Even if the skull has been left behind, the strength is no longer full, but it is still terrible.
Both Qin Qi and Lin Bijun couldn't help but swallow a bit, and they stepped back.
Lin Bijun is already unstable, her body is shaking, and she is not heard at all.
Qin Qi is a little better, at this moment, it is even more shocking.
What does this sentence mean?
What is it, is there only one fairyland in this world?
Is there any other fairy world besides the chaotic fairy world?
Qin Qi never thought about this, but how can I know?
"I don't know," Qin Qi has some difficult openings.
I have never thought of getting an answer from Qin Qi, and this question is more like he said to himself.
However, when Qin Tian asked this question, Qin Qi was curious.
"Your Majesty thinks that there are other fairy circles in the world?" Qin Qi asked.
On the face of the condensed punishment, a few smiles were revealed, and it was faint: "Who knows?"
As a result, the criminal day does not know it?
But this is not impossible.
How big a person's world is, is entirely determined by the power of this person.
Just like the beginning, the world in Qin Qi’s eyes is only the earth.
As a result, he was selected by the system and went to Tianyuan World. The world in his eyes also began to expand.
Until, the heavens and the world, the bright circles, and the two models of light and dark.
As a result, this is still not the extreme. On top of this, there is the chaotic fairy world at the moment.
With so many experiences, how can Qin Qi assert that the chaotic fairy world is the only world in the world?
After all, it is possible to enter the fairy world from the lower boundary, which shows that the chaotic fairy world has a world barrier.
So, outside the world barrier, what is it?
And the world model of the chaotic fairy long tube, assuming that one end is the ancestral land, then what is the other end?
Is the other side of the mother ship fleet?
On the other side, maybe it is another fairyland!
Of course, these are some of the speculations in Qin Qi’s mind, and no one can be confirmed.
He does not expect to be confirmed.
After all, it seems that even the punishment days have not been clarified.
"But some people think that there is at least one world outside the chaotic fairy world. It is not above the fairy world, but the same level of fairyland!"
Qin Qi heard the words, the heart moved, said: "This person, is the emperor?"
Hearing the name of the enemy of this life, the sentence was very calm, and nodded: "Yes, it is him."
Qin Qi's eyebrows, recalling what he saw in this world, then Shen Sheng said: "On the other side of the chaotic fairy world, is... the wild world?"
The wilderness of the fairyland is completely the name that extends from the moment.
However, the punishment was a strange look at Qin Qi, and his look was inexplicable. He nodded: "At least Dijiang said this."
"He believes that there is a wilderness outside the chaotic fairy world. Even these two worlds should be one!"
Lin Bijun finally forced herself to calm down. She heard all this and only felt a little bit of a turn.
This is too amazing!
The boat of the end is also completely ignorant of these secrets!
"Of course, just guessing," said Heaven.
Qin Qimo took the sacrifice of the ancient fairy in his hand and suddenly said: "Did the two worlds be opened by an axe?"
Looking at Qin Qi on the penalty day, I couldn't help but laugh.
He pointed to Qin Qidao: "Now I know why I have never found this world, but you can come in!"
Qin Qi couldn't figure it out and could only shut up.
He did not care about the punishment day, and smiled: "Okay, the next thing, go to the West Wangting."
At the moment, Qin Tian and Lin Bijun, regardless of Qin Tian, ​​waved their hands and they were rolled up by him.
Immediately, the shape of the punishment sky suddenly magnified, and the sky was standing in the sky. It turned out that the world created by the emperor was born and brought to the outside world.
Qin Qi did not expect that he would leave the world of Dijiang in this way.
I don't know how many days have passed, and there has been no change in the pattern of hunting mountains.
However, Qin Qi did not dare to ask.
He didn’t know what kind of temper he had in prison. Although it seems to be good at the moment, he is thinking about it, Qin Qi can’t guess at all.
Still, it is best to obey.
Crossing the free heaven, Chaos West Wangting is far away.
It was a huge building complex, very grand, and it was suspended in midair!
It seems that this is called heaven!
In the West Wangting, many powerful breaths Qin Qi can clearly perceive that there are no more than one hundred strong people in the five-dimensional dynasty.
This kind of combat power is enough to match any one of the top ten mother ships.
In addition to the five-gas dynasty, there are at least six horrible scent, so that Qin Qi is trembled.
These few people should be the strongest of the three-flowered level.
At least, it is also the enthusiasm of the five gas dynasty, half step into the presence of the three flowers!
Really strong!
It seems that the punishment days have already converged their own atmosphere, otherwise, I am afraid that they can be killed by the pressure alone!
There is no change in the court of the West, and it is clear that no one is qualified to ask what their Supreme is doing.
Until he came to the Wang Dian in the center of the West Wangting, Qin Qi saw the second person.
Oh, it should be said to be the second chaotic beast!
It is a woman who does not show people in the body, but maintains the human form.
However, the eyes are red, like rubies, which highlights the alien charm that is different from human beings.
This woman, very beautiful, is Lin Bijun on the side, actually did not let the points, but more dazzling!
However, Qin Qi did not know what was going on, and she always felt that she was familiar.
Some other people's shadows!
Compared with those strong and incomparable breaths, this woman gives the impression that the atmosphere is more restrained.
Also, closer to the penalty day!
"Father", the woman waited until the day of punishment, and this was the way to go.
The daughter of the punishment day?
When did the criminal day have a daughter?
Qin Qi and Lin Bijun are both horrified.
This information, the outside world did not have the slightest grasp!
Qin Qi looked at the woman, and the eyes flashed a ray of light, but she was still unable to determine the realm of the other side.
However, there are only two possibilities for this situation.
That is she is weak.
Or, for example, the strongest ones that are perceived by the three flowers are stronger!
However, since it is the daughter of the criminal day, perhaps the second possibility is higher?
That is a bit horrible!
The fighting power of the hunting mountain is much more than expected!
"Father, what are the two of them special?" The woman looked at Zhao Rui and Lin Bijun and blinked.
The expression of the punishment day is somewhat intriguing. It seems that this daughter has some very special feelings, not quite like a father and a daughter, but she also attaches great importance to it.
There is indeed a bit of punishment in her body.
But it is only a small part.
This is actually a bit strange.
With the blood of the criminal day, if there is a descendant of the descendants, the blood should be more biased toward him.
Whose blood is there, can he be overtaken and let him condescend?
"They may have had contact with the emperor, or they may be born with a special gas transport."
"Okay, let me go first, I have something to talk to them."
"Father, you!" The second hurriedly, his face turned red and he was very angry and stared at the punishment.
The punishment is inexplicable and some are overwhelmed.
What's up with him?
What is wrong?
Qin Qi and Lin Bijun are shaking their eyes.
What is the name of a ghost in the criminal day, even called such a beautiful woman as a second?
The village girl in the country is not so happy now!
Qin Qi has some sympathy for the second girl.
It's no wonder that she is so responsive now, her face is red, and she obviously feels ashamed.
The head of the criminal day is gone, and I don’t know if this kind of bend is around, just saying: "If you have nothing, go ahead."
"I don't!" The second sister was also annoyed, swearing at the penalty day, flanked his face, and did not mean to leave at all.
I go……
Qin Qi and Lin Bijun are a little stiff in their bodies. This is really bold enough. Even if she is jealous, she would not dare to make it like this.
The penalty day is also somewhat speechless.
What happened today, what is crazy about these two?
"It’s noisy, I don’t want to go anyway, what do you want to say, say it in front of me!

"It's not about you!"
"What happened then, I can't listen to your business, I am not your daughter?"
The good day of punishment is also a generation of amnesty, the figure at the top of the fairyland, once battled with the emperor, although defeated!
Anyone who met him is a war-torn, majestic, and can stand out from the crowd!
As a result, is there still such a side?
Both Qin Qi and Lin Bijun are guilty in their hearts, and they are worried that they will kill them.
After all, if this picture is passed out, don’t you face it?
"Okay, you want to listen, listen, remember, give me a quiet!" Finally, the prisoner sighed coldly.
"哼", two screams, did not agree, walked back and forth.
Feeling, it is a princess who is spoiled.
"You are also coming," and the punishment was cold and he went in.
Fortunately, it is a generation of top-level amnesty, but it is not because of the previous things, they have angered Qin Qi.
Qin Qi and Lin Bijun did not dare to say anything, followed by the words.
However, Qin Qi is still a bit embarrassed.
The familiar feelings of the past, in the process, slowly clear.
This is the second...
"Dijiang!" Qin Qi suddenly called.
"Well?" Qin Tian looked at Qin Qi, some doubts.
The second squint looked at Qin Qi and couldn’t help but say: "Where are you calling there, there is Dijiang here!"
"Still you don't know how to live and die, you have to be in front of my father's premise, you are very bold!"
"Nothing, nothing", Qin Qi is even the channel.
The heart, but the extreme vibration, can not calm down.
He finally remembered where this familiarity came from.
This special look of the second scorpion, even with the lower bound of the Dijiang is six points similar!
Who is this daughter of Nima?
Or is it a criminal day with Di Jiang?
When I think of the emperor, who is not a man or a woman, Qin Qi is a cold.
Erqi took two steps, stopped, and then stared at Qin Qi.
She always feels that this guy's eyes are very fast.
Very uncomfortable!
"What do you want to do, do you want to see me?" asked the second, very bold.
Qin Qi pulled his mouth.
If you don't think about this, it's still possible.
just now.
Qin Qi’s goose bumps have to fall.
He even suspects that these two sisters are not daughters.
"Enough, don't say these useless nonsense, you are leaving me, don't talk!"
Two mouths, no longer care about Qin Qi, swaying forward.
Sitting in the temple.
Of course, Qin Qi and Lin Bijun are standing.
The second cockroach is sitting on the side of the throne with his legs crossed, and his mind does not seem to be here.
The punishment day no longer pays attention to her, the majesty remains the same.
He said: "Di Jiang has proposed a hypothesis. He thinks that the universe does not have the concept of the world. It is a group of qi, no life, no law."
"But after the endless years, there is a life born, he is born strong, but lonely, he hopes that this universe is not only a life!"
"So, he forcibly opened the universe and separated the two main forces in this group!"
"The original group of qi, the reason why nothing can be bred, the law can not form, precisely because these two forces mutually exclusive, but always merge!"
"Only separation can give birth to life and everything!"
"And these two forces are chaos and floods!"
"Dijiang believes that the existence is to use the axe to open the universe and separate the chaos!"
"And the axe broke open after opening the universe, and the fragments became a more sacred sacrifice!"
The sentence is slowly said.
The tone is not fast and the voice is not high.
But it’s awkward. Feeling, it is like being maddened by thunder!
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