Chapter 451: Malady

Chapter 451, the secret of failure
Previously, because the Wang family was big, Qin Qi did not want to drag Zhao Cai to them, so he chose to flee and temporarily avoid his front, but this does not mean that Qin Qi is afraid of them.
Here the geology is special, and there are areas that are shrouded. Qin Qi has great advantages. Whoever lives and who is dead, let us come slowly.
"It seems that the effect in this field has not been obvious before." Qin Qi calmed down, not thinking about the Wang family for the time being, but noticing his own state.
When he first came in, he was indeed suppressed. The proper star, although not meaningful to him, is weakened or needs attention.
But now, this realm seems to have a tendency to recover, and the suppression is getting smaller and smaller. Is it difficult for the field to be dispersed?
This is impossible.
After thinking about it, Qin Qi began to look inside, but found that the little starlight around it was absorbed by the color power in the body. This process is very slow and very subtle. If it is not carefully explored, it will not be seen.
This discovery made Qin Qi unable to bear the alarm. This should be the reason why the field suppressed his suppression.
"What is the situation? These stars should be the power of the stars. How can they be absorbed by the color power?" Qin Qi frowned, but unfortunately he couldn't understand it.
Anyway, it won't be a bad thing, and the suppression of the field will disappear.
"Now, just go along the veins." Qin Qi whispered and acted along the veins.
He perceives the speciality of the earth's veins, which hides mystery. Qin Qi has a feeling that the field is not only brought by the light of the stars, but also the power of the heavenly valley itself.
If the light of the stars is to suppress the realm, then what is the power of this day?
For safety reasons, it is the key to walking along the ground.
Slowly moving forward, I have to say that this day's punishment valley is really huge. It has not reached the deepest point in the past half-day, and even belongs to the periphery.
Here, the sarcophagus is full of sharp stone cones, and it is not known how it is shaped. As the veins move forward, Qin Qi comes to a node of the earth's veins.
The stones here are even more special. A stone cone is erected like steel, and it is not a natural molding.
"The earth's veins are the meridians of the earth's energy. Like the nodes of these veins, they will not breed anything." Qin Qi thought.
The outside world will naturally not be like this, but this place is really special and must be taken care of.
Qin Qi was thinking, the stone in front of him began to tremble, and then the root stone cone rushed out of the ground, and a giant beast stood up!
These stone cones turned out to be the corners of the giant beast!
"The small map did not show up, was it sheltered here?" Qin Qi was shocked, first retired a few points, click to view specific information.
Yaozu: Black Iron Stone
Rating: 33
Armor: 20 stars
Demon power value: 14 million
Experience Shield: 10 (Black Shield)
Exchange point: 1 million (green dot)
The realm is not bad, but unfortunately this experience value is really not enough to watch, especially after the four elephants play Wu, this experience value is really not enough.
Forget it, mosquitoes are small and meat, but now is not the time to dislike.
"Hey!" The black iron stone strange temperament is not so good, after being disturbed by Qin Qi, suddenly roared, the huge stone arm fell down, it is like a mountain peak.
This black iron stone monster is extremely powerful, and because it is a stone monster, the defense is equally amazing, and it is not easy to deal with.
However, for Qin Qi, it was only a little troublesome. After a little effort, it was completely shattered.

Hey, congratulations to the player to trigger the task ‘Shi Ling’s Secret’, accept?


Hey, congratulations to the players for accepting the AAAA level mission ‘Shi Ling’s Secret’

Mission details.
"Task level: AAAA"
"Task requirements: collect 40 stone crystals"
"Task reward: experience shield 1000 (black shield), redemption point 10 million (green dot), lucky turntable 1"
Oh, this task is not bad, the experience value and the exchange point can be accepted, and the lucky turntable makes Qin Qi feel a surprise, this thing is not as good as possible, and the harvest may be enormous.
Of course, you may only be given a small bottle of medicine.
"For a long time, there is no such thing as a singular singer to do the task, to miss the leveling years of the Chaos Era." Qin Qi smiled, holding the tears of the day, walking down the site to the next node.
Soon, Qin Qi met the second black iron stone monster, this head is a bit more powerful than before, but it is not a big deal for Qin Qi.
Moreover, this thing also provided Qin Qi with a demon, and after being trained as a symbol, it was a big boost, assisting Qin Qi to complete the task faster.
Later, Qin Qi was almost all the way to the side, with six heads of beasts, plus the help of nature and the treatment of the bright pastor, Qin Qi himself did not even have to use his hands, you can continue to crush.
However, I don’t know if this day’s punishment is really huge or something else. Qin Qi has never encountered any stranger on this road, and it is somewhat weird.
But no one bothered him to do the task, Qin Qi was so happy, with a day and night, finally completed the task.

Hey, congratulations to the player to complete the AAAA level task ‘Shi Ling’s Secret’, get the experience shield1000 (black shield), redemption point10 million (green dot), lucky turntable1

Qin Qi’s eyes brightened and he was ready to open the lucky turntable, but was interrupted by a system prompt.
"Hey, because the player is killing the black iron stone monster, it has been hated by Shi Lingji, Shi Ling will retaliate against the player."
"Hey, the player accepted the S-level mission ‘Shi Ling’s secret follow-up’

Yes, I don’t ask if I want to accept it. I directly judged Qin Qi’s acceptance. This system is really overbearing.
But accepting it will accept it, what Shi Ling, all the bombing is.
Mission details.
"Task level: S"
"Task requirements: kill Shi Ling"
"Task reward: experience shield 500,000 (black shield), exchange point 10 billion (green dot), Yuan Jing 1"
"Task penalty: level -10"
Hey, the task punishment is really embarrassing, directly minus 10, is this not the life of Qin Qi?
But forget it, anyway, as long as the task is completed, and the task reward is also very rich, and the Yuan Jing makes Qin Qi can't help but feel hot.
After Zhao Cai’s hand got the special method of refining the flesh, Qin Qi made up his mind that he had to get a Yuanjing. Unfortunately, Yuanjing is really rare, and the major chambers of commerce are out of stock, even if there is, May be taken out for sale, Qin Qi can only give up.
Now it is good, the direct task reward is a Yuanjing, so it seems that this task Qin Qi must be completed.
However, since the task reward is so rich, it is obvious that the task difficulty is absolutely not small, and you must be careful to deal with it.
"First try your luck and say, if you can come to the Empress of the Empress Dowager, I am afraid of a hair!" Qin Qi wiped his hand, breathless, click to start.
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