Chapter 1040: The lich is over

The ninth and ninety-eighth chapter is the end of the Lich
The previous fierce fight had already made Xing Tian unable to support it.
Fortunately, Di Jiang and the others acted on the spot, and quickly helped him share part of the cost of the formation, which made the twelve capitals of the gods continue to support it.
But this change.
However, Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi were in sight.
"Everyone, the twelve capitals of the gods are huge, and it costs a lot. I'm afraid they won't last long. As long as I hold on for a while, I can defeat it without a fight!"
Hearing what Emperor Jun said, the demons below were shocked.
Immediately, under the guidance of Kunpeng, another huge force of stars was introduced from above the nine heavens and gathered into the large array, making the entire starlight world once again dazzling.
"Pangu axe, condensate--!"
Following the Wanzhang Pangu real body, he shouted.
Above the Kunlun Mountains, Yuanshi Tianzun was using the technique of water mirrors, leading a group of disciples to watch the Lich battle, and suddenly felt that the Pangu banner in the original spirit was shaking violently, as if it was about to fly away through the air.
In response to this, Yuanshi Tianzun let out a cold snort, tapped the index finger of his left hand lightly, and the Pangu banner was instantly quiet.
The same scene happened in Shouyang Mountain.
In this regard, Taiqing Laozi also smiled slightly, and easily suppressed the Taiji diagram's abnormal movement.
Although Pangu's real body did not summon the Three Treasures of Open Heaven, a deep shadow of axe appeared, and a sharp breath emerged spontaneously, making everyone present feel a sense of suffocation.
After the appearance of Axe Shadow, Pangu's real body flickered again, and it seemed a bit unsupportable.
Seeing the axe in Pan Gu Zhen's hand, Di Jun's eyelids throbbed, and he shouted in his heart: "That's Pan Gu axe."
Although it is only a phantom, its power must not be underestimated.
Regarding this, Di Jun couldn't help gritting his teeth, and a burst of blood spurted out, falling on Hetu and Luoshu.
"Hunyuan Heluo Wujitian, Zhou Tianxing fights Hunyuan."
Suddenly, three hundred and sixty-five Zhoutian stars competed together to make a masterpiece.
Suddenly, a huge starlight barrier appeared.
The huge shadow of the axe fell on the starlight barrier, and the two sides held a stalemate for only a short while.
"Ka... Click!"
With a crisp sound, a crack appeared above the huge starlight barrier.
Then, the cracks widened.
And the surrounding space is constantly torn, ground, water, fire and wind roar.
A huge mushroom cloud appeared in the array.
Three hundred and sixty-five demon commanders vomited blood together, their faces were gray, and dozens of demon commanders died in an instant. For a while, the originally well-operated Zhou Tianxingdou large array instantly appeared flaws.
"it is good!"
Seeing the flaws in the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, Di Jiang was also happy, manipulating the huge Pan Gu body, once again waved the giant axe in his hand, and slashed towards the great formation with an axe that was even more powerful than before.
Suddenly, I saw this scene.
Emperor Jun and Tai looked pale, and their hearts were ashen.
And Kun Peng, Bai Ze, Fuxi and others also closed their eyes.
They knew that with this broken Zhoutian Star Dou formation, they couldn't resist this huge axe.
At this moment, a roar sounded.
"Nvwa, you dare!"
A red hydrangea appeared in the air, directly facing the huge shadow of axe.
The shadow of the axe shattered, and after the red hydrangea hovered in the air for a while, it attacked the body of Panguzhen.
A Tai Chi picture appeared, blocking Nu Wa's blow.
"Sister Nuwa, enough!"
At this time, in the chaos, Nuwa was also looking at the figure in front of her, her pretty face covered with frost, and she said solemnly, "Brother, what do you mean?"
"Junior Sister, this matter is between the two groups of Lich. Let's wait and see how it becomes better."
In this regard, Laozi smiled slightly, his face full of leisurely meaning.
"What if I say no?"
When Nuwa heard the words, her eyebrows were erected.
"Then I can only accompany Junior Sister Nuwa. I have done one in this chaos."
A faint voice sounded.
I saw a middle-aged Taoist in the void, with three long beards in his lower jaw, glowing rays of light all over his body, and holding a Three Treasure Jade Ruyi in his hand, which is the Heavenly Zun of Yuqing Yuanshi.
Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun, Nuwa's face suddenly changed: "Two brothers, you..."
"We are here, just to persuade Junior Sister to put out this thought, and don't make me wait for embarrassment.
Yuanshi Tianzun nodded slightly, nodded and said, "As for the previous action by Junior Sister, we shall assume it has never happened before, okay?"
In response, Nu Wa also snorted coldly, turned and walked into the Wa Palace.
She also knew that facing Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi Tianzun, she was naturally unable to compete with her alone.
Just when Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi confronted Nuwa in the chaos.
On the battlefield below, it also gradually entered a white-hot state.
Hearing a loud noise, the great array burst.
The group of demon races in the formation, except for the ten great demon saints including demon masters Kunpeng, Fuxi, and Bai Ze, as well as Emperor Jun, Taiyi and others, all turned into fly ash.
Even so, Di Jun and the others were all wounded, and there was little power to fight again.
Just when Pan Gu's real body was about to attack again, he saw a twinkle of the ten thousand zhang giant, and then a flash of brilliant light, revealing the twelve ancestor witches including Dijiang.
It turned out that the previous blow and exhausted the last trace of Dijiang and others' strength.
Seeing this, Di Jun suddenly revealed the true form of the Golden Crow.
There was only a long cry, and a huge three-legged golden crow appeared in the sky.
The three-legged golden crow rushed towards the ancestral witches, the huge body surrounded the four of them, and the sun was really burning.
When Tai saw this, his face was pale, and he wailed, "Big brother, never do it."
Di Jun looked back at Tai Yi and then at the billions of monsters, suddenly letting go of all his breath.
The real body of the three-legged Golden Crow was also swelling continuously, and he laughed horribly in his mouth.
"The Lich fought for a whole Yuanhui, now it's over here!"
The Four Great Ancestor Witches who had been restrained by him saw this, and couldn't help but feel dead.
You must know that although the Twelve Capital Tianshen evil formations dissipated, they still severely damaged the Demon Race. As long as you work harder, you can win a complete victory.
Who would have thought that Di Jun was so crazy, he blew himself up.
You know, Di Jun is a master of the late quasi-sage!
If it explodes, how many people can resist the power of that self-detonation, and how many people can be left of this billions of witches?
And Di Jun played exactly this idea.
Although the Twelve Ancestral Witches consumed a lot of summoning Pangu's true body, most of their combat power was still retained.
As for the monster race, due to the destruction of the Zhoutian Star Dou formation, almost the vast majority of the monster race died in the aftermath, and most of the remaining ones were also seriously injured.
If this situation is allowed to continue, the Yaozu's defeat may become inevitable.
When the time comes, how can the Wu Clan that have won a complete victory leave room for the Monster Clan to continue to linger?
But Emperor Jun's move was intended to sacrifice himself in exchange for a glimmer of life for the monster race.
With the development of the emperor's momentum to the peak.
There was only a loud noise, the world was shaken, the mountains and rivers were broken, the space was cracked, and the earth, water and fire reappeared.
Look at the Wu Clan again.
Although Dijiang and other ancestral witches tried their best to block the aftermath of the explosion, they still inevitably caused countless witches to fall.
As for the Twelve Ancestral Witch.
Because of Di Jun's focus on taking care of him, he blew himself up, and all three of them fell all at once!
The others were all seriously injured!
"Yaozu, you...damn it!"
As this sound fell, Zhu Rong's eyes turned red, and he rushed towards the monster battle formation.
"Zhu Rong, don't be impulsive."
Seeing this situation, Di Jiang and others also quickly caught up.
Just one emperor blew himself up and they suffered heavy losses.
If one or two quasi-sage level masters explode, they are afraid that their twelve ancestor witches will fall here!
Di Jiang suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.
Looking at the monster clan, Tai Yihu had tears in his eyes, and rushed into the Witch clan camp as if he was crazy.
"Brother, I'm here to accompany you!"
The huge Golden Crow body appeared on the battlefield again.
Due to the fact that Emperor Jun blew himself up earlier, many witches were obviously prepared this time, and they all changed directions to try to evacuate.
There was another loud noise as before.
This time, among the remaining Wu Clan, another half fell.
This time, except for Dijiang, Gonggong, Zhujiuyin, and Xingtian, the rest of the ancestral witches fell one after another.
At this time, the war had reached its peak, and was stimulated by Emperor Jun and Taiyi who blew themselves one after another, and many of the monsters blew themselves up.
Although the momentum is not as great as before, the destructive power caused is also considerable.
"Boom, boom, boom--!"
Accompanied by several loud noises, a group of demons blew themselves up, and how could the Wu Clan show weakness.
"Brothers, come on!"
With the roar of Dijiang, the Wu Clan feared death, and launched a violent impact toward the Yao Clan camp.
After a scuffle, the world shook, and sentient beings trembled.
Under this series of self-detonations, the Lich Clan almost all died and wounded, and there was no one left.
As for the powerful, there are very few.
Among the witches, only the ancestral witch of Gonggong and a few great witches remain.
On the other hand, the demon clan, Emperor Jun and Tai both fell, Fuxi died in battle, and among the ten great demon saints, only Bai Ze and Shang Yang survived.
In addition, Kunpeng also escaped this disaster because he was presiding over the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array.
Looking at the empty Bu Zhou Mountain, thinking that the brothers who had been with him for hundreds of millions of years were all dead, Gong Gong couldn't help but grieve, and his heart was furious, muttering authentic.
"All dead, all dead, what's the use of leaving this world!"
With that, he transformed into a real body and slammed into Bu Zhou Shan.
Although Buzhou Mountain was transformed by the backbone of Pangu, it had gone through two catastrophes and the impact of many quasi-sage masters who blew themselves up.
I was hit by Gong Gong.
Hearing a loud bang, Buzhou Mountain was knocked down!
At the moment when Buzhou Mountain fell, a large hole appeared at the top of Buzhou Mountain, and countless Tianhe water poured down.
In an instant, it flooded the earth for thousands of miles.
And those warriors of the Lich family who had fought heavily near Buzhou Mountain were smashed to death and drowned by the water of Tianhe that came suddenly, and only more than ten thousand men with high mana power survived.
Although the Lich Clan are all men with high powers, the water of the Tianhe River is the essence of the sunflower water, which is extremely heavy.
No matter what you pass, you can't escape, all sinking to the bottom.
In addition, the members of the Second Clan of the Lich were injured.
In a short moment, many people of the Lich Clan were crushed and drowned.
As the water of Tianhe continued to fall, a mysterious yellow pagoda suddenly appeared in the sky.
The pagoda instantly grew bigger, blocking the holes in the sky, making part of the Tianhe water unable to continue to fall.
Then, a simple small clock appeared in the sky, and it began to absorb the falling Tianhe water.
And just after the appearance of the small clock, another scroll, a twelfth-grade golden lotus, appeared in the sky, and also began to absorb the water of the Tianhe that had previously been scattered in the wilderness.
Then, in the sky, there appeared four more frightful swords, the Seven Treasure Trees, and a pair of banners.
The instant the four swords of Zhuxian, the Seven Treasure Tree, and the Pangu banner appeared, they would fix the hole that was still expanding and stop it from breaking.
Buzhou Mountain is a pillar of heaven, and the height of the sky is unknown.
After the fault of Buzhou Mountain fell, it lay directly from the east to the west, crushing countless lives, and the nearby mountains and rivers were turned into flat ground by Buzhou Mountain.
The huge hole in the sky, although it was fixed by the joint efforts of all the saints.
But before the fall of Buzhou Mountain, countless Tianhe waters poured in, causing serious floods in the barren land.
Just when Buzhou Mountain collapsed.
Several figures appeared instantly, it was Ye Chen, Laozi, Yuanshi, Nuwa and other saints.
Seeing the broken land and the flooding of Tianhe, all the saints quickly sacrificed their spiritual treasures to protect the wild world.
And this time.
The remnants of the lich had long since ceased fighting. Seeing several saints here, they all remained silent and watched the saints do.
"It's a pity, the Tianzhu broke, and from now on, there will be no support."
Silently put the broken Buzhou Mountain into his bag, and looked at the huge hole in the sky, Ye Chen said quietly.
"I don't know, fellow daoists, is there any way to fill this hole and save lives from the fire and water, it is also a great merit!"
Laozi and others had no idea about Ye Chen's previous actions.
Only Yuanshi.
There was a strange feeling in my heart...
It's like something that belongs to me, taken away by others.
But the most important right now.
It's still how to recover the losses caused after the collapse of the Fuzhou Mountain.
I saw that Laozi nodded slightly, turned his head to look at Nu Wa and said, "Junior Sister Nuwa cultivates the way of good fortune, and this matter of repairing the sky is left to Junior Sister!"
Nuwa also knows that there will be merits in patching the sky, so she nodded without hesitation: "Brother, this is great. I still have some colorful sacred stones from Fenbao Rock in my hand. The artifacts of the colorful stone."
As soon as the words fell, I saw a three-legged small tripod flying out of the 33rd layer.
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