Vol 5 Chapter 61: : Spirit clone

"All human beings on the earth are my bargaining chips. Look at 1 Mao 2 Wire 3 Chinese Website," said the leader of the cloud indifferently. How to explain it is sinners of this world.
And in order to prevent others from reading my memory, long ago, I completely blocked my brain. Your soul-searching or mind-reading may work for Hua Yan, but for me, it will fail completely. "
Su Jin pinched her opponent's body between her fingers, raised her left hand, and pressed it on his head. The thoughts were like countless cattle capillaries, forcibly penetrated into his brain. Before touching the brain, she was layered. The hard material intercepted it. If you want to break through this layer forcibly, you can only increase the strength of the mind, but this will inevitably cause the other party's skull to burst and brain to burst, which does not meet Su Jin's needs at this time.
"See?" Although the leader of Yun didn't feel anything, but based on the behavior of the other party, he guessed the truth and said with a little pride: "Many times, personal strength is not the key to victory, otherwise Chu Bawang will not lose to Han Gaozu. The brain is the only magic weapon for defeating the enemy. As long as you are smart enough, you can easily make the big and weak with the weak! "
Su Jin shook her head and said, "You're talking too much nonsense. Something has blocked your brain. Can I finish taking this layer out?"
Mr. Yun's smile froze on his face: "No, you can't do this. Unless you dissect my skull, but if you do, I will die immediately. Don't expect to search for me Soul, I have no soul. My soul was dedicated to the president when I joined the association. "
Su Jin didn't say much anymore, replaced her right hand with infinite gloves and put it on his forehead. The space gem on the gloves flashed a light, and a layer of sticky gelatinous material was taken out by him. Lift it and dump it in the trash.
Leader Yun's eyes were almost glaring into a bull's eye, and he said in horror, "It's impossible to pick things up?"
This time, Su Jin's thoughts penetrated into the head of Yun Yun unobstructedly, and he found his secret base and something about the antiviral serum through soul searching. Look. Yarn, Chinese website
When Su Jin thought that she had got what she wanted and was about to withdraw the divine thoughts from the other person's brain, she suddenly discovered a fact that could not be ignored.
This guy's memory has obvious faults, not the faults that are naturally forgotten, but nothing, a blank fault.
Withdrawing the divine thoughts, raising his right hand, Su Jin sat back on the leather chair, and lifted his restraint on the leader Yun with a finger: "You can threaten me with the loss of the virus, you must have seen the biochemical crisis, right?"
Looking at Su Jin's frown, the leader of Yun was a little confused, so he was even confused: "What do you mean?"
"The heroine in the biochemical crisis is a clone, and the real leader of the cloud must be the brain powder of the biochemical crisis." Su Jin said.
The words were very informative, but the leader of Yun understood it, his body trembled slightly: "No, it's impossible, I will never be a clone!"
Su Jin said: "How do you explain the missing and blank in your memory?"
Leader Yun said: "It was because I dedicated my soul to the chairman, and some memories disappeared with the soul."
"Don't deceive yourself any more." Su Jin shook her head and said, "The most realistic inference is that Leader Yun himself is a loyal fan of the biochemical crisis of the movie and wrote a novel similar to the biochemical crisis, so he can summon the virus You can even summon the zombies directly. And you, but he cloned himself with the ability of the spirit master, so you are incomplete, even your memory is just a text written by the real cloud leader. If If you still have doubts, then show me that you can summon the zombies directly. "
Team leader Yun froze for a long time and couldn't return to God.
"Om ... um ..." At this moment, Su Jin's cell phone in his pants pocket suddenly vibrated.
He stared at Team Leader Yun blinklessly, pulled out his phone, and connected the call: "Hey."
"Uncle Su, how is your progress there? Now the zombie virus has erupted on a large scale. The police department has held a press conference to require the entertainment venues to be closed. All communities and villages must be closed to prevent this terrible virus. Continue to spread. "Xia Dongqing said anxiously.
"Don't worry, don't worry, it's about to be over," Su Jin said softly.
"Okay, I'll wait for your good news." Xia Dongqing breathed a long sigh of relief, and then hung up the phone.
Su Jin put the phone back in her pocket, and said to the leader of the cloud, "Are you willing? As a clone, always flexible as a fake word?"
"I'm not the spirit." Leader Yun emphasized.
"You are the spirit!" Su Jin said in a deep voice: "It is a spirit who lives in the pen of others and is wantonly modified by others."
Leader Yun's breathing gradually thickened, his eyes and said, "What do you want to say?"
"Whether it's the word or not, it's determined by fate, and it has nothing to do with you. But now you can change this situation." Su Jin said, "For example ... kill the real cloud leader, take away To his identity, to live as him. "
Captain Yun closed his eyes and said, "I don't know where he is."
Su Jin said: "No, you know."
"You mean ... the base?" Huo Ran, the leader of the cloud, opened his eyes and sank.
"Come on." Su Jin turned and walked towards the door: "His life is yours, and the antiviral serum is mine."
Seeing that this guy had already opened the door, Team Leader gritted his teeth and followed up: "I don't understand, why are you so certain that you must have antiviral serum?"
Su Jindao: "The program of the Chinese Spirit Masters Association is to build a kingdom of gods on earth, not to create on earth."
Team leader Yun froze, speechless.
The base in their mouths is not the headquarters base of the Chinese Spirit Masters Association, but the base that the real leader Yun gradually built after coming to Haiyang.
Team Leader Lingyun has traveled more than once between the base and the outside world. Everyone in the group treats him as the team leader. This environment and inner fear have made him give up the desire to explore countless times and chose to ignore certain details .
More than two hours later, when I came to the entrance of the underground base again, the leader of the Lingyun Group understood in his heart that this was an action that was almost a life-threatening action, either he died or really died!
Taking a deep breath, he walked to the fingerprint lock iron door and pressed his right index finger on the small fingerprint sensor.
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