Chapter 522: Virtual sword

The fifty-two twenty-two chapter virtual sword air
Qin Qi has already closed his eyes, but not everything can't be seen. In fact, he "sees" the sword around him. This is the pressure of the unknown presence to Qin Qi, but the understanding of the sword. It is a kendo.
If you want to break through this kendo, you can either crush the past directly with the strength, or use the kendo to confront the kendo, not to say that you are stronger than the other, and only seek support and find flaws.
What Qin Qi did is this.
Qin Qi has his own kendo. This is the understanding of the sword. It does not distinguish between the primary and the secondary. Even if it is a avatar, it can still be used. The confrontation is obviously only to test Qin Qi, not to suppress him, so Qin Qi can still find it. Fragile.
In the view of Qin Qi, the surrounding sword shadows have been shaken back one step. This is the result of Qin Qi’s kendo finding some flaws.
It’s just this step, but it’s extremely difficult. It’s the first step, but there’s no second step. At this moment, Qin Qi’s cold and sweaty, pale, has not taken the second step.
However, he did not give up, this is a rare opportunity, the other party's accomplishments above the kendo is significantly more than him, and under the intention of the other party, Qin Qi's kendo will be greatly improved.
Don't underestimate this kendo collision. Qin Qi feels that if he can get out of three steps, yes, it only takes three steps, and his kendo can improve one level!
This is by no means an exaggeration, but a reality, because the sword of the other side is really too strong!
And if you take four steps, the benefits are big, you can't imagine.
Qin Qi bites his teeth and throws away all the distracting thoughts. He can't have the slightest distraction now. He wants to take this opportunity to deepen his understanding of Kendo!
The second step is to start struggling.
"There is a step that can be taken, not bad." In the hall, the old eyebrows of the mountain grow up slightly, faint.
Jing Shuilin’s eyes turned and curiously asked:
Shi Bo, Qin Shidi, what is he doing?

"It is being tested." The elders of the mountain are faint.
"Test?" Jing Shuilin blinked his eyes and wondered: "Isn't you not accepting disciples, but also a male disciple, why are you testing him?"
Jing Shuilin thought that the elders of the mountain were testing Qin Qi.
The elders of the mountain shook their heads, but did not explain much, but only looked at the man above the pavilion again, his eyes were a bit complicated.
Jing Shuilin sneaked a glance at the elders of the mountain, and then looked at the man on the pavilion. I felt that there must be a bit of a greasy between the two, but this man Jing Shuilin had never seen him and did not know his identity.
When Jing Shuilin’s eyes turned again, he sneaked back a few steps and ran to the upper floor, ready to see where the man was sacred.
There is no man who can appear in the elders of the mountains. This is an unwritten rule. Jing Shuilin was told this from an early age, and I heard that it has been maintained for more than 30 years.
It is only Jing Shuilin who wants to ask the reasons, but no one knows. As for those who know the original, none of them are willing to tell her, and even tell her not to ask again.
Therefore, the mountain temples have always been cold and clear, and occasionally there will be female disciples to clean up, men, one will not appear here.
But today, there is a strange man who came here, and still came to the mountain temple, which is very surprising.
In particular, the elders of the mountain did not even mean to leave him. Jing Shui Lin felt that she was dreaming.
After walking a few steps, Jing Shuilin sneaked back and glanced at the elders of the mountain. She did not get angry when she saw her. She immediately sighed and began to walk toward the man.
This is a man who looks very unprofessional. It seems to be only in his thirties. He wears the most common linen clothes. In short, it looks very ordinary. I am afraid I will not recognize it when I throw it into a pile of people.
But his feelings are not only ordinary, Jing Shuilin looked at him, there is always a feeling of uncomfortable feelings, as if this person is born with melancholy, full of sorrow.
His two embarrassed, a few white hairs, with his ethereal cultivation, should not be so, I am afraid that something has gone through grief, but even so, he does not seem to feel guilty, but a A kind of unsatisfied freedom.
Jing Shuilin has never seen such a person. Ordinary ones can't be ordinary, but at the same time they are very ordinary.
"Will you use a sword?" Jing Shuilin blinked his eyes and looked at the sword behind the person. It was a very ordinary sword. Even if Jing Shuilin was not a forgemaster, he could see at a glance that this is a common The iron sword of the pass, not even the fine iron sword.
"Who are you?" Jing Shuilin whispered.
The man has been watching Qin Qi. At this moment, when he heard Jing Shui Lin’s voice, he couldn’t help but turn around and smile gently:
My name is Xu Jiankong, what is your name?

"My name is Jing Shuilin." Jing Shuilin replied in a fair manner. I don't know why, in front of this person, she consciously put away the naughty temper.
Xu Jian nodded with a smile, and once again turned his eyes to Qin Qi, the light of the eyes fluttered slightly.
Because just now, Qin Qi took another step!
Jing Shuilin flat mouth, this guy is so ordinary, the body does not have a strong atmosphere to flow out, but the feeling of giving people, but the sword is in the shackles, but inside is extremely horrible.
"Sword empty." Jing Shuilin whispered in her heart, she seems to have heard the name.
At the moment, Jing Shuilin squinted her head and thought about it. Suddenly her eyes lit up. She remembered where she had heard the name. Is this person in front of me the rumored person!
Jing Shuilin’s heart was stunned, but she did not dare to be big or small. She retired and respectfully went back, and then ran back to the mountain elders.
"Shi Bo, he said that he is called Jian Jian Kong, is he the virtual sword empty?" Jing Shuilin asked with some excitement.
"Hey!" The elders of the mountain just snorted and did not answer.
However, this time, Jing Shuilin is more convinced of his own conjecture.
"Shi Bobo, why did he appear here, do you know?" Jing Shuilin asked again and again, curiosity has been completely hooked up.
"You don't want to be noisy, or you won't leave." The elders of the mountain frowned.
Jing Shui Lin suddenly slammed the gang, and then his eyes turned, saying: "Shi Bo, the test you just said, will not be a virtual predecessor?"
"Not bad." The elders nodded.
"Wow, it’s true that the predecessors are testing Qin’s younger brother, so good, Qin Shidi can hold on for so long!
Jing Shuilin cheered up, and immediately saw the elders of the mountain glance at her, suddenly shrinking his neck and not screaming.
"Shi Bo..."
"Is it better that the number of steps taken by Qin Shidi is better?"
"You are still keen."
"Oh, that is of course!" Jing Shuilin smiled happily and then asked: "That Shibo thinks, can the younger brother take a few steps?"
"Three steps."
"Just three steps!"
"Even if you are a brother, you can't walk three steps."
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