Chapter 1007: Treasure Hunt

Chapter 965 Treasure Hunt
At this moment, the Heavenly Dao of the New World was not allowed to exist like Pan Gu, and tried every means to destroy him.
Heaven has attracted three thousand innate demons.
These three thousand demon gods have strengths and weaknesses, but without exception, they are all in the realm of mixed origin.
With the little mana remaining after the opening of the sky, Pangu raised a giant axe and fought against the three thousand demon gods. The heaven and the earth also rained blood showers, and many of the gods and demon bodies fell on the ground, turning them into vitality.
Finally, three thousand gods and demons were killed with little left.
And the only remaining gods and demons were also frightened by Pangu's aura and fled.
As for Pangu himself, after repelling three thousand gods and demons, he looked at the desolate world and pondered for a long time...
In the end, it derives everything by itself.
And the spine has also turned into the great Zhoushan that supports the world.
"It turns out that there is such a reason for the fall of the Great God Pangu..."
Looking at the complete Mark of the Open Heaven, Ye Chen was also silent for a while, as if regretting and embarrassing for Pangu.
However, admiration is admiration.
In Ye Chen, it is absolutely impossible to make such a choice...
In his heart, his own immortality is above all else, and he will naturally not choose to fall for one world.
The big deal is that this piece of heaven and earth will return to nothingness, and when the cultivation base is successful in the future, the heaven and earth will be reopened, and the earth will be renewed.
Even so, Ye Chen still walked towards the summit of Dazhou Mountain and bowed a deep salute, which can be regarded as gratitude for the act of sacrificing himself by the Great God Pangu.
And with Ye Chen's move, the top of Dazhou Mountain, which was originally smooth and clean, suddenly left a gap.
Inside, there was a faint call.
"Hey, is it possible that the Great God Pangu... can still tell the Prophet, knowing that I am coming here, what good will it leave?"
Ye Chen couldn't help but curiously said.
Ye Chen also glanced at this bottomless crack after the divine sense swept through, but received no feedback.
"Finished! Stop! Stop! There is a way to seek wealth and wealth, and I dare not even take this risk. What kind of ambiguity is there to prove?"
With that, he jumped.
With the sound of the wind whistling in his ears, Ye Chen's whole body was falling continuously.
The only good news is that this place is not like the outside world, full of great pressure.
With the power of mana running, Ye Chen also controlled the speed of his fall very well, staring attentively.
Whether it is detection by the divine sense or observation with the naked eye, there is still a mist underneath, as if something is blocking the peeping.
"Hey, it's a fate."
Although he said so, Ye Chen was still carefully mobilizing the mana in his body, and even the Chaos Clock that had been conceived at the Dantian was in a state of being ready to go.
After all, this prehistoric plane can be described as the coexistence of opportunities and risks, and it may come from somewhere.
Everything, it is better to be careful.
With the passage of time, Ye Chen also gradually penetrated into the Dazhou Mountain.
This Dazhou Mountain was transformed by the spine of Pangu, surrounded by tyrannical coercion, and inside it, since the day the mountain was born, no one has ever set foot on it.
If it hadn't been for Ye Chen's aura of eight or nine profound arts that he cultivated today to touch the mark of the open sky at the top of the mountain, I'm afraid there would be no chance to enter it.
Suddenly, there was a feeling of squeezing around, as if there was an invisible film.
With Ye Chen's slight effort, this layer of film was easily passed through, and the scene suddenly changed.
It wasn't that the sky was falling in disorder, the golden lotus was springing from the ground, and what appeared in front of Ye Chen's eyes was only a small stone platform, and on the stone platform was a cloud of golden-red liquid suspended.
Seeing the mass of liquid in front of him, Ye Chen couldn't help being stunned.
Immediately, a hint of surprise appeared on his face.
" it the spinal cord of the Great God Pangu?"
After all, this is the inside of Pangu's spine, and the thing in front of you is also filled with an aura that is similar to the pressure that spread around Dazhou Mountain.
The only difference is that the aura in this liquid is extremely restrained.
If Ye Chen had already cultivated the eighth-nine profound arts to the eighth level, the five senses had been strengthened to an extremely terrifying level, and the similarities between the two would not be found.
For various reasons, he guessed that this mass of liquid was mostly the spinal cord of the Great God Pangu.
At the same time, Ye Chen was also fortunate in his heart that the time he came to this Great Zhou Mountain was really too good.
If you come earlier, maybe the pressure on Dazhou Mountain hasn't started to weaken. If you come later, I'm afraid this group of spinal cord will dissipate between the heaven and the earth as the pressure disappears.
After all the causes and effects were clarified, Ye Chen couldn't help but sigh.
Could it be that the Great God Pangu has calculated that there will be practitioners who have practiced eight or nine profound arts in later generations, and this has left this thing on purpose.
"Thank you Pangu for the gift."
After a deep salute toward the golden-red liquid, Ye Chen unceremoniously absorbed it, and the Eight-Nine Profound Art ran and began to digest the Pangu spinal cord.
As this group of golden red liquid entered Ye Chen's body, huge energy exploded in an instant.
The cultivation base of the Great God Pangu has long surpassed the ordinary Hunyuan realm, and his body has evolved into a prehistoric world.
Naturally, is this mass of marrow fluid waiting for the ordinary things?
When Ye Chen was refining this golden-red liquid, he suddenly poured into mountains, rivers and rivers. The whole body was full of visions, the black and yellow overturned, and the meridians, veins, bones and blood vessels began to undergo a certain mysterious evolution.
Sitting still on the stone platform, closing his eyes and hanging curtains, silently, Ye Chen seemed to be immersed in an unexplainable mystery, except for the occasional long breath, just as ignorant as a dead person.
In the vast karst cave space, there was no other sound except for the rapid flow of the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and the occasional hurricane-like whistling.
At the same time, the Great Zhou Mountain outside, the mark of opening the sky, is dissipating at an extremely fast speed.
Even the palpable coercion on the mountain is constantly attenuating, attenuating, and attenuating again...
Perhaps, thousands of years later, the pressure here will completely dissipate.
Of all this, Ye Chen, who was refining the golden red liquid, naturally had no idea.
At this moment, he is in a wonderful state.
There was a sudden loud noise.
On the stone platform, Ye Chen's body sitting cross-legged, among the 480 million pores, all opened in an instant.
Thousands of thick and thin purple electric lights are densely covering the sky, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth within a radius of a million miles surges like a tide, rushing into Ye Chen's body like a mad, like the Yangtze River, continuous, and like a long whale sucking water, silent Interest-free.
At this moment, but only heard a roar in the sky, like a cry from the dead, behind Ye Chen, the wind and clouds suddenly rose.
The world changed color for a while!
A huge, burly figure full of desolation, suddenly appeared behind Ye Chen, like a huge world, and like a from ancient times!
In an instant, almost all the creatures were shocked in the surrounding area of ​​a million miles.
Near or far, they all watched with horror at the giant figure that suddenly appeared in the void, standing on top of the earth, with muscle knots, and the overwhelming majestic atmosphere swept across the entire world.
"That is... the afterimage of the Great God Pangu?"
"Pangu Great God Projection appeared in Dazhou Mountain, could it be that some strange treasure was born?"
"Go, go, Pangu legacy, if you can get it..."
Suddenly, the wind was surging, and on the whole of the wild land, some people with a little cultivation, all added the light, auspicious clouds, and magic weapons, and flew towards the Dazhou Mountain.
At this time, Da Zhou Mountain, although Ye Chen refined the internal Pangu spinal cord, the pressure was continuously reduced, but it was not that these little people in the realm of true immortal, heavenly immortal, and golden immortal could bear it.
Before reaching the edge of Buzhou Mountain, a large number of figures fell like rain.
There are even unlucky ghosts, so if they accidentally fall alive, they will benefit those wild beasts on the wild land.
But no one regretted or flinched.
After all, the title "Pangu Legacy" is really too tempting, and since these people have awakened the true spirit, they have practiced in a muddle-headed manner, so how could they miss this rare opportunity?
Among the sky full of light and cloud shadows, there are three figures with the fastest speed, almost instantly, they came to the foot of Dazhou Mountain.
And after that, more or less, some people came to the front of the Great Zhou Mountain.
But... when I got here, no one dared to fly up. Instead, he condensed the magic weapon of escape, and started to climb towards the towering mountains.
When there were a large number of cultivators outside, and they rushed towards Dazhou Mountain, Ye Chen, who was cultivating inside Dazhou Mountain, also woke up leisurely.
Feeling that his body is almost twice as strong, a hint of joy appeared on his face.
"This ancient spinal cord is really amazing..."
You must know that when you cultivate to the realm of Ye Chen, your physical body has been strengthened to a point where it can't be added, and it is extremely difficult to improve a little bit.
And a small liquid can make him more than doubled on this basis!
This is not as simple as one plus one equals two...
"If I can get more Pangu essence and blood...maybe, my Eighty-Nine Profound Art may really break through to the ninth level, achieve the Dao with strength, and break through the Hunyuan realm!"
A trace of fire flashed in his eyes, Ye Chen said quietly.
But immediately, he laughed dumbly and shook his head: "This kind of opportunity is a blessing once encountered. How can there be so much good luck to be met by me."
Speaking of it, the sea of ​​blood is actually a legacy of Pangu blood...
It's just that it was a mass of umbilical cord blood, not essence blood. Even if Ye Chen swallowed the entire sea of ​​blood, he couldn't break through.
"It's also time to leave..."
After taking a look at the empty stone cave and confirming that there was nothing else inside, Ye Chen gave birth to the intention of leaving.
After all, he came to this prehistoric plane, and has not yet figured out what state he is in.
"But before leaving, it is rare to come to Dazhou Mountain. If you don't look for it, how can you be worthy of so many opportunities left by the Great God Pangu?"
Ye Chen knew that there were also many treasures in the Great Zhou Mountain.
He was summoned by the mark of the opening sky before, and he wanted to climb to the top of the mountain to find out.
Now that I got this group of spinal cord, I naturally wanted to find out.
After losing that group of spinal cord in the cave, Ye Chen was no longer affected by the coercion in the Dazhou Mountain. With a thought, he came to the top of the mountain.
"It's strange... how come there is so much life aura all at once."
Under the sweep of Divine Mind, the dense silhouettes at the foot of the mountain naturally couldn't help Ye Chen.
And hearing these people continue to talk about "Pangu Legacy", "Inheritance", and "Benefits", there is also a strange look on their faces.
"These people...Is it possible that Chengdu was attracted by me?"
Looking at the more and more creatures below with a little dumbfounding, Ye Chen was also quite speechless.
He also didn't expect that he was only in the Great Zhou Mountain, and he did a little practice, and it caused such a big sensation.
However, there is one thing that these people are not wrong, and that is that there are indeed many good things on the Great Zhou Mountain...
Knowing that someone came here to compete with him for the treasure, Ye Chen was also unceremonious, shrunk his ground into an inch, relying on the fact that he was not affected by pressure, and constantly shuttled through the mountains, looking for the possible treasure.
This search really found a lot of good things.
Such as the first banana tree, the first purple bamboo, the vermilion fruit tree...
If these things are placed on other planes, I am afraid that it will be enough to cause countless people to fight for scalp blood. But in this prehistoric plane, it grows quietly on Dazhou Mountain, unobtrusive.
But said this banana tree.
According to legend, there are four banana leaves on the banana tree, which are divided into the four major attributes of "land, water, wind, and fire". Although the first two are unknown, the latter two are famous all over the world.
The wind-type banana fan was once in the hands of Princess Iron Fan. A single fan can fan the enemy out of 84,000 miles, which is extremely powerful.
In Journey to the West, Tang Seng and his apprentice experienced nine, nine and eighty-one difficulties.
One of the difficulties is the everlasting flame mountain.
In this regard, it was Sun Wukong's supernatural powers, and he was helpless. In the end, he finally borrowed this wind-attributed banana fan, slammed the Flame Mountain, and the four masters and apprentices were able to walk together.
The fire-attribute bananas were obtained by the Taiqing saints who divided the Sanqing spirit into the head of the Pangu Yuanshen.
His incarnation is too old, and he is used to fan the fire to make alchemy.
During the Journey to the West, the two boys, Golden Horn and Silver Horn, took away many treasures from the lower realm. Among them was the fire-attribute banana fan, and they almost defeated Monkey King...
and so……
These four banana leaves seem inconspicuous, but if they are slightly refined after they are mature, they are four innate spiritual treasures.
As for the congenital purple bamboo, it has the effect of purifying the heart and can resist the demons.
Although it is not very effective, it is worthy of Ye Chen to transplant it into his own small world in the name of "innate".
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