Chapter 12: : Off the Fan Cage

The branch on the moon, meeting the beautiful woman, sitting in front of the ancient tomb, Su Jin at the stone table looked at the moon for a while, and then looked at the dragon girl, with a heartfelt smile on her face. Watch 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Network
"What are you laughing at?" Xiaolong asked in wonder.
"Because I think of you!"
"Is there anything funny?" The little dragon girl frowned.
Su Jin paused, and suddenly understood that the simple little dragon girl could not understand these earthly love words, so she said straightforwardly: "People will feel happy once they think of beautiful things, not that you are funny, but It means how beautiful you are. "
The little dragon girl was thin-skinned and was ashamed by the straightforward words, pointing blankly at the dense forest and saying, "You go out!"
"Well, you blush!" Su Jin said in surprise.
"Yeah!" The little dragon girl blushed so much that she accidentally patted the thick stone table in front of her.
Su Jin looked at the crack on the stone table, swallowed a spit, and stood up and flew away: "Excuse me, excuse me, Girl Dragon, I will come to you again tomorrow night."
"You don't want to come again," shouted Xiaolongnv, but received no reply.
In the tomb, her grandmother smiled at the discouraged expression on the face of the dragon girl who was so cold.
That's good.
In the early morning the next day, the sky was just bright. Yang Guo, who had been waiting for a long time, flew out of his house like a sharp arrow, ignoring all the weird eyes, trotting to the door of Su Jin, and dare not call, so the heart beat Waiting.
"Don't be so nervous." Su Jin took two swords and walked out of the door: "What's the point of building foundation skills?"
Speaking of this, Yang Guo's excited face suddenly seemed to be poured into a basin of cold water: "Brother, I still can't find the sense of anger. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Website"
"Don't worry, take your time. Except for some evil skills, any martial arts is not something that can be achieved overnight." Su Jin delivered the long sword in his left hand to him: "This iron sword will be given to you. Then we started practicing swords. "
"Thank you elder brother!" Yang Guobao took the iron-making sword in his hands, pulled it out, and waved excitedly in the air.
After waiting for his excitement to calm down a little, Su Jin said slowly, "You are a disciple of Quanzheng, so it ’s not illegal for me to teach you Quanzheng Sword. Yang Guo, you remember, Quanzheng Sword There are a total of seven swords in Fa, the first sword, Zhang Fan holding up the bow, and the tenderness is not good, the small bow light boat, the brook stream, the flat boat one leaf, the river is practising, the waves are vast. Beidou, the autumn breeze, the oblique wind, the drizzle, the drizzle and the drizzle at night ... "
As he said, Su Jin's body moved, and the sword in her hand broke through the sheath, as the fisherman raised the wood pulp, the sea waved, the westerly played the triumphant song, the sky fell heavy rain, the silver light shone, and the sword was like a curtain. Look It took Yang to cross his eyes.
After a long time, the thunder broke into anger, the sea waves flattened, and Yang slammed in front of him. The long sword did not know when it had been included in the scabbard.
"Great swordsmanship!"
"It's natural." Su Jin said: "At that time, Huashan discussed swords, and the ancestor of Chongyang relied on this set of swordsmanship to overpower the remaining four masters and win the world's best master. Unfortunately, no matter how good the moves are, no one can appreciate the essence of swordsmanship , It is difficult to reproduce the style of the world's first sword. "
Yang Guo's face was full of longing: "Brother, I will be the best master in the world in the future."
"Because then no one will look down on me again."
Su Jin froze and reached out and patted his shoulder: "Work hard, I believe you can."
Time flies, like a white horse passing through a gap, and more than half a month passed.
On this day, Su Jin was teaching Yang Guo to practice, and loud bells suddenly passed from the direction of Wanshou Palace.
The two took away the swords, took their luck, and joined a full-discipline disciple, hurried to the gate of the palace.
"Today we called everyone over because Elder Sun Buer made some new discoveries." Qiu Chuji stood on the stone steps of the palace and looked down at a group of disciples.
Is it finally over? Su Jin's spirit refreshed, and she could not wait any longer.
This Chongyang Palace is really boring and ruthless. If you can teach Yang Guo during the day, you can go to the little dragon girl to chat at night before going to bed. I'm afraid he can't stay for a day.
"This is a letter I dug out from under Ma Jucai's room." Sun Buer held up a piece of light white stationery in his hand and said faintly: "It is full of words threatening Ma Jucai, and framed Shiping's nephew and me. All plans! Everyone circulates to see who ’s writing this. "
In the crowd, Zhao Zhijing gave a stun in his heart.
Although he has never written any correspondence, he knows the routine of these older generations of conspirators. It doesn't matter if there is no evidence, they can create countless evidences in their favor!
"This writing seems to be Brother Zhijing." When the letter was passed to a disciple, a word he inadvertently whispered seemed to be a flat thunder, banging in everyone's heart.
"It's impossible!" Zhao Zhijing couldn't hold back anymore. He turned the crowd away and snatched the letter in his hand. He screamed at first glance: "This is someone imitating my handwriting, I don't even have I wrote this letter, I don't know what happened! "
"The evidence is conclusive, you still want to deny it?" Sun Buer smiled coldly and turned to Ma Jucai: "What are you waiting for? Helping Quanzheng to find out the real rat feces is also a good thing for you. . "
"It was Zhao Zhijing who made me do this." Amazingly, Ma Jucai really gave a definite answer.
"It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous." Zhao Zhijing suddenly reached out his finger and pointed to Sun Fuji: "I swear to God that this thing was not done by me, and I didn't know it at all. This letter was for her purpose to make me blame her For the evidence that came out, Ma Jucai was definitely threatened by her, and she changed her mouth again. "
"That ... Could you let me say a word!" Su Jin said suddenly as she watched the battle between them escalate further.
"Ping'er, what can you say straight away?" Qiu Chu said.
Su Jin nodded at him and said, "Don't argue, the conclusion is obvious now, isn't it? Anyway, it doesn't matter if Zhao Zhijing harms me or Uncle Sun harms me, the killer is right between them. If Zhao Zhijing is really fierce, then how can Wang Zhiyi and Uncle Wang be here? How can I treat Zhao Zhijing? If Uncle Sun Buer harms me, then there is Uncle Ma Yu, how can I treat this uncle? "
In a word, the house was silent.
"So, I really don't have the patience to play with you any more." Su Jin said, nodding a head at Qiu Chuji: "Master, disciples go too."
Sun Fuer looked pale and blue, and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Qiu Chuji.
"Zhiping my apprentice, although you and I are mentors and apprentices, but I have the same feelings as my father and son, I will be far away from the rivers and lakes, and I hope you will be careful all the way, you will still be a child when you return!"
Su Jin shivered, her forehead banged on the ground, and said quietly, "Master, treasure!"
Full of ten sounds, Su Jin stood up and walked to the outside world without hesitation.
"Brother, I will go with you." Yang Guo called out loud.
"Small beast, you shut up!" Zhao Zhijing scolded angrily, a pair of eyes full of anger daring to choose someone to eat.
"Yang Guo, remember those words I said to you, and study martial arts in Chongyang Palace, we will definitely have a good-bye day in the future." Su Jin turned his back on them, waved his hand, followed Free and easy, free and easy, like a fairy crane out of the fan cage, escape from the prison. There is no obstacle from north to west, Ren Jun goes straight to Jiu Xiaoyun.
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